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Looking for some texts


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I’m doing some campaign planning. It will ofc also function as a general scenario inventory.

”A Rough Visit to Glamour” references several texts I don’t have. Could anyone help me find the following:

* A Rough Guide to Glamour

* The Fall of Whitewall

* The Knowledge Temple of Pavis

I think the last one is in one of the ”Pavis and Borderlands Companion” volumes. Where can I find those?


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22 minutes ago, Puckohue said:

I’m doing some campaign planning. It will ofc also function as a general scenario inventory.

”A Rough Visit to Glamour” references several texts I don’t have. Could anyone help me find the following:

Can you help jog my memory where and when this was published?

Anything to do with this digest post by Ian Thomson?


22 minutes ago, Puckohue said:

* A Rough Guide to Glamour

This was a booklet produced as companion volume for the Freeform "The Life of Moonson", IIRC. The authors (Mike Hagen, and possibly folk from the Tales crew, according to this digest post by Nick Brooke) of this freeform might be able to help you out with those texts, or otherwise ebay or a friendly owner of that publication allowing you sneak peaks. No idea how to contact Mike Hagen, though.


22 minutes ago, Puckohue said:

* The Fall of Whitewall

I was part of the fans who created the Whitewall group and the Whitewall Wiki back in those days, but I don't recall us using a text formally titled thus. We may have produced some material to that extent. There are descriptions of the Fall of Whitewall in Orlanth is Dead, of the Sartar Rising series, but I have no idea whether your reference is to any material in there.


22 minutes ago, Puckohue said:

* The Knowledge Temple of Pavis

I think the last one is in one of the ”Pavis and Borderlands Companion” volumes. Where can I find those?

The temple description should be part of the City of Pavis city description, which would be part of the Pavis box, the Pavis & The Big Rubble Glorantha classic, RQ3 River of Cradles and HQ2's Pavis: Gateway to Adventure.

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Telling how it is excessive verbis


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21 hours ago, Puckohue said:

I’m doing some campaign planning. It will ofc also function as a general scenario inventory.

”A Rough Visit to Glamour” references several texts I don’t have. Could anyone help me find the following:

* A Rough Guide to Glamour

Hi, Puckohue: I can't help with copies (try eBay?), but is there anything else you'd like to know about the "Rough Guide to Glamour"?

Cheers, Nick

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Here are the Map and View of Glamour by Julie Hudson Gidlow, scanned from our Rough Guide to Glamour. The location numbers on Ian's scenario should match up. These days, Jeff and I think the City of Dreams is more likely to be a circular area within the city of Glamour, rather than the "other half" of a circular Moon Rune: see crude attached sketch. (IP = Imperial Palace; CoD = City of Dreams; HW = Citadel of Halfway; OG = Outer Glamour; 4B = Gate of Four Beasts)

Glamour Map.jpg

Glamour View.jpg

Glamour Revised.png

Edited by Nick Brooke
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Some text is referenced in Ian's scenario. Here's the first two paragraphs on p.3 of the Rough Guide to Glamour, by Chris Gidlow, from his article Glamour: The First Inspiration of Moonson:



Glamour, the majestic Metropolis of the Lunar Empire, is one of the greatest cities in all Glorantha. To the millions of devotees of the Lunar Way, it is far more than that. For here, they say, the Power of the Moon descends to touch the surface world. It is a city of beauty, might and unsurpassed wonder.

Glamour was founded by the Red Emperor soon after his Mother's apotheosis, close by the Crater which marked her ascent to the Heavens. The Emperor wished to provide a vision of the Harmony of the Lunar Way, a comfort for his followers and an inspiration to the world beyond. The Courtship of Moonson and Glamour is celebrated at every Lunar wedding, part of the Sacred Ritual called the Dance of Returns. The Red Emperor is shown wooing the nymph Glamour, called daughter of Tylenea, Mistress of Illusion. He bestowed on her the title "Inspiration of Moonson" and crowned her with the Diadem of Towers which formed the walls of the Inner City. She in turn lay out her lands for him, her three hills and sacred spring. In their union, the City of Glamour received its foundation.

Here's the left-hand column from p.4:


Glamour can be envisaged as a series of concentric circles radiating out from the Citadel of Halfway. Modelled on the Lunar Rune, a wall bisects the circle, dividing the Outer City, the City of Glamour proper, from the Inner City, Halfway and the City of Dreams. The City of Dreams is a separate walled enclave against the wall furthest from the Outer City's Gate of Four Beasts. The city slopes gradually up to Halfway, then rises steeply up the edge of the Crater to Moonson's Palace, perched at the very apex.

The Imperial Capital is surrounded by suburbs and even squalid shanty towns, each an enclave for some displaced or distant people. Sprawling out from the encircling walls of the city are numberless streets and alleyways. A semblance of order is imposed by the wide roads which radiate from the city. The main suburb spreads along the Canal and the Emperor's Highway towards Goodshore. Here reside the many thousands who come to Glamour in search of fame, fortune or inspiration, awaiting a chance to move closer to the heart of the Empire, the Crater and the City of Dreams.

A massive wall of jointless red stone diides the Outer City from the suburbs. Defensive engines of arcane design top its towers. Bat demons, Lunar demi-gods and unspeakable horrors patrol its battlements. Some say that even the gates are composed of living monster guardians, watchful against invasion.

And here is the whole description of the City of Dreams, from p.5:


The City of Dreams

Beyond the City of Glamour rises the City of Dreams. It is a place of wonder and enchantment, where doe-eyed houris languish in marble courtyards fragrant with fountains of rose-water. Gazelle-hipped boys flit naked through halls carpeted with peacock feathers, laughing as they go about their business. A lattice of bone and ruby discloses the perfumed divans of the Emperor's harem. The harmonies of an unseen orchestra waft across the rippled surface of a lamp-lit bath.

The City of Dreams is a vast palace, or rather complex of palaces, with miles of corridors, staircases and colonnaded walks linking parks, mansions and rooms whose purpose can only be guessed at. It is the residence of Moonson and the Radiant members of the Imperial family. Here, too, are palaces of the Glorious Sultans and their kin. The Illustrious of the Empire, the armies of courtiers and slaves, the officials of the Imperial Household, these also can be found within its walls. The Emperor's Cousin, the Red Dancer of Power, is a frequent visitor.

The often arcane workings of the court fall under the watchful eye of Mikos Theokonos, the Emperor's Voice, who lives to bring ease to the Son of Light. Little government business is carried out in this city of pleasure, rest and reward, the Imperial Presidium preferring the more austere surroundings of the Citadel of Halfway.

The City of Dreams rises in terraces up the outside of the Crater. The Silver Road from Outer Glamour skirts its sparkling walls to the Ringing Bridge, which echoes beneath the feet of hundreds of pilgrims who daily ascend to view the Holy Crater. Entrance to the City of Dreams is through the Silver Gate, a monument of exquisite and unparalleled beauty, which houses the Court of the Sultans. This gate, and other doors and staircases of the state apartments, are guarded by the Imperial Guard silver-masked Hell Sisters.

Moonson's palace, the House Crimson, sprawls along the very lip of the Crater, fringed by the Hanging Gardens of Celestial Delight. At its heart is the hallowed Ante-chamber of the Moon, sole entry to the Silver Bridge linking Glorantha to the Red Moon. Pilgrims who shield their eyes against the heavenly radiance may sometimes catch a glimpse of the Emperor and his huntsmen as they ride up the Silver Bridge to take their ease in His Mother's Manse upon the Moon.


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In the scenario, Duke Raus is travelling to Prax House:


45) Office of Provincial Government and Prax House

The many provinces of the Empire lie vast distances from the capital, and while the Imperial Moonboats provide speedy communication to these borderlands not all decisions can be delegated to the provincial governors. The Office of Provincial Government operates in Glamour as an adjunct to the administration based at Mirin's Cross in Saird, far up the Oslir river. It is not unknown for Appius Luxius, the Provincial Overseer, to occasionally make the journey himself  in order to consult with Moonson directly. The Office has recently been graced by the addition of Prax House, admired for its lifelike friezes of the nomad riders and their exotic beasts from this desert province.

But to get there, he starts by filling in paperwork at the Temple of Intriplicatos:


64) Temple of Intriplicatos

Visitors to the city, whether on business, pilgrimage or pleasure can find all the necessary forms, applications and licenses here at the shrine to the guardian spirit of Lunar government. Advice is also available on where and when to file appropriate documents and what fees may be due.

The main public areas he'll have to pass through are:


1) Citadel of Halfway

The Citadel of Halfway lies between the City of Dreams, residence of the divine Moonson, and the sprawling Outer City, seat of Imperial Government and Commerce; it is a palace of joy which is heaven to most mortals. Here within its cloistered precincts and vast antechambers the inner Lunar authorities meet in council to accept the tribute and submission of foreign ambassadors, review the course of the current seven year plan, and receive the divine grace of Moonson's inspired wisdom.


2) Red Square

Before the towering Citadel of Halfway, outer heart of Lunar Empire, spreads the breathtaking expanse of Red Square. Paved with cut and polished stone brought down from the surface of the Moon, Red  Square is one of the holiest sights in all Glorantha, bringing thousands of pilgrims each year to prostrate themselves on the material body of the Red Goddess. Here on High Holy days the  loyal soldiers of the Heartland Corps, joined by the numberless spirits of the glorious dead, parade in serried ranks before the tomb of Yanafal Tarnils while the joyous citizens gather in their multitudes for spontaneous rejoicing.


3) The Gate of Four Beasts

Here the massive walls of the Outer City are separated by the entwined forms of the Four Beasts of Empire who watch over this principal entry into the city. Travellers upon the Emperor's Highway from Goodshore and the docks along the Oslir River are rewarded with the sight of the Gate of Four Beasts as their first glimpse of Glamour.

That should cover the essentials. Ian either describes other locations in detail or else includes them as throwaway references that aren't key to the scenario.

All these descriptions were by Mike Hagen and Chris Gidlow from the "Gazeteer of Glamour," a nine-page article at the heart of the Rough Guide to Glamour, our 40-page background booklet for players in Reaching Moon Megacorp's fifty-player freeform, Life of Moonson.

Cheers, Nick

Edited by Nick Brooke
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Oh, it would probably make sense to attach Ian Thomson's scenario as well. Here's the version he made freely available via his ancient website: I don't own the Pavis Companions any more (they found a good home!), so I can't compare against the printed version.

Cheers, Nick


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