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Just a quick query primarily aimed at Pete or Loz...hopefully, not too forward...


Do we have any ETA on the following publications?:


  • Mythic Britain
  • Mythic Constantinople
  • Chronicles of Future Earth
  • Adventures In Glorantha

Also, is Adventures In Glorantha  a single book, or is it going to be an entire setting line similar to Moon Design's Glorantha line for their HeroQuest system?


I would just like to know ball park estimates on these releases if possible; they all sound great to me

" Sure it's fun, but it is also well known that a D20 roll and an AC is no match against a hefty swing of a D100% and a D20 Hit Location Table!"


My guess based on what has been posted over in the RQ forums is 2015 or later for most of those. Mythic Briton is probably closest. AiG had some kind of guesstimate posted there (2016?) but I can't be bothered to go and look it up. MOB is doing Mythic Constantinople and that's not had any sort of clarification on time scale that I remember. IIRC CoFE is another outsourced book and probably down to that author to disclose timescale-wise.




" Sure it's fun, but it is also well known that a D20 roll and an AC is no match against a hefty swing of a D100% and a D20 Hit Location Table!"


Thank mate. I probably should check out the DM Forums I suppose...I tend to loiter in BRP Central, Yog-Soggoth, and Moon Design. I probably should check the DM Forums again, but as Loz has posted most of the DM announcements here in BRP Central I have just got used to checking here

Thanks :-)

" Sure it's fun, but it is also well known that a D20 roll and an AC is no match against a hefty swing of a D100% and a D20 Hit Location Table!"


My guess based on what has been posted over in the RQ forums is 2015 or later for most of those.


Mythic Briton is probably closest.


November 2014. There'll be some previews at GenCon and posted on our website straight after.



Winter 2015/early 2016 - perhaps sooner.


CoFE isn't even one of our books. It's being produced by Mindjammer Press under the RQ Gateway License and it's author is Sarah Newton.

The Design Mechanism: Publishers of Mythras

DM logo Freeforums Icon.png


Thanks for the reply Loz. Greatly appreciated.


I'm quite looking forward to these releases. AiG is my current priority as I am already using Glorantha as a setting and I'ld like to see it done with RQ6. I'm a backer for The Guide To Glorantha, so I'm literally itching to go with all things Glorantha at present.

Mythic Britain and Mythic Constantinople also sound great. I really like the sound of these, they sound like the kind of settings that RQ was born to run. You already have my money with these titles


I didn't realize that CoFE wasn't DM, I will keep a closer eye on these things before I post in future


I scooted over to the DM website, and the 'Spring 2014 News' post was pretty informative; in fact if I had done this first then it would have addressed my query. My apologies, I am definitely checking the DM site before posting any further queries here!


In any case, thank you for the prompt replies


" Sure it's fun, but it is also well known that a D20 roll and an AC is no match against a hefty swing of a D100% and a D20 Hit Location Table!"

I have a story for you. All this happened a long time ago. We can't be sure that it happened exactly as I'm going to tell it - or even if it happened at all - but it's good to pretend that it did.
Here's part of a map. Just a part, because it's a very big map. I wonder what it's showing? I wonder what else it shows? I wonder what sort of book it's going to be in?
What's that? Oh, yes. Merlin knows. Merlin knows *everything*...
I wonder if there'll be parts of more pictures? Let's see... the more this post gets shared, or +1ed here, the more Merlin will reveal.
Let's not disappoint Merlin. He doesn't *like* to be... *disappointed*...
(To be continued)...
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The Design Mechanism: Publishers of Mythras

DM logo Freeforums Icon.png


Merlin is the name of my cat. He thinks he knows everything.


That aside, this teaser is cruel! Yes its whetting my appetite for Mythic Britain. Obviously set not too long after the decline of Rome, it should be very pagan and muddy to say the least; no Lancelots running around here I reckon

heh heh addicted now...must see more...

" Sure it's fun, but it is also well known that a D20 roll and an AC is no match against a hefty swing of a D100% and a D20 Hit Location Table!"


I've used my own home-brew Sword and Sorcery/Fantasy setting for years, now. I love it, I love creating, I love how my players have had a good time there for nearly three decades. I've rarely been the least tempted to set it aside and offer play in anyone else's, but Mythic Britain is probably going to change that. I've always been fascinated with the era and the opportunities for adventure its position in history represents. Couple this with RQ6, that IMO is the perfect engine (for me) to carry my players to a seriously satisfying experience, and it's a shoe-in! I am eager to get my hands on it.



Present home-port: home-brew BRP/OQ SRD variant; past ports-of-call: SB '81, RQIII '84, BGB '08, RQIV(Mythras) '12,  MW '15, and OQ '17

BGB BRP: 0 edition: 20/420; .pdf edition: 06/11/08; 1st edition: 06/13/08


Tell Merlin I like the map. Tell him if he doesn't share more my friend Nimue will pay him a visit :)!

What's that Nimue...Yes Merlin does have a nice beard, I wouldn't call it pretty like you did but... um, yes I bet if you do ask nicely he will share all his secrets with you...what, what was that about a cave?


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