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How Is The Setting Dealt With in RQG?


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So, volumes of setting material are available for Glorantha (including the Sartar books and Pavis books for HQ, and the Guide to Glorantha). This makes me wonder what the approach to the setting content is going to be in the new RQG? Is it going to assume you only buy the books published specifically for RQG, direct folks to other volumes, rely on backwards-compatibility with the old RQ2 sourcebooks, or some combination of these? Sorry if this has been asked before.

I'm asking as someone primarily interested in Glorantha as a broad game setting rather than in its great depth, history, or the minutiae Gloranthaphile scholars may debate.

Edited by Jargogle
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Glorantha has *always* been a 'take what you want' world.   "YGMV" = Your Glorantha May Vary is probably the oldest canon.

Certainly the minutiae is there, if you really like navel contemplation.  Moreso than any other world I'm aware of - including LotR or Tekumel.  And a significant amount of stuff has been retconned at one time or another.  Hell, some people believe Morokanths are vegetarians.

But don't let the abundance of material at all make you think that it has to be that way in your game.  I expect that almost nobody uses it all.


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The Guide to Glorantha and the upcoming Glorantha Source book are stat free, and can be used with Runequest/ Heroquest/ 13th Age/ what ever gaming system you're hacking to play with Glorantha. These reflect current canon- but no-one expects you and your gaming group to stick to canon at the gaming table. 

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I expect the RQG line to be self-sufficient unto itself (not requiring other books), but that those who really like Glorantha will benefit from getting & using other resources.

The backwards-compatibility with the RQ2/RQClassic Kickstarter'ed material simply guarantees a wealth of playable content from the instant that the RQG core rules are released (the RQG-native "Dragon Pass" campaign book isn't, I believe, scheduled for release until a bit later).

N.B, -- I am not a member of Chaosium, so I'm just reporting what I've absorbed from prior announcements and conversations.


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  • 9 months later...

My understanding is that RQ:G will be pretty standalone since it will be three books to start with — provided you play in the larger Dragon Pass area. As mentioned by @g33k, RQ:G is going to be sufficiently backwards compatible with RQ2 that you won't need to purchase new books in order to play in Balazar or Prax provided you simply re-use the RQ2 books.

However playing in the West, the centre of the Lunar Empire, the East, the Isles, Pamaltela... will warrant bespoke books since character creation and the array of spells available to player characters are heavily slanted towards central Genertela.

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