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ORCing the Monographs?


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10 minutes ago, robertp said:

I haven't been able to find these, but I think these are the covers.


Those ones AFAIK are written *by* Chaosium staff.
I'm not sure what "rights have reverted to the authors" even means, in this case...

But I'm pretty sure there is no intent to ORC them (nor to JC them, despite their "RQ" origins).

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1 hour ago, robertp said:

I haven't been able to find these, but I think these are the covers. ... <snip>

The three top, and the lower left books, yes. Those were the covers on the tape bound versions of the monographs. Bottom center is the old BRP pamphlet with a new cover.


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4 hours ago, robertp said:

I haven't been able to find these, but I think these are the covers.


They are the text of the four non-Gloranthan booklets that made up the original Avalon Hill Deluxe RuneQuest boxed set with all references to Glorantha removed.

They were issued under those covers in the original “tape bound” monograph era, and then again under different gold covers to match the BGB as perfect bound monographs.

Since they are literally a prior edition of RQ, under a different name minus Glorantha, I can’t see any reason Chaosium would reissue them directly. An RQ3 reprint edition possibly, but not this monograph form.

I’d also note that “Basic Magic” / “Magic Book” got overhauled (in a rush alas) and re-issued as The Magic Book for the BGB and remains available in PDF: https://www.chaosium.com/the-magic-book-pdf/

the BRP quick-start (bottom right, gold cover / perfect bound version) is different to the tape bound version. Whilst the latter is indeed just the old 16 page booklet, the former was a re-write as a subset of the BGB with and additional set short, single page scenarios / encounter sketches.



Edited by NickMiddleton
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