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Out now in PDF - Life and Traditions Under the Sun Dome


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On 5/18/2024 at 11:19 PM, Erol of Backford said:

Did you converse with Jane Williams or MOB, I don't know them but they did a lot on Sun County.

Not only does Life and Traditions Under the Sun Dome have my whole-hearted blessing*, I wrote the foreword for it.

*not that it needs it: independent Gloranthan creators are of course welcome and encouraged to publish whatever they want in the Jonstown Compendium, they don't need approval or blessing from an official capacity. As Greg says, YGWV.

Edited by MOB
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On 5/19/2024 at 6:01 AM, Geoff R Evil said:

Yeh no horses in Sun County, and never heard of Rogar’s Riders.

Rogar's Riders are mentioned in Sun County (1992). They are a militia squad that has recently taken to riding horses, something only possible following the Lunar-enforced peace. Although the Sun Domers once had horses, and still revere them (very much in the abstract), what Rogar and his band are doing is very much the exception to the norm.



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On 5/18/2024 at 11:43 PM, Malin said:

At this point in time I think Kushile Horse Archery is a lost art in Sun County.

As noted here, throughout the Solitude of Testing Kuschile Archery was still assiduously practiced, because one day surely the Sun Dome would return to glory. You don't actually need a horse to improve your Kuschile Archery Skill.


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Now I kinda wish we had a part in the book about kushile horse archery, that could have a great serious comedy bit! But to be fair it slipped all our minds that it even existed....

☀️Sun County Apologist☀️

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34 minutes ago, Malin said:

Now I kinda wish we had a part in the book about kushile horse archery, that could have a great serious comedy bit! But to be fair it slipped all our minds that it even existed....

It's not too late, that's one of the advantages of releasing in PDF!

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24 minutes ago, MOB said:

It's not too late, that's one of the advantages of releasing in PDF!

We will see what might happen this weekend, I might think of something 😀

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☀️Sun County Apologist☀️

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Currently #3 in the DriveThruRPG Hottest Products of all types, community and professional. Not that anyone will know that because DriveThruRPG don't think Community Content products should be featured in the relevant part of their front page. But you can still find out from this legacy page: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/top_100.php


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An Unofficial Buyer's Guide to RuneQuest and Glorantha lists everything currently available for the game and setting, across 60 pages. "Lavishly illustrated throughout, festooned with hyperlinks" - Nick Brooke. The Voralans presents Glorantha's magical mushroom humanoids, the black elves. "A wonderful blend of researched detail and Glorantha crazy" - Austin Conrad. The Children of Hykim documents Glorantha's shape-changing totemic animal people, the Hsunchen. "Stunning depictions of shamanistic totem-animal people, really evocative" - Philip H.

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Alright, it's been a wild week y'all, and I was supposed to be working on my interactive fiction demo. Instead I have been eying sales numbers and planning our next Glorantha release. It's been about a week and we've already sold Silver, I don't know exactly when it happened since I was busy last evening (99 last I checked) and 101 this morning. So I will pretend it was a week because I like big round numbers.

I want to thank everyone who bought a copy, sight unseen (sort of, we do have a hefty preview) from first-time Jonstown writers. We've got a long line of prospective projects waiting, so there will be more shenanigans in the future. And these will be more adventure/campaign-oriented.

If anybody has had time to read it yet, I'd love to see what stuck with you the most.

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☀️Sun County Apologist☀️

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On 8/22/2024 at 8:00 AM, Malin said:

If anybody has had time to read it yet, I'd love to see what stuck with you the most

Several bits that I delved into, though I haven't read it in it's entirety yet. The examples of second generation incomers' and their attitudes, and the Circle of life section including the lay-member coming of age initiations. 

I'm never sure how much of these are 'real world' heroquest type experiences, and how much they are stepping into god time. Is the wild man really an Orlanthi and the dark man really a troll, or are they co-operative praxian 'neighbours with Strombull and Morocanth backgrounds doing a favour for future considerations? Is the temptress an avatar of Inora or a veiled local Ulerian freezing her tits off on a snowy mountain as part of her religious obligations? In order to ensure not too many of the candidates are actually eaten, I'd assume a healthy dose of the 'real world' with a glamour of ritual making it feel divine, but with PCs being exceptional, maybe they get more of the unexpurgated experience of the myth. 

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Well, I did manage to get some Kushile Horse Archery to include in the Sports chapter. This, and some other updates will be in an updated pdf later...


Kushile Horse Archery

While Sun County gave up their beloved horses centuries ago, the tradition of mounted archery has persisted. Without horses, this is practiced on the back of a wooden steed. Beginners start out training their balance on a sturdy, four-legged barrel, complete with saddle and reins. Once they are comfortable with shooting from a seated position and at odd angles, they graduate to the actual steed. The barrel is now mounted on a frame that can be jostled back and forth by two assistants. These assistants are called “prancers,” and it is their job to make sure the barrel moves with as horselike a gait as possible. During competition, they do their best to emulate the steady stride of a galloping war horse, but during exhibition shootings they can exercise their full creativity. It is a great crowd-pleaser to see the “riders” struggle with everything from skittish colts to stumbling horses while trying to hit their targets.

One might wonder why the archers simply have not adapted to using Praxian beasts, such as the common sable or bison. Anybody voicing such an opinion will immediately be accused of “not understanding the point of the competition,” and if tempers flare, this might escalate to a proper two-fisted settlement in defense of their traditional sport.

GM notes: Kushile Horse Archery: (Manipulation skill, 00%)

This skill can only be learned by initiates of Yelmalio, and the student must accept one random geas in exchange for a base chance of 25% plus any category skill modifier. After that, it can be trained and improved as normal, and as shown above, a horse is not required. Successful use of this skill allows the user their normal archery skill while on horseback, regardless of riding ability. This skill can be attempted per arrow fired and can be augmented as normal. It is up to the GM to decide if this skill can be used on mounts other than horses, though it is doubtful that any true Sun County Yelmalian would make the attempt. Whether zebras count as horses in this respect is up for debate.

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☀️Sun County Apologist☀️

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