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Corrections thread - Pendragon Core Rulebook

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With the [Chaosium Con pre-]release of the Pendragon Core Rulebook, this thread is to catch any typos or errors spotted. Please note them here, quoting the relevant page number, the error, and the suggested correction. We will correct the PDF file and the print file for reprints.

IMPORTANT NOTE: this is not a thread for questions or discussion of the rules, we are specifically looking for errors and typos only. Please take discussion to another thread.

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Not sure if this an error or just a conscious choice by the designers. The Coat of arms generator(p.241-247) is clearly the same from Book of Warlord. However, the figures of charges on pages 245-246 miss some of the entries which are mentioned but not represented.

Exemplary are the entries from the "More Crosses" subtable: Bottony; Maltese, Moline, Patonce and Potent are all missing. Their representations in Book of Warlords p.163 were clearly just schematic, unlike the beautifully colored charges of Pendragon 6....but they were nonetheless there, and were useful. The reader of Pendragon 6 is now forced to research these shapes in Google.

Edited by Luca Cherstich
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p.239, future weapons.

The Weapon Skill for the 2H Lance should be "Charge" and not "2H Hafted".

In fact Sir Asterius (from the Starter Set) use the "Charge" skill with the Kontos (2H Lance) .


Somehow linked:

p. 238.

Why do points from Spear Expertise should be spread with 2H Hafted?

Spears are used quite differently from Great Axes and Mauls! They cannot be in the same Weapon skill! 


(These corrections were inspired by a recent thread where such things were discussed with @Morien

Edited by Luca Cherstich
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P.242, Table B.1: Shield Design.

no 16-20 now reads:

"Variation. Roll 1D20 on Sub-table B.1.1: Variations. A rerolled result...."

It should be:

"Variation. Roll 1D20 on Sub-table B.1.1: Variations, then roll again on this table. A rerolled result...."


If this is not added, the "rerolled result" makes no sense, otherwise why rerolling?

This is a problem which was already present in the source of this table (Book of the Warlord).

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I do not know if it is an error. Page 40 lower left side.

To determine your parent’s Glory, if you
do not know it, either go through the Quick
Family History below or roll 6D6 and multiply
the result by 100, then add 2,000 from
Inherited Glory, Knighting, Marriage, and

Since a middle result of 24, the starting glory of a knight is 4.400 ?

Edited by Primo Cavaliere
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Page 227 - There doesn't seem to be any statement that, after the experience roll, the player should erase the corresponding check from their sheet.

Page 214, Table 13.1 - "you may make Training and Practice in Step 3 of the Winter Phase twice" - Unless we're supposed to keep the checks, this is meaningless. (h/t Morien)

Edited by SaxBasilisk
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4 hours ago, SaxBasilisk said:

Page 214, Table 13.1 - "you may make Training and Practice in Step 3 of the Winter Phase twice" - Unless we're supposed to keep the checks, this is meaningless.

Training and Practice is Step 8, not Step 3. So still a mistake (should be Step 8), but nothing to do with experience checks.

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On 6/14/2024 at 11:11 PM, Primo Cavaliere said:

Since a middle result of 24, the starting glory of a knight is 4.400 ?

No. See the left hand column of p.40:

When a character becomes a squire at the age of 14, they inherit a portion of their knightly parent’s Glory equal to one-quarter of their parent’s Glory at that time

So starting glory will be around 1,000?

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The following pages seem to contradict each other. Please, correct the relevant texts according to the right intepretation. This is quite an important topic, given the ubiquity of Spears and the applicability of the Height Advantage.

P. 54. "Table 3.7: Starting Squire Equipment." Spear description says "negates height advantage penalty" but it does not specify that it is with 2 hands (and the squire has a shield) and furthermore it seems like it negates only the -5 penalty and not the +5 reflexive bonus for the opponent. (POSSIBLE SOLUTION: just Substitute "Negates...." with "Long Weapon, See p.136").

P.147. "Height Advantage", speaking about the +5/-5 modifier says "This modifier is negated if an unmounted combatant wields a two-handed spear or halberd against a mounted opponent". Does it refer to the whole +5/-5 modifier? Is this approach applicable to all spears when wielded with two hands? (This edition misses the Great Spear).(POSSIBLE SOLUTION: just substitute "modifier" with "-5 penalty to be more in line with description of Long Weapons on p. 136).

P.162. "table 8.1: Melee & Brawling Weapons". In this table there is no mention of the capacity of spears to negate the Height Advantage modifier as explained on page 147.  (deleted because the reference to "Long Weapons" should be enough)

P.239. "Table A.1: Future Melee Weapon". Halberds in this table do not seem to have the advantage explained at page 147. (deleted because the reference to Long Weapons" should be enough).


  • The texts above should be better cohordinated with the description of Long Weapons on p.136 about Long Weapons to be always used two-handed, getting +5 against non-Long Weapons and negating the -5 Penalty if used by a footed fighter against a mounted opponent.
  • p. 163, "Spear". The description says that a Spear can be used one-handed combined with a shield, but it does not specify whether this means that such spears stop to be used as "Long Weapons" given that all Long Weapons are used with two hands (as per the rules on p.136). (Possible Solution? No idea, Chaosium should specify what is the right interpretation).
Edited by Luca Cherstich
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1 hour ago, Luca Cherstich said:

It is not clear whether the 15/25 Glory for Famous/Exalted Traits & Passions should be awarded once or many times (once per Trait or Passion).

p. 62: "Passive Glory is collected each Winter Phase for Famous and Exalted Traits." So yearly. The one-time-only is a Paladin rule.

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1 hour ago, Morien said:

p. 62: "Passive Glory is collected each Winter Phase for Famous and Exalted Traits." So yearly. The one-time-only is a Paladin rule.

My doubt was more about whether the 15/25 is per trait or sum of traits.

Now is:

  • Famous Traits & Passions: 15
  • Exalted Traits & Passions: 25

I was wondering if this has to be modified as follows:

  • Famous Traits & Passions: 15 per trait or passion.
  • Exalted Traits & Passions: 25 per trait or passion.
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1 hour ago, Luca Cherstich said:

My doubt was more about whether the 15/25 is per trait or sum of traits.

Now is:

  • Famous Traits & Passions: 15
  • Exalted Traits & Passions: 25

I was wondering if this has to be modified as follows:

  • Famous Traits & Passions: 15 per trait or passion.
  • Exalted Traits & Passions: 25 per trait or passion.

Ah, sorry. The Starter at least makes it plain: "A character cannot gain more than 100 points of Passive Glory from each of Traits and Passions in a year." Since 15+25 = 40, this rule only has meaning if it is per trait or passion.

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8 hours ago, Morien said:

Ah, sorry. The Starter at least makes it plain: "A character cannot gain more than 100 points of Passive Glory from each of Traits and Passions in a year." Since 15+25 = 40, this rule only has meaning if it is per trait or passion.

That's another problem: this book does not mention the 100 points limit shown in the Starter Set.

I expected it to be on page "62" under "Glory" or (better) on p.233 ("Passive Glory" in WInter Phase), but there is nothing.

To be fair this supposed "standalone"  book (as it is mistakenly advertised on the back cover) does not have any whole treatment of Passive Glory: we really need a list which should have been present in chapter 14.

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P. 172, "Vulnerability to Weapons" paragraph.

The text suggest the specific weapons deal +1d6 extra damage to specific armor but the list below seems to suggest that this mechanic is the same for anti-shield weapons (and this is not the case).

This text should be changed or the whole entry about anti-shields weapons should be deleted, as these weapons work differently (shields protecting 1d6 instead than 6 for most axes as per footone on Table 8.1 on p. 162, except the Francisca which deals differentdamage to shield-bearers only when thrown as per Table 8.2 on p.166). 



The same section mentions the "Rondell" twice (regarding later weapons effective Vs both Mail and Plate armors) however the Rondell is missing from the lost of future weapons on p.239 (Table A.1).

Edited by Luca Cherstich
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Long Weapons: we got two versions of the same things:

  • Version 1 (Starter Set, Book II, p.36): the +5 vs Non-long Weapon nullifies the -5 penalty from the -5/+5 of Unmounted VS Cavalry (....A character using a long weapon against an opponent who does not have a long weapon enjoys a +5 modifier to their Weapon Skill, representing their advantageous reach. (Note that this negates the –5 penalty for fighting on foot against a mounted opponent.) ...)
  • Version 2 (Core Rulebook p.136): it seems that the +5 vs Non Long Weapons has nothing to do with negating the -5 from the -5/+5 for infantry vs cavalry. (The advantage of a long weapon is its reach, which allows a combatant on foot to negate the usual –5 penalty to a Weapon Skill when combating a mounted foe.........A character using a long weapon against an opponent with a different type of weapon enjoys a +5 modifier to their Weapon Skill, representin their advantageous reach).

I know this seems confusing, but these two versions are completely different things. 

In Version 1 (Starter Set): 

Spearman on foot VS Mounted Lancer = -5/0 (as both are using Long Weapons, the -5 penalty is not nullified).

Spearman on foot vs Mounted Swordsman =0/0 (as the +5 vs non-long weapon nullifies the -5 from height).

In Version 2 (Core Rulebook):

Spearman on foot VS Mounted Lancer = 0/0 (as the Height penalty is ALWAYS nullified).

Spearman on foot vs Mounted Swordsman =+5/0 (as the +5 vs non-long weapons and the nullifying of the -5 height modifier are two separate things, therefore they do not nullify each other).

HOWEVER.....this last is clearly contradicted by Example on Core Rulebook page 153 (Round 1, "2.Resolve Combat Action"), where the spearman on foot does not get the +5, but only nullifies the -5.

It is obvious that the example on Core Rules p.153 is following the Starter Set Version, not the Core Rule version.

One of the two versions is wrong (Core rules p. 136 OR Starter Set p.36/example in Core rules p.153).

Please, correct the wrong one!

Edited by Luca Cherstich
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On 6/17/2024 at 12:26 PM, RandomNumber said:

No. See the left hand column of p.40:

When a character becomes a squire at the age of 14, they inherit a portion of their knightly parent’s Glory equal to one-quarter of their parent’s Glory at that time

So starting glory will be around 1,000?

Yes, the squire will start with 1.000, getting another 1.000 for knighthood and 1.000 for marriage? Meaning that at the start of a campaign you'll find knight with 3k glory?

It seems to me a great powerup

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