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Guide to Glorantha Group Read Week 6

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Index - https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/6558-guide-to-glorantha-group-read-index/

Before we start, a few points:

I've contacted by a number of people about the discussions going way off track and are veering into "Here's some crazy speculation I've wanted to get off my chest for a while tenuously related to the section we've read". I've created the Deep discussion thread to hopefully shift this into a new place and not scare off newcomers:


  • Please keep your discussions to the current section - it's easy to wander off.
  • Please keep your discussions on the current section in this thread.
  • Please only add to this if you've read the section. I'm trying to avoid derailments by non-participants.
  • If you are having difficulty finding the threads - they are all tagged: guide to glorantha group read, click the tag and the treads will all appear:
  • https://basicroleplaying.org/tags/guide to glorantha group read/


This week we move on to the Last part of the Elder races - The Lesser Elder Races, Then to the Time in Glorantha and the start of the Mythos and History section. The links to the relevant threads are below:







Edited by David Scott


Search the Glorantha Resource Site: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com. Search the Glorantha mailing list archives: https://glorantha.steff.in/digests/

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It is probably a long shot, but there will be organized real life discussion this weekend about week 6 topics at Ropecon, Finland.

So, if you happen to be at Ropecon on Sunday 30th, read the chapters and come to in front of the Info desk at 11:00 (AM). I will be hanging there and we will find a place for the discussion. I try to write something from that discussion to these forums afterwards.

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40 minutes ago, jrutila said:

It is probably a long shot, but there will be organized real life discussion this weekend about week 6 topics at Ropecon, Finland.

Checking the website, you get greeted by a Babeester Gori-like face on the starting page...


40 minutes ago, jrutila said:

So, if you happen to be at Ropecon on Sunday 30th, read the chapters and come to in front of the Info desk at 11:00 (AM). I will be hanging there and we will find a place for the discussion. I try to write something from that discussion to these forums afterwards.


Too bad I don't have the budget for conventions this year, Ropecon is one of the conventions I still want to attend.


Telling how it is excessive verbis


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The Ropecon is over and we had the discussion! Well, there was only two of us, but at least we discussed about the topics in the chapters. I will write short posts about the discussions to their corresponding topics.

Thanks to Topi for attending.

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