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Today straight Stormbringer 4e session.


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Today I ran SB4 for the kids. It worked very well for a very narrative session. We weren't playing it "old school" - just playing and running with the story. Sometimes I think new editions and rulesets may be cool but are really not needed. A barebones BRP engine and there you go.


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5 hours ago, Thot said:

Isn't SB4 still with the old magic system? INT+POW requirements for advancing as a sorcerer and  such?

SB4 has its own Demon Summoning system, by Ben Monroe, which supersedes the demon rules of SB 1-3. The rest of the magic system is more similar to SB 1-3, but not identical (there are no sorcerer ranks based on INT+POW, for instance).

It was my first Stormbringer. I have played it a LOT. It's a great game and it was reasonably well supported with 4 good supplements. 


Edited by smiorgan
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 4/24/2017 at 1:46 AM, Thot said:

So the magic system is sort of an intermediate between SB1-3 and Elric?

How different is Elric from SB and its iterations?

I ask because I just ordered a copy of Eleric from The Hero Factory. I'm anxious to get back into this world by any means necessary. :-D

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On 15/05/2017 at 9:03 PM, Mel Riffe said:

How different is Elric from SB and its iterations?

I ask because I just ordered a copy of Eleric from The Hero Factory. I'm anxious to get back into this world by any means necessary. :-D

Elric! Is very different from StormBringer 1 to 4.

-In SB, skill base values are very low, and influenced by characteristics. Elric! has decent base skills, which are mostly decoupled from attributes.

-Elric! starting characters are very experienced.

-Elric! has a series of simple spells anyone with POW 16+ can learn. Both have elementals and demon summonings.

-Elric! combat system is more complex.

-SB uses a d100 to determine one's nationality. It is possible to roll a Nadsokor beggar, or a Melnibonean Warrior-Priest-Sorcerer. The second one is absurdly overpowered.

SB 5 is basically Elric! 2nd edition.

As for myself, my favorite Young Kingdoms RPG is Elric of Melniboné 2d version, for MRQ2.

Edited by Mugen
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17 minutes ago, Mugen said:

Elric! Is very different from StormBringer 1 to 4.

-In SB, skill base values are very low, and influenced by characteristics. Elric! has decent base skills, which are mostly decoupled from attributes.

-Elric! starting characters are very experienced.

-Elric! has a series of simple spells anyone with POW 16+ can learn. Both have elementals and demon summonings.

-SB combat system is more complex.

-SB uses a d100 to determine one's nationality. It is possible to roll a Nadsokor beggar, or a Melnibonean Warrior-Priest-Sorcerer. The second one is absurdly overpowered.

SB 5 is basically Elric! 2nd edition.

As for myself, my favorite Young Kingdoms RPG is Elric of Melniboné 2d version, for MRQ2.

Thanks for the feedback, Mugen. I did play SB 1, but only once and when it came out; I remember no details.

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