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Pulp Cthulhu Dark Ages


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I've bought Pulp Cthulhu, and Cthulhu Dark Ages which says it's compatible with Pulp Cthulhu. Dark Ages is awesome, but I was a bit disappointed that there is no real support for Pulp Cthulhu in the book. No Talents or hints at how to change the setting or PC's to Pulp.

Anyone have any suggestions? Basically just create a Pulp character and use the Occupations from Dark Ages?

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5 hours ago, Grimmshade said:

I've bought Pulp Cthulhu, and Cthulhu Dark Ages which says it's compatible with Pulp Cthulhu. Dark Ages is awesome, but I was a bit disappointed that there is no real support for Pulp Cthulhu in the book. No Talents or hints at how to change the setting or PC's to Pulp.

Anyone have any suggestions? Basically just create a Pulp character and use the Occupations from Dark Ages?

This is what I would do. Of course you will have to double check talents and archetypes to make sure they fit the era. I agree, it would have been nice to have more guidance in the book like what they have done for Down Darker Trails.

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Yeah I was going to do exactly this.

You could nick some Heroic abilities from Legend, such as tireless for those that can run for a whole day, or wall walking if you wanted? Or just co-opt advantages from Cinematic Unisystem, or Chronicles of Darkness, e.g. Danger Sense, Dark Vision that kind of stuff.


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50 minutes ago, Grimmshade said:

I think this is what I'll do. Use Pulp Cthulhu with Dark Ages occupations, and then make up new Talents as/if required. 

Dark Ages is awesome, but Down Darker Trails does a better job of incorporating Pulp. 

I agree that an ideal would be to have guidance for Pulp Cthulhu in the Dark Ages book. But, it's not in there, and it isn't going to be there in this edition. So, you're doing what any good Keeper does: making the changes that you think are best for your game! Would you share with us what you come up with, when and if you have the time and inclination? We would benefit greatly from seeing your insights!

In the interim, here is how I might personally get started. I'm thinking about the critical role (allusion not intended ;) ) that religion plays during the time and how that might influence an Investigator.

Pulp Dark Ages Talent

Mental Talent

Religious Conviction: Gain a bonus die to Social Skill rolls made on holy grounds or in reference to matters involving your chosen Religion.

It's deliberately vague to include Investigators that follow Christian, Anglo-Saxon Pagan, and Norse Pagan teachings, which are all explicitly mentioned in the book. I could also see adding Celtic to that list? That said, the rules stipulate that England is a very Christian culture at the time, but I think an amazing character archetype would be an Investigator operating outside the status quo. So, as Keeper I would err on the side of historical flexibility and reward the player with access to a Talent that encourages role-playing in that vein. Some may not consider this very "Pulp," but it's not like Pulp Cthulhu eliminates role-playing. Perhaps this Talent functions to move the plot along rapidly in the spirit of Pulp? I would personally consider Pulp Cthulhu that doesn't include social interaction to be pretty boring, but that's just my opinion.



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That's a good Talent!

When I finally work on it I'll post whatever I could up with here. Most of the stuff off the top of my head would be based on Howard's Bran Mak Morn, Cormac Mac Art, and viking stories (some of which would be more fitting for Cthulhu Invictus probably.)

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