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Guide to Glorantha Group Read Index

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The sections are dated only to help those on the initial read. Please feel free to add to these discussions after the first read. This is intended to be an ever growing resource for now and the future for those who own the Guide to Glorantha.

Week 1

26th June 2017


World Structure 7 

Introduction 8


Week 2

3rd July


Major Cultures 18 

Hsunchen Culture 18 

Doraddi Culture 22 

Praxian Culture 26 

Orlanthi Culture 31


Week 3

10th July 2017


Pelorian Culture 38 

Fonritian Culture 43 

Western Culture 48 

Kralori Culture 54 


Week 4

17th July 2017


Elder Races 59 

Aldryami 59

Dragonewts 70

Dragons 77


Week 5

24th July 2017


The Mostali 81

The Uz 91

Merfolk 103


Week 6

31st July 2017


Lesser Elder Races 106 

Time in Glorantha 111 

Mythos & History 113


Week 7

7th August 2017


The Dawn Age 125

The Second Age 132

The Third Age 140 


Week 8 12 pages

14th August 2017


Cosmology 146

Major Pantheons 150

The Hero Planes. 154

Beyond the Middle World 158

Regions of Glorantha 163


Week 9 34 pages

21st August 2017


Genertela 166 

Dragon Pass 168

    Sartar 172

    Tarsh 175

    The Grazelanders 175 

Elder Wilds 191


Week 10 32 pages

28th August 2017


Fronela 199

    Kingdom of Loskalm 203

    Akem 212

    Junora 215 

    Janube River States 216

    Jonatela 222

    Northern Fronela 229


Week 11 14 pages

4th September 2017


Holy Country 234

    Caladraland 243

    Esrolia 244

    Shadow Plateau 244

    Heortland 245

    God Forgot 248


Week 12 31 pages

11th September 2017


Kralorela 260

    Boshan Province 268

    Hanjan Province 272

    Hum Chang Province 275

    Jaubon Province 279

    Puchai Province 281

    Shiyang Province 283

    Wanzow Province 285

    Chen Durel, the Bliss of Ignorance 286


Week 13 29 pages

18th September 2017


Lunar Empire 292

    The Lunar Heartland 299

    First Blessed 307

    Darjiin 309

    Doblian 310

    Karasal 311

    Kostaddi 313

    Oraya 314

    Oronin 316

    Silver Shadow 317

    Sylila 319

    Carmania 322


Week 14 23 pages

25th September 2017


Lunar Provinces 328

    Aggar 331

    Holay 335

    Imther 338

    Vanch 339

    Talastar 341

    Dorastor 342

    Lunar Allies 344 


Week 15 22 pages

2nd October 2017


Maniria 350  

Pent 363


Week 16  24 pages

9th October 2017

Ralios 373 

    Safelster 375

    Vesmonstran 387

    East Wilds 393 to 398


End of Volume 1!


Edited by David Scott
Weekly update


Search the Glorantha Resource Site: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com. Search the Glorantha mailing list archives: https://glorantha.steff.in/digests/

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