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Wheel Shield

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In a HeroQuest: Glorantha game I ran for a newcomer, I described her initiation as starting in the Earth lodge as she’d expected, but then Vinga showed up and took her off to a different adventure entirely. 
The player had been surprised & pleased that every question she asked about what her character could be was answered “yes, and”. 

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On 10/15/2023 at 12:50 PM, Rob Darvall said:

Has anyone got hints as to how to include Ernaldans in cattle raids specifically in Six Seasons?

Acting specifically as Ernaldans, they could take up a 'big sister' role, taking responsibility to ensure that no serious harm came to anyone. This would include offering advice, healing anyone accidentally wounded by the raiders, and taking note of who did well and badly. Their opinions on this will no doubt later be shared with the raider's potential love interests.

They could also more directly join in by taking inspiration from Redalda, who IMG is kind of 'Ernalda Adventerous', the goddess of young women who who want to do exciting stuff, especially if horses are involved. However, if they choose that path and things end up badly, with ransom or wergild to pay, they will be getting a severe version of the 'i'm not angry, just disappointed' talk. 


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20 hours ago, AndrewTBP said:

In a HeroQuest: Glorantha game I ran for a newcomer, I described her initiation as starting in the Earth lodge as she’d expected, but then Vinga showed up and took her off to a different adventure entirely. 
The player had been surprised & pleased that every question she asked about what her character could be was answered “yes, and”. 

Oh, I kinda wish I hadn't tipped my hand to my players. I really like how you handled that.

Edited by Wheel Shield
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I have two female players and one male player. The ladies wish to undertake the initiation for men, because they plan on initiate to Vinga and Yinkin. The gentleman has not decided his characters gender. I happy with this, because for them it's the path of Maximum Game Fun.

But we talked it out as players and GM, otherwise I might have tried what @AndrewTBP described above.
We're not going to start until the first full weekend in November.


Oh, we talked about Vinga as Orlanth's Feminine Aspect vs his daughter. The female players were emphatic that the former was true for them and not the latter (I think in and out-of-character). I think either interpretation is fine, if that's what players want. I'm not mentioning it to challenge anything. I just found it interesting how the players had strong feelings.

Edited by Wheel Shield
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13 hours ago, Wheel Shield said:

Oh, we talked about Vinga as Orlanth's Feminine Aspect vs his daughter.

As you say, whatever the players want is fine, but I think it would be refreshing to sometimes speak of — for example — Orlanth Rex as Vinga’s regal aspect, or just Vinga, King of the Gods.

Ponder whether there is a difference between “Batman = Bruce Wayne” and “Batman = a disguise Bruce Wayne wears (and not really a person).”° I do not have a lecture to give on that subject. 😉


° One might have said a rôle Bruce plays, but, you know …

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  • 4 weeks later...

This is a crosspost from the Runequest FB group, because not everyone uses FB. My pardons in advance.

Hey all,
After a month of intentions and discussion, I am actually going to start Six Seasons in Sartar, I am going to do it! This Saturday in fact. I am using the alpha/beta Foundry module.
I was wondering if there were any additional resources that folks may have created for their own Six Season campaigns? Like maps particularly, but not limited to them.
I have found one map of the Haraborn village on a Google search, and via the Journal of Runic Studies #54 I found some 3D topography maps of the Vale made by Wayne Peters and posted to X/Twitter.

I'd be delighted to know if anybody has used anything else. And lastly, I'm not trying to do wrong. I purchased SSiS and if there are resources that required additional purchase or artist attribution I would be glad to do those things. I'm just looking for resources for a private non-commercial online game for friends.

PS: I am not trying to go grid tactical, but just stuff to create greater immersion.  

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And this is an actual question about running SSiS.

I thought I had this figured out but I was watching the DMs After Dark playthru of SSiS and noticed something during their Session Zero...  I'll just cut to the question.

SSiS character creation has six steps. The 6th one being Cults. When they become adults after completing the rites, they're initiates to the Black Stag community cult. But until they complete The Riddle or Rites of Passage, they're not entitled to spirit magic or any of the Black Stag initiate skills. But they can receive those AFTER they complete "adulthood rituals."  Is that correct?

Because I think my players are completing that 6th step... well because it's the 6th step under character creation. If they are supposed to the first 5 steps, do The Riddle or Rites of Passage, and THEN complete that step... that didn't jump out at me until I watched the Twitch Show.


And pardon me in advance, even as I write it and explain, it seems really obvious. But just for peace of mind, can someone confirm? (Before I ask them to adjust their characters)

EDIT: I guess I should also ask, do people feel they should receive Personal Skills at the end of SSiS, or never? Because it's part of a trilogy (I intend on running) and since there is no time between 1620 and 1625, the Personal Skills are actually gained from the Company of the Dragon and the Seven Tailed Wolf? 

Edited by Wheel Shield
Additional question
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Well... no replies to the questions. I'll use my best judgement.

Because someone might search this thread for stuff and see my ask about resources, I did find a nice map of the Black Stag Vale. It's full color with lots of details. It was featured in the DMs After Dark streaming show which is doing SSiS on Twitch (and posted on YouTube). You can see it in the first episode after their Session Zero. They've volunteered to share it with anyone who contacts them through social media. Nice folks, and a fun show.

I know maps aren't probably required, but I like visual aides for immersion. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just wanted to write that after talking about starting a campaign for months, I actually got SSiS launched and we're two sessions in. We just got through initiation into the Black Stag community spirit cult. One player went through the Riddle and and the other two went through Rites of Passage. I watched  DMs after Dark's playthrough and it really helped give me some structure for the optional opening festival.

We're using the Alpha/Beta version of the in-house VTT system being created for RQG on Foundry. With the latest updates, it's getting really slick. It's useable now.

The players are having a ball. All three of them played RQ decades ago and they're excited to be playing again. All three of them were more familiar with Prax back in the day, and have indicated that they have never felt so immersed in the setting, and in Sartar / Dragon Pass in particular. I was delighted and surprised that they remembered the Sons of Umath story. I mean it’s probably been 30 years now... whew.

I was nervous with the rules, but we've just been adding a few more each session. This was not intentional but I blanked out a little, but I did remember some rules. Next session I remembered a few more. I expect soon we'll be up to speed. I think SSiS works well for that.

The PCs are adults now, and I'm using the seasonal model for play. So I'm looking at which episode to run yet and where that fits in the calendar.

Edited by Wheel Shield
Spelling, grammar
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On 11/30/2023 at 11:16 PM, Wheel Shield said:

I was nervous with the rules, but we've just been adding a few more each session. This was not intentional but I blanked out a little, but I did remember some rules. Next session I remembered a few more. I expect soon we'll be up to speed. I think SSiS works well for that.

The PCs are adults now, and I'm using the seasonal model for play. So I'm looking at which episode to run yet and where that fits in the calendar.

Supercool! Are you running the expanded version of SSiS? Like, more than six Seasons?

I just got my own version going and have sent them through the different Adulthood Initiations. Biggest hurdle is actually the would-be shaman in the group when it comes to actual initiation.

Søren A. Hjorth https://thenarrativeexploration.wordpress.com/
- Freelancer Writer, Cultural Distributer, Font of Less Than Useless Knowledge
- Accidental Contributor

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Folks,

I actually want some advice on this one. When I ran the prologue (The Riddle and Rites of Passage), I didn't give the PCs access to Step 6: Cult, because they were all Lay Members of Orlanth and Ernalda (respectively). They passed their initiations just fine. Now they are adult initiates to the community wyter / spirit clan / The Black Stag. Now they're entitled to a little bit of Common Rune Magic and access to Spirit Magic.

The Step 6 in the Adventure (pg 21) gives some guidelines as to what is available and refers to the Core Book Step 6, which assumes starting characters have some Spirit Magic.

I don't have a problem with that, but my brain is stuck, probably on trying to be authentic. My instinct is... yes let them have all the Step 6 Spirit Magic and Special Skills but they have to spend the time learning them. Cause they don't know them. Because they started as teenagers.

But I'm also playing along to the calendar. The seasonal chapter is a month away, but if they're spending all their time training to get what an initiate is supposed to have at the start of the game, it doesn't leave me much time in the Calendar to run a scenario. Like Cattle Raid as a prelude to In A Sheep's Clothing.

Should I just let them have the starting initiate stuff immediately (so they become true starting character in the context of game mechanics) as a one time concession and require training times going forward? Or should I make them spend the time learning? (Because learning 1 point of spirit magic is a week of doing nothing else).

I can make up my own mind, but it would be helpful to hear some opinions.

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59 minutes ago, Wheel Shield said:

Because learning 1 point of spirit magic is a week of doing nothing else)

The rules p253 actually say 'nothing else in the way of learning may be done that week. it also says this does not apply to spells learnt from shamans, or those learnt on cult holy days.

I don't think any of the 6SiS adventures have the kind of extended duration that would cut into the normal routine of farming, herding, militia drill and so on.

p416 says you also get 4 occupational skill checks per season of downtime, or one per week. So one option would be to look at the holy day calendar for each season, and offer a menu of spells that can be learnt for 'free'. But then allow picking different spells at the cost of one of the 4 occupational rolls. Or you can spend all 4 to be trained in something that is either not part of your occupation, or not increased by experience.

It's also pretty reasonable to allow some or all of those rolls to be spent on cult skills, as they will be getting at least a 'windsday school' level of education from the clan. And 16 year olds, not fully grown, can likely complete characteristic training in 1 season, not two.

if you want faster advancement than that, count up the number of extra skill percentages they would have if they were standard 21 year old PCs. These points may be spent 1:1 to increase the 1d6 skill gain roll from a successful experience check, to the usual maximum of 6.







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