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Guide to Glorantha Group Read Week 4

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Index - https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/6558-guide-to-glorantha-group-read-index/

Before we start, a few points:

  • Please don't forget to start reading the next section for week 5. From page 81 up to and including page 105. You've got until Monday 24th July.
  • Any errors in the next section, please put in the week 5 errors https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/6466-guide-to-glorantha-group-read-week-5-errors/
  • Please keep your discussions to the current section - it's easy to wander off.
  • Please keep your discussions on the current section in this thread.
  • Please only add to this if you've read the section. I'm trying to avoid derailments by non-participants.
  • If you are having difficulty finding the threads - they are all tagged: guide to glorantha group read, click the tag and the treads will all appear:
  • https://basicroleplaying.org/tags/guide to glorantha group read/

This week we move on to the Elder Races, the first part being: Aldryami, Dragonewts and Dragons. The links to the relevant threads are below:




Art and possible art direction to come in a few hours.

Edited by David Scott
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Search the Glorantha Resource Site: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com. Search the Glorantha mailing list archives: https://glorantha.steff.in/digests/

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I have to say about Glorantha Elder Races that they really were the thing that hooked me up when I was young and first started to read about Glorantha. Every other (or so it seemed to innocent young me) fantasy world had those basic Tolkienesque tropes of Trolls, Elves and Dwarves. And orcs! The first thing I was so happy was that there was no orcs!

In Glorantha Trolls are intelligent "dark humans" and they have their own civilization. Is still remember how I liked to read the menu from a Dagori Inkarth Inn (don't remember the name of it but the specialty was roasted elf or something). Elves are basically trees and Dwarves pieces of a world machine. Dragonewts are a specialty in Glorantha and are way more mystical than the others. It was so different!

About playing games set in Glorantha your usual hero group does not contain every possible species but can meet them as NPC's. And I like that.

So, maybe take this as an intro to Elder Races and as something I really wanted to say at this point of this great group reading.

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On 18.7.2017 at 7:45 AM, jrutila said:

I have to say about Glorantha Elder Races that they really were the thing that hooked me up when I was young and first started to read about Glorantha. Every other (or so it seemed to innocent young me) fantasy world had those basic Tolkienesque tropes of Trolls, Elves and Dwarves. And orcs! The first thing I was so happy was that there was no orcs!


Some here for me. Shortly after I've started Fantasy Roleplaying at all (in Germany with 'Das Schwarze Auge'/The Black Eye and D&D in the mid-eighties, I've found an article compilation about several role playing games (in German). One of the articles was about Runequest, and one of the sentences from this article has been burned into my memory since then: "Forget all you know about trolls - these trolls are different." Especially in comparison to the trolls in the regular fantasy role playing games.

Around the same time I enjoyed my first Runequest adventure on a small convention in Berlin - playing a duck!

On 18.7.2017 at 7:45 AM, jrutila said:


In Glorantha Trolls are intelligent "dark humans" and they have their own civilization. Is still remember how I liked to read the menu from a Dagori Inkarth Inn (don't remember the name of it but the specialty was roasted elf or something). ...

Yes, that was the next point: Buying Troll Pak (for RuneQuest III), which contained this menu from a Troll inn offering "Elf Torso" in impala butter with a dressing of your choice. These trolls were really different! And Elves were real plants!

So yes, the Elder Races were one of the reason, why I've been interested in Glorantha since then - although for some reason I've never used it in my own games - not until now.

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