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Mmm... since we're having this deep discussion, I am wondering about a plan I had for this campaign. I was thinking that the situation back home is not so good - food production mainly - and the PCs will embark not on a simple raid, but also there will be a new Viking town built in the remote land. I think the Viking did create one of those in the real world btw, I think?

Anyway, time will be good for a while, with an open ended from tragic to more temporary success finale!
(I think the Viking town lasted a few centuries before being obliterated, in the end. Though Viking genes endured in the English population, as far as I know)

Well, that's my vague outline of a plan for now... (I got a bit more TBH, thankfully, but not too important right now)

Also, to be somewhat, possibly politically incorrect. I am pretty sure Viking took slaves - and so will the raid, me think.
But while when brought back to Sweden / the remote land, those slaves have little to no hope of escape, staying in the land will make the situation a bit different. Not yet sure what I will make of that, but there is potential for some conflict...

Edited by Lloyd Dupont
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49 minutes ago, Lloyd Dupont said:

Mmm... since we're having this deep discussion, I am wondering about a plan I had for this campaign. I was thinking that the situation back home is not so good - food production mainly - and the PCs will embark not on a simple raid, but also there will be a new Viking town built in the remote land. I think the Viking did create one of those in the real world btw, I think?

Anyway, time will be good for a while, with an open ended from tragic to more temporary success finale!
(I think the Viking town lasted a few centuries before being obliterated, in the end. Though Viking genes endured in the English population, as far as I know)

Well, that's my vague outline of a plan for now... (I got a bit more TBH, thankfully, but not too important right now)

Vikings spread out east and west and south, from Scandinavia -- they ruled slavic lands & the Rus kingdoms.
The "Norman" french were so-called because the "North-men" came into France as a colonizers & a ruling class.
The "Dane-law" was the rule in England for years, and quite a few Norse-derived placenames (reflecting a local Norse-speaking population).
Modern Iceland is, essentially, an old Viking colony.

Vikings settled in Greenland for a few centuries, but it was abandoned probably sometime in the 1300's-1400's (records are sparse).

There's also the known site in North America, L'anse aux Meadows:
Probably only for 100ish years, however.


56 minutes ago, Lloyd Dupont said:


Also, to be somewhat, possibly politically incorrect. I am pretty sure Viking took slaves - and so will the raid, me think.
But while when brought back to Sweden / the remote land, those slaves have little to no hope of escape, staying in the land will make the situation a bit different. Not yet sure what I will make of that, but there is potential for some conflict...


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Nearly every current Irish city was founded by the Vikings.. so here in Ireland they have lasted a while. Dublin, Limerick, Cork, Waterford, Wexford.. apparently we Irish didn’t know how to build towns until the Vikings showed us, revolutionising our living arrangements. All those places started out as bases for raids, but gradually expanded as markets and trade posts. Things went swimmingly until the ungrateful Brian Ború, then High King, decided to defeat the Vikings and take over management of the cities. 

The same situation happened in England in the Danelaw. York being a good example of a Danish town and even yet the old town has the layout of the original Viking town complete with names.

If you’re looking for a book about Vikings, I’d recommend The Long Ships by Frans G Bengtsson. It’s an excellent book that although written in the 1940s has a very real feel about it. It deals with slavery, noting the market for oxen was poor because of the number of brawny priests sent into the northern lands was so plentiful, that oxen were no longer required when you could have two ex-priests to pull your plough. The hero of the Book makes several journeys, down Russian rivers and raids France and Spain, even fighting for the Caliphate. Great romp and highly entertaining in that very understated Nordic humour way.

Egils Saga and Grettirs Saga are both easy to read and give a good overview of life in Iceland and some raids to other countries. Saga of Burnt Njal is also interesting in dealing with feuds and heroic personalities. I’d recommend all three 


Edited by Nozbat
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7 hours ago, Lloyd Dupont said:

Also, to be somewhat, possibly politically incorrect. I am pretty sure Viking took slaves - and so will the raid, me think.

Yes they called them thralls. It's where we get the word enthralled from. Basically just about every pre-industrial society had some form of slavery. It was almost a necessity since most farms didn't produce enough to to do more than feed the workers and pay off any obligation to the ruling class. It's something like you need ten farmers to feed eleven people.  So if you have a smith in the village, a baker, a cooper, an candelmaker you need 40 more farmers to feed them. So if you wanted to do more than eat, you neeed a way to get unpaided labor. So slaves and large families.

Serfs weren't much better than slaves. They had to farm the land, do additional work for the lord of the manor, and weren't free to leave. The did have some rights and could complain to their liege about things, but otherwise not much better than slaves.


7 hours ago, Lloyd Dupont said:

But while when brought back to Sweden / the remote land, those slaves have little to no hope of escape, staying in the land will make the situation a bit different. Not yet sure what I will make of that, but there is potential for some conflict...

Not really. What are they going to do, run away? Then they get taken captive at the next farmstead they go to. Slave revolts don't end well for the slaves. And for most slaves, it's just a lateral career move. Either work the fields for their old masters or work the fields for their new masters. Maybe the new masters treat them better? 

Those who are rich, have status, connections, etc. usually don't get taken as slaves but are held for ransom. Because the son of Count So& SO's ransom is going to be worth considerably more that the value of anything he will farm for you in his lifetime.


And remember this sort of thing happened fairly regularly. Often the people who are out raiding now will be raided by someone else later on. I mean if you want to go raiding why not raid the guy nearby who just came back with tons of loot. It's a short trip and you know it will be profitable because you saw him flashing around all that gold and silver he took from the British. 

Edited by Atgxtg
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