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"Integrated spirits"/fetishes/charms...


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Hi people.

I seem to recall reading somewhere of a system of magic where spirits are bound (into charms? Fetishes?? or something), and then the spirit can then manifest a power or ability on the person - eg, grow claws, fly, nightvision, etc.

Does anyone recall this? If so, where?

(NB - this may not be an RQ thing, but I think it is...)

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Yes, my brain said it was HQ, although I also remember discussing such things with Greg (about Black Fang) before HQ came out

he gave me two or three examples with crazy names for B Fang integrated spirits :)

Edited by Ian A. Thomson


Former Issaries Inc. 'Pavis Expert'

Some of my creations and co-creations: https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/browse?keyword=Ian Thomson 

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When I saw the new rules for building spirits with special powers I TOTALLY allowed my player shaman to have a spirit that gave him a bite attack of a Hawk Spirit he had randomly found and bound. Mostly because it was totally freaking awesome and MGF. Even if the rules technically don't allow it with a regular binding. I am not gonna hamstring awesomeness because we don't have the GM guide yet. I had no idea that was a sort of HQ idea/convention. 

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On 7/19/2022 at 6:19 AM, Shiningbrow said:

Hmmm... ok.

I'm sure I've read about it in a more RQ (or similar) context.. .maybe a third party publication?

Mongoose has a variant of it.

It seems to me to have read it here (or maybe I thought to post something or i dit it… how mad I can be …)

here the concepts I have in mind 

a beast* spirit powerful enough to possess the mundane person is able to « lead the body by period » then the body is able to be transformed (something like nephilim … fr powa)

Could be for ever or like a divine spell


a Shaman bargaining with a great beast* spirit is able to gain a shaman ability (able to transform one a day/weak etc…)

that’s for the binding. This kind of power  could not be dominated by a simple 3d6 or even 4d6 POW race in my opinion. The binding would be neutral (bargain) or defeated (possession)


of course a more powerful POW (…) person (or community) may be able to defeat a spirit able to do it and to bind it as any spirit.

but, from my perspective if you want the power start a spirit cult (to gain access to the rune spell ) or a heroquest (to gain access to the heroic spell)


*i say beast for claws effect but could be an elemental (fire breath for example) or anything else


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