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  1. I agree with Morien on the Nimue/Viviane thing. Viviane probably should have a larger role in the GPC, but that's not the point of errata.
  2. I think it might be a reference to the magic rules, which did require rolling multiple d20s for various purposes (usually to determine how much magic power you had)
  3. The only obvious magician from the Welsh sources would be Menw, who was a contemporary of Arthur's. As a result, you'd probably have to use his mentor, who according to the Triads was ... Uther Pendragon.
  4. The Saxons probably would want to be involved in some way - they clearly have some reverence for horses given that "Hengist" and "Horsa" literally mean "Stallion" and "Horse" and a white stallion has to this day been the official symbol of Kent.
  5. The May Babies is kind of weird in that, according to my sources, it's something of a political cartoon. The short explanation is that Emperor Frederick II regained Christian control over Jerusalem while excommunicated, then had himself crowned King of Jerusalem while still excommunicated, and thus technically profaned the holiest city, so the Cistercian monks who wrote the Vulgate created the scenario of the May Babies to critisize this - the paramount monarch (Arthur/Frederick) committing a profane act (infanticide/crusading while excommunicate) at what should be the height of his achievements (Being crowned King of Logres/Jerusalem). It is, of course, something that loses a lot of meaning in the modern world.
  6. I saw it, it was good. Some things for people who are on the fence of seeing it to note: It's not an action movie as the trailers might imply, but a much more quiet and artsy film It is really, REALLY, surreal, with a common theme from all but the initial act being the film almost demanding the audience ask "Okay, how real is this scene? How much should I take at face value?" From what I understand, this is common with the director There are deviations from the tale, but they are fairly mild and it still hits all the major story beats of the original poem (and maintaining an ironclad fidelity to Arthurian canon is probably a fool's errand in any event).
  7. Also, in lore Artgualchar was later re-imagined as a knight named Arthall or Artegall, who is of course best known for being Britomart's lover in Spencer's "The Faerie Queene."
  8. You're most likely thinking of the Artognou Stone: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artognou_stone Its Arthurian connections have, unsurprisingly, been hotly debated.
  9. I think you hit the nail on the head with Howard Pyle, who was an American. In 1903. In other words, a man from a country that at the time had an incredibly Celtophilic undercurrent in its culture. Americans had (and still have to a lesser degree) an obsession with Irish and Scottish culture due to British oppression of the Irish and numerous politicians and businessmen of early days of the US having Scottish ancestry. By Pyle's time, while Arthur was still usually treated as the quintessential High Middle Ages monarch, it was also becoming common knowledge that he originated from the Welsh (Cian of the Chariots, considered the first true "Dark Ages" take on the story, had come out in the 1880s) and Wales, Ireland, same difference, right? Obviously, in actuality Welsh and Irish culture are very different and there's no record of the Welsh using a title like High King - the figures who you'd think would qualify, Arthur included, are titled King of the Britons.
  10. This idea was inspired by the Roman War thread, but I thought it would be a useful thread on its own - a collection of alternate ideas on how to play the GPC. As written, the GPC draws from two major, modern influences - Rosemary Sutcliffe and T.H. White, with a bit of John Boorman's "Excalibur" thrown in. While this isn't too surprising - between "The Sword in the Stone" and "Camelot" White's version is probably the most well known take on Arthur that doesn't have the king kill a rabbit with a hand grenade, while Sutcliffe's attempt to provide a historical Arthur looms large in Arthurian fictions, even as many of her conclusions, like the depiction of the Picts, become increasingly dated. But this needn't be the only way to do things. I've come up with a few potential variants: Dark Age GPC: Obviously a way to have a shorter GPC would be to choose your preferred theory and run through that. The "knights" would be milites following Arthur through the 13 battles, possibly fighting on the continent. Passions wouldn't be used since they are very much a Romantic idea, and Picts, rather than being based off an increasingly outdated concept, would have the same mechanics as Cymri. There would be no tech advancement - everyone would stick with the Uther period tech (and even that might be too advanced). Welsh GPC: This one takes from the Mabinogion and similar tales. Passions would be used, but they'd be interpreted differently. This is different from Dark Age GPC above as where that would emphasize "knight" as warrior, this would emphasize "knight" as adventurer - the crux would be going on larger than life adventures, dealing with giants, witches, and eldritch beings, and generally being classically heroic - the characters would probably have supernatural gifts similar to Gwalchmai's ability to run faster than any man alive or Cei's ability to grow to giant-size. Actually, this wouldn't really be a GPC at all, but a way to have a series of semi-related adventures without worrying about a larger plot - Camlann will still happen, but not at any set point. Note that if you want to be truly accurate, in neither of the above should stand-ins for the Grail Quest or Guinevere's adultery show up. While the prior did take on elements from Welsh tales later on, in both cases literary historiography has consensus that they were invented by Chretien de Troyes. Galfridian GPC: This is the big and most obvious one, in my opinion. What if the GPC more closely matched Geoffrey of Monmouth's tale. This goes back to knight as warrior - this is very much a war campaign from Ambrosius's death on. This is shorter than the main GPC - it ends at 542 with Arthur's death - since it focuses on the wars against the Saxons and Irish, then Arthur's conquests of the surrounding lands, then the Roman War, and finally Modred's rebellion. Romantic GPC: Like the Welsh variant, this would be more of a series of semi-related adventures that happen to have Camlann as a Sword of Damocles than a true campaign, for this is the Arthur of Chretien de Troyes and his peers - the Arthur whose greatest knights were Lancelot, Gawain, and Erec, the Arthur who first lived at Camelot, the Arthur who witnessed Tristram and Isolde. In fact, if you want to just play the game as intended but ignore the GPC (in other words, how things were presented in prior editions), this is probably the way to do it. Prose-Vulgate-Malorian GPC: I'm listing these three together since it needs to be remembered that Malory presented his work as merely an abridged version of the "French Book" (a compilation of Prose Tristan, the Vulgate Cycle, and the Post-Vulgate). This is the one closest to the actual GPC, but probably use older versions like the Boy King as a base, where the campaign starts in the Anarchy or with the drawing of the Sword in the Stone and Uther is a figure of memory. Likewise, don't bring in information of other sources - there are no Saxons, Arthur merely fights the King of Denmark for ... some reason ... during Lot's Rebellion. The Grail Quest is front and center in this version. I may go into greater detail on how I personally would do these, but I'd like to here other's opinions first.
  11. For Jenna, my general head canon has been that she marries the son of Duke Corneus, since in 4th Edition said son holds several manors on the Avon Valley.
  12. Yeah, if I was dealing with France, I'd rewrite the situation similar to how Book of Sires dealt with the Welsh Genealogies, starting out as history or folklore describes but changing to match the Romances as time goes on. To wit: -Clovis wouldn't be Claudas. While this is a popular association in Arthuriana and shows up in "Dark Age Arthur" style stories, it works there because those stories put Arthur around 480 or so. Clovis is dead by the time Arthur gets going in the GPC, so that association doesn't work in KAP. -Instead, assuming one keeps Clovis (and I admit, while writing this I came up with some other ideas), I'd give him only two sons: Claudas, replacing Choldomer (so that he can have Bourges and a border with Ganis), and Faramon, replacing Childebert (So that his lands can have a border with Brittany for Tristram to cross). Chlothar and Theuderic's inheritances won't matter, since Aquitaine is ruled by Ganis here and Germany apparently does its own thing in the Romances. As for whether Arthur should conquer France ... no. I'd have Claudas be as he is the source material, a constant enemy, but one who is chivalrous and friendly. I'd go with Vulgate France rather than a mock-up of the HYW.
  13. Well, Book of Sires doesn't go quite that route - in official KAP lore, Cadlew is the son of Tybion ap Cunedda, and so Lot is kin to the kings of Merionydd. As an aside, Nentres is another great-grandson of Cunedda, although his line seems to be entirely an invention of Chaosium's (Nentres ap Clydog ap Herawd ap Cunedda). Strangely, Uriens isn't listed in either the Gododdin or Coeling family trees Book of Sires gives, although its a simple matter to add his lineage (Uriens ap Cynfarch ap Meirion ap Gwrast ap Ceneu) into the Coelings.
  14. His father's name is Cadlew in the GPC and Book of Sires, btw (taken from the Harleain MS 3859). I personally also have Cadlew as the famed northern warleader in the early Uther Period, since pushing Lot's birth back runs the risk of ironically making him too old when Arthur shows up.
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