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RuneQuest Convention Scenarios at Origins


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Chaosium will be at Origins Game Fair next week (June 14-18), in Columbus Ohio. Come and say hi to Rick and Todd at the booth (#123), and buy the latest Chaosium products—including The Two Headed Serpent and Grand Grimoire.

We'll also be demoing our forthcoming boardgames, Khan of Khans and Miskatonic U!

Todd has arranged a great selection of Chaosium RPG sessions on offer at Origins too, including Call of Cthulhu events in the Cthulhu-thon, with our friends Petersen Games and Cubicle 7.

There's still a few player slots left our Call of Cthulhu and RuneQuest games! Online registration has closed, but you can still browse programming at home and sign up onsite

Convention Scenarios for RuneQuest:

  • Broken Honor (aka Stealing the Eye): Sent by your clan to steal a valuable jewel, your band hopes to be in and out before you are detected by the temple guards of Yara Aranis. You'll slip out like shadows before dawn once you've succeeded in stealing the jewel. If things go bad? You'll fight your way out!
  • The Old Ruin (aka The Broken Tower) from the RuneQuest Quickstart: When the chieftain sends a small band out to find the tribe's stolen cattle, they find more than cattle theft afoot. In the badlands at the edges of their territory, their cattle are held in ancient ruins where something otherworldly seems to dwell. There's a mystery to solve and a herd to save, before it's too late. NB if you play in this session you'll get a copy of the RQ Quickstart to call your very own!


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2 hours ago, MOB said:

Sent by your clan to steal a valuable jewel, your band hopes to be in and out before you are detected by the temple guards of Yara Aranis

Hmm, sounds a lot like an old RQ cover picture...and I think I'd be very, very scared of that Yara Aranis statue... :(

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3 hours ago, soltakss said:

The map looks as though it could be part of the Big Rubble, especially if the wiggly bits at the bottom represent one of the gates.

And there's that big Sun Dome Temple (marked with the Light Rune) near the top-left corner.

Hrm.... does the red color imply Red Moon Goddess corruption at that temple?  Whatever... I;m pretty sure where the Trolls will most want to raid!!!


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6 hours ago, soltakss said:

The map looks as though it could be part of the Big Rubble, especially if the wiggly bits at the bottom represent one of the gates.

And what treasures those ruins behold!  Although I think they're all well guarded.  And you have to put up with all the trollkin running around the place. :D 

(btw, my store partner does the layout for the Origins book, he'll get a chuckle out of the comments)

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