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Human Blood & Iron

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11 hours ago, Joerg said:

Ochre is an iron-rich oxide/hydroxide that contains several orders of magnitude more iron than blood does, but it is a material that is perfectly acceptable as troll food, as is red sandstone, also an iron-rich mineral.

So in Glorantha, bonded iron atoms/molecules are not poison to trolls or elves, only nearly pure iron, unenchanted or enchanted would be poisonous... easy enough.

12 hours ago, Joerg said:

To me, this feels about the same as asking a fan of Star Trek why that Cylon R2D2 is the villain in Dr. Who.

I suppose if you asked me what a dwarf would use a portable tap box for and then you guessed that they used it to bake bread as it worked like a toaster I might feel sad too? 🫠


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13 hours ago, Erol of Backford said:

So in Glorantha, bonded iron atoms/molecules are not poison to trolls or elves, only nearly pure iron, unenchanted or enchanted would be poisonous... easy enough.

Except I am far from certain that dwarfs are able to extract (smelt) iron from ochre in Glorantha. Ochre is associated with Fertility, and if there is such a thing as ions in Glorantha, which pair of Power Runes would define their charge?

The interesting question is what happens to (Gloranthan) Death Metal corrosion. Does it remotely resemble the effects of dissolving terrestrial iron in acids? WIll corroded Death Metal still be poisonous to aldryami and uz?

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2 hours ago, Joerg said:

Death Metal corrosion. 

In the real world, iron typically corrodes into a reddish-brown mineral, but when starved of oxygen will typically form a black mineral, and can be coaxed to produce green and blue minerals with the right conditions. It's not hard to pull mythology out of this- without air, iron returns to the dark from where it came, but with air, the conspirators against Yel-M take hold of it and claim it, and though their claims are weaker, earth and water also can take hold of iron where they are strong. 

What is left out is light/fire. Perhaps you could say that the sky is immortal, but again in the real world, fool's gold is an iron mineral that sparks easily when struck, with a notorious brass/gold color, and it can be found associated with oxide minerals, like the products of rust. Thus, you could also have iron pyrite as a potential corrosion product of iron, perhaps in memory of spilling Yelm's blood as it crystallizes out from the surface. 

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15 hours ago, Joerg said:

The interesting question is what happens to (Gloranthan) Death Metal corrosion.

In my Gloranths iron doesn't corrode, none of the metals do. Acid well it may damage them but I have not integrated oxidation. Metal oxide and magic well they are just to different for me. YGWV.

We have spirits that cause disease in Glorantha so I don't have PC's or NPC's get botulism from bad or spoiled food but from a diseased spirit in the food, well then ok. Sometimes. There is already way too much death to get sick from a spoiled egg or chicken gone bad... wait are there chickens? 

13 hours ago, Eff said:

Thus, you could also have iron pyrite as a potential corrosion product of iron, perhaps in memory of spilling Yelm's blood as it crystallizes out from the surface. 

If god's blood turns to crystals and chaotic god's blood would be chaotic crystals I'd see where the liquid blood of either would cause some reaction to minerals/elements they touch(ed) when still in liquid form or while changing to solid form? Could items the liquid blood touch as it crystalizes cause chemical reactions with said minerals/elements?

Maybe as the chaos gods' blood touches other items such as earth or sand they give off poison gas or something like hydrochloric acid would when reacting with something? Not even thinking to dive into how lead items may be acid resistant or how acid might be used in forming enchanted God-Learner lead weapons and armor?

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12 hours ago, Erol of Backford said:

There is already way too much death to get sick from a spoiled egg or chicken gone bad... wait are there chickens? 

Yes, Orlanthi have chickens, and small Singing Hens. Now there's a great allied spirit for a trickster, you could a capella it, that would liven up game sessions!

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