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Gloranthan Adventures 2 Red Sun Rising now available


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A complete mini-campaign set in the Lunar Dara Happan city of Serris, a tough independent city which lies in the shadow of the Red Moon.


Although written for HeroQuest it has converstion guidelines for RuneQuest.

  • Players Guide to the city of Serris
  • Narrators guide(Secrets & Reoccurring NPCs)
  • Background Generation: Your Family
  • Adventure 1: Escorting the Goddess
  • Adventure 2: Sandcastles and Gladiators
  • Adventure 3: Archec’s tomb
  • Adventure 4: Last Seen in Vastar

Available from Drivethrurpg.com and Lulu.com


Get it in print, pdf or print/pdf bundle from Drivethrurpg.com



Get it in print from lulu.com


What does this book contain?
Heroes of the Red Sun
These are the player characters of the story. They are members of the Five Trees of Bounty, low level Nobles and Freemen and women who the Patriarch for political reasons has allowed to join the Lunar Way.  This chapter is for the players. It contains quick guidance on how to generate characters and basic information about the city, its culture and the Lunar religion. All in a very quick digestible format that even newcomers can easily pick up on.

The rest of this book is primarily aimed at the Narrator.


Mythology and History
This chapter details first details the mythical events that happened in the Godtime and then some of the historical events of the city. A rough timeline of the city is also given.

The City Guide
This chapter details the city of Serris, a minor Dara Happan city in an out of the way part of the Lunar heartlands that is the base for the first three adventures.#


Cast List
A grouping of all the major recurring non-player characters in one place for ease of reference during play, and as a primer before reading the Episodes.


The Adventures

Escorting the Goddess (1620ST)
The heroes escort a Lunar friend to her marriage in a Solar Household, who belongs to the Boat of the Silver Hind association. This does not go without incident. As well as acting as the players’ introduction to the gods and goddesses of the Lunar way, the players also meet in passing characters that are later to play a more integral part in the epic.


The Death of the Heir (1621ST)
Yanis, the heir of the Five Trees of Bounty Association, dies while on a tour of the Barbarian Wastes of Prax. During the period of mourning, the enemies of the Five Trees of Bounty take advantage, and come up with a horrific scheme to discredit the favoured of Yelm. Can the heroes solve the mystery and expose the scheme, preserving their Association’s honour and status?


Achec’s Tomb (1624ST)
In the maze of legal cases brought by the Five Trees of Bounty’s rival associations, after Yanis’ death, is a case to move the tomb of Achec. This tomb looks over the Great Market in the Old City and reputably the spirit of Achec helps the city’s merchants deal with outside barbarians. The Seven Nights of Glory makes its move by putting forward the proposal that the tomb should be moved to the New Market in Moonie town. Can the players successfully put forward a case for the tomb to stay where it is? Can they discover the secret of the tomb?


Last Seen in Pavis (1625ST)
Yanis, the heir that is presumed dead is reported seen alive in the barbarian city of Pavis. Dodging agents of the Seven Nights of Glory, the Heroes must make their way to the furthest corner of the Lunar Empire and find out the truth of the matter. Question is will they like what they find?




Head Honcho of D101 Games
Publisher of Crypts and Things/Monkey/OpenQuest/River of Heaven
The Sorcerer Under the Mountain

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  • 2 weeks later...

According to the preview on DrivethruRPG, it has HQG stats with no hard and fast conversion for any other system. However there is some advice on where to get cult conversion information for RQ2/3 from Moon Design's Cult Compendium, and it suggests some unofficial web resources for RQ6 until Design Mechanism bring out their RuneQuest Adventures In Glorantha line.

I suspect you will have to convert all the NPCs from HQG stats into whichever system you are using. If you are familar with your desired system, then this is reasonably easy to do, given that HQG stats read as narrative portrayal of the NPCs, highlighting their primary features. You can adjust them according to your PC party's level if desired.

I ran a Gloranthan BRP/RQ3 setting using a published HQ campaign, and I pretty much ported it over as we played and it seemed to work out fine

I think that given this is a D101 Games product then a good move would have been to publish the book in two different system formats. In addition to this publication, another version of the book could come out with OpenQuest stats. The later would be very useful in the fact that even if you don't play OQ, it would be such a quick convert to RQ6 or to LEGEND, and it would also be very easy to translate into BRP or RQ3 mechanics. 

Its a pity it didn't come out in OQ, but I think I could probably use this setting and convert it on the fly if need be. It's on my wishlist at present. I love the cover, its very ancient world and in keeping with the portrayal of Glorantha from the G2G, so that works for me


Edited by Mankcam

" Sure it's fun, but it is also well known that a D20 roll and an AC is no match against a hefty swing of a D100% and a D20 Hit Location Table!"

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  • 3 months later...

I ran the first scenario "Escorting the Goddess" at a RPG convention, with HeroQuest Glorantha, and we had a lot of fun. I let the players choose a solar religion (Dara-Happan traditionalists) as well as the lunar, and this led to some interesting interaction and discussions between the PCs. Fun was had! Has anyone else run this? I'd like to know how it went!

Read my Runeblog about RuneQuest and Glorantha at: http://elruneblog.blogspot.com.es/

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I think that given this is a D101 Games product then a good move would have been to publish the book in two different system formats. In addition to this publication, another version of the book could come out with OpenQuest stats. The later would be very useful in the fact that even if you don't play OQ, it would be such a quick convert to RQ6 or to LEGEND, and it would also be very easy to translate into BRP or RQ3 mechanics. 

Its a pity it didn't come out in OQ,


Just to be crystal clear the Gloranthan License I have with Moon Design only covers me for HeroQuest. The Rune Magic for OQ and Gloranthan OpenQuest scenario in OpenQuest adventures were one offs which I had special permission to do. 

Head Honcho of D101 Games
Publisher of Crypts and Things/Monkey/OpenQuest/River of Heaven
The Sorcerer Under the Mountain

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