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The Seven Tailed Wolf


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@Andrew Logan Montgomery posted updates on the Seven Tailed Wolf over on FB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/RuneQuest/permalink/2202541966588457/

"I doubt many of you have ever heard of Harold C. Smith. We all read Usuphus in secondary school, of course, and those of you who are more historically inclined surely read Temerin the Younger's "The Warbands of Sartar under the Pax Imperii." But Smith is pretty obscure. A quick check over at Amazon shows they do not even carry his single 1922 written work. But in finishing up the "Six Seasons in Sartar" saga for the gaming table, I turned to Smith's "The Seven Tailed Wolf" for inspiration. I have always admired Smith's audacity. He took an ancient and well know epic poem and decided that he, an English civil servant, should be the one to write the sequel...."

But... it makes me wonder if somewhere along the way I slipped over into an alternate dimension (or perhaps descended the seven hundred steps to and through the Gate of Deeper Slumber)!  😱


Edited by jajagappa
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On 3/29/2022 at 3:49 AM, jajagappa said:

But... it makes me wonder if somewhere along the way I slipped over into an alternate dimension (or perhaps descended the seven hundred steps to and through the Gate of Deeper Slumber)!  😱

Context question here... Do you mean with regards to the 7 tailed wolf poem or the world in general of late?😄

Edited by Darius West
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