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Fets i prets: a HQ + FATE + FU hack


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So far, HeroQuest is the rule system that fits better our narrative style, but the opposing rolls tend to result in ties too often, and we don't like Marginal Victories or Defeats.

They are fine in Extended Contests, when players want to tell how the conflict evolves step by step. But we don't use to have more than one Extended Contest by game, being the rest of contests Simple, which end in draw. That's rather frustrating!

So we tried FATE, but it was too gamist.

Thus, after merging HeroQuest, FATE and FU's resolution system, we ended up with our own hack, Fets i prets:


Unfortunately, it is written in Catalan, so I summarize the basics:

- Forget the opposed rolls: Only players roll.

- Forget d20s: Only 2d6.

- Dice resolution as in FU: No, and / No / No, but / Yes, but / Yes / Yes, and

- We keep keywords, capacities and flaws with easier to sum and substract numbers:
    Three keywords (begining at 2, 2, 1), six capacities (beginning at +1), 5 points to distribute among them, two flaws.

- PCs begin every game with 3 Hero Points. They are lost when the game is finished. Players can obtain more HP by completing Quests (à la 7th Sea 2nd ed.)

- Aspects: everywhere, everything and everybody. Also, players can create them with "and" and "but" results:

  • No, and: Negative aspect at -3
  • No, but: Positive aspect at +1
  • Yes, but: Negative aspect at -1
  • Yes, and: Positive aspect at +3

- Boasts, oaths and vows are another kind of aspects. PCs can have only one of each kind.


- Simple contests are resolved with this formula:
2d6 + PC's Keyword and/or Capacity + Positive aspect + Boast or Oath + Augment - Opposition - PC's flaw - Negative aspect

    Result of the dice:

  • 3 or lesser: No, and (create a Negative aspect at -3)
  • 4 or 5: No
  • 6 or 7: No, but (create a Positive aspect at +1)
  • 8 or 9: Yes, but (create a Negative aspect at -1)
  • 10 or 11: Yes
  • 12 or greater: Yes, and (create a Positive aspect at +3)


- Extended contests use the very same formula, but the resolution is similar to HQ's, aiming to get 5 Resolution Points.

    Result of the dice:

  • 3 or lesser: Antagonist +3 RP
  • 4 or 5: Antagonist +2 RP
  • 6 or 7: Antagonist +1 RP
  • 8 or 9: Protagonist +1 RP
  • 10 or 11: Protagonist +2 RP
  • 12 or greater: Protagonist +3 RP


- Consequences of Extended contests:

    Protagonist's RP - Antagonist's RP

  • - 6: Antagonist wins. Negative aspect at -3
  • - 5: Antagonist wins. Negative aspect at -3
  • - 4: Antagonist wins. Negative aspect at -2
  • - 3: Antagonist wins. Negative aspect at -2
  • - 2: Antagonist wins. Negative aspect at -1
  • - 1: Antagonist wins. Negative aspect at -1
  • + 1: Protagonist wins. Negative aspect at -1
  • + 2: Protagonist wins. No aspect is created.
  • + 3: Protagonist wins. No aspect is created.
  • + 4: Protagonist wins. Positive aspect at +1
  • + 5: Protagonist wins. Positive aspect at +2
  • + 6: Protagonist wins. Positive aspect at +3


There are a few more details, but you can easily guess them if you know HQ and FATE.
Anyway, if there's any doubt, please let me know.

Edited by Nel
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13 hours ago, Archivist said:

How do aspects apply to the system in the different rolls? Augments?

Players and GM agree agree about which Positive and Negative Aspects apply as modiphiers of the 2d6 the player is about to roll.
Only one Positive Aspect and only one Negative Aspect per roll, at the most.

The modiphier of those Aspects is their level, which is known since they were created:

  • No, and: Negative aspect at -3
  • No, but: Positive aspect at +1
  • Yes, but: Negative aspect at -1
  • Yes, and: Positive aspect at +3

Positive Aspects have no cost, and they stay in game until the PC fails the roll in which they were used.
Negative Aspects don't grant any Hero Point to the PC who suffers them, and they stay in game until the PC passes the roll in which they were used.
PCs must pay 1 HP in order to use NPC's descriptors as modiphiers in their own rolls.

NPCs' descriptors are like FATE's Aspects, FU's descriptors or HQ's keywords and capacities.
Just a description until they need to be stated due to PCs' actions.
Then they get a level of Opposition from +2 (very easy) to -5 (impossible), be it assigned by the GM or by the Pass/Fail Cycle.

Hey, I didn't say I invented anything!   ;-)

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