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New Kickstarter - THE DARE from Sentinel HIll Press


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I wanted to let everyone know about our new, 10-days-only, Kickstarter campaign - THE DARE, a scenario by Kevin Ross:

Originally published in 1996 (in Dwellers in Shadow, by Triad Entertainments) THE DARE was intended as a one-shot scenario in which you played a group of children trapped in a haunted house.

We are updating and expanding the scenario :

  • Revised for the 7th Edition Call of Cthulhu Rules
  • Expanded the scenario significantly
  • Added lots of Keeper advice for setting mood and tone (for example tips on how to modify the scenario for use with younger players)
  • Expanded the number of pre-generated kid-investigators
  • Commissioned all-new art by Ian MacLean
  • Commissioned all-new maps of the haunted house.

We've already funded and hit our first stretch goal (and are about $100 short of goal 2),  We think this will make a great scenario for anyone looking for a Halloween one-shot.  All PDF and higher backers will get a PDF of the scenario's draft immediately after the Kickstarter closes and funds are processed, so you'll have the raw scenario immediately while we work on layout (via Badger McInnes) and otherwise prettify the thing. 

One note - we are not including shipping in any pledges.  Print copy backers will get a copy via DriveThruRPG but will be required to pay for your own shipping.  Ultimately this saves you money as you won't lose a cut of your pledge on Kickstarter fees. 

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Just a day to go for "The Dare" Kickstarter from our friends at Sentinel Hill Press - back it while you can! It's shot through a swag of stretch goals already and is closing on the next one, which offers up Kevin Ross's original notes for the scenario:



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  • 10 months later...

Yeah, hold on a sec. Kevin Ross here. I am not involved with the fulfillment of this Kickstarter in any way. Bret Kramer asked if he could reprint and expand my old Dare scenario and I happily agreed, since Bret's a cool guy who does lots of cool stuff with Sentinel Hill. I dug up my original scenario, notes, and maps, and gave them to him, which I believe he sent out to backers last fall.

But let's be clear here: I'm not otherwise involved in this Kickstarter. I'm also disappointed with how long it's taking Bret to get this thing done, but real life has a way of throwing wrenches into the best laid plans of mice and well you get the idea. Plus, Bret has a habit of seeking perfection perhaps beyond what is really required in some cases. SO while he may be taking a long time to get it done, he WILL produce what he promised, and it'll be a damn fine thing -- anyone who's seen any of his Arkham Gazette publications can tell you this stuff is the real deal.

So, yeah, to reiterate: the Dare Kickstarter is managed by Bret Kramer. Kevin Ross is just an interested party, who's looking forward to seeing this as much as you guys are.


PS. Rom, I'd appreciate it if you or Bret would clarify this on the KS comments page, since only backers (which I'm not) can post there. Thanks.



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On 8/27/2018 at 12:52 PM, kross said:

Yeah, hold on a sec. Kevin Ross here. I am not involved with the fulfillment of this Kickstarter in any way. Bret Kramer asked if he could reprint and expand my old Dare scenario and I happily agreed, since Bret's a cool guy who does lots of cool stuff with Sentinel Hill. I dug up my original scenario, notes, and maps, and gave them to him, which I believe he sent out to backers last fall.

But let's be clear here: I'm not otherwise involved in this Kickstarter. I'm also disappointed with how long it's taking Bret to get this thing done, but real life has a way of throwing wrenches into the best laid plans of mice and well you get the idea. Plus, Bret has a habit of seeking perfection perhaps beyond what is really required in some cases. SO while he may be taking a long time to get it done, he WILL produce what he promised, and it'll be a damn fine thing -- anyone who's seen any of his Arkham Gazette publications can tell you this stuff is the real deal.

So, yeah, to reiterate: the Dare Kickstarter is managed by Bret Kramer. Kevin Ross is just an interested party, who's looking forward to seeing this as much as you guys are.


PS. Rom, I'd appreciate it if you or Bret would clarify this on the KS comments page, since only backers (which I'm not) can post there. Thanks.



Kevin, My apologies for the misunderstanding.  Bret has already clarified this position on the KS Comments thread and I replied to his comment apologizing again for the misunderstanding on my part.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 month later...

Well, it's taken its time, but a near-final version of The Dare has been released to backers in PDF. Looks pretty good too. Love the faux-VHS box covers. Gobs of new material. It'll be nice to see this out in the wilds again after 25-ish years or so (talking about the original appearance, not how long the Kickstarter has taken...).

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  • 3 months later...

At long last...


Halloween night.  A haunted house.  Will you live to see the morning?

The Old Barnaker House. Every kid has heard about it. Everybody has a different awful story about it. All of them agree it is a very bad place.

But here you are on Halloween Night, all because of that jerk Roger. He dared you and your friends to spend the night there. You couldn’t let him bully you. You will show him who is chicken! Everybody knows that there are no such things as ghosts... right?

Get your slingshot and your pocket knife. Grab some candy and ready your Rubik’s Cube. You and your friends are going to go face-to-face with the horrors of the Barnaker House. Hopefully you will live to see the dawn.


The Dare is a one-shot scenario for Call of Cthulhu® 7th Edition, intended for four or more players. Expanded and revised from Kevin Ross classic scenario from 1990, this scenario has been fully updated for even greater horror. Long out of print, this scenario is once more available to terrify players (thanks to a nightmarishly tardy Kickstarter-funded project by Sentinel Hill Press). They said it would never see the light of day. They were wrong!

This product includes:

  • A full-length scenario, inspired by 80s horror movies wherein pre-teens do battle with an undying monster and its house of horrors.
  • Extensive advice for Keepers on how to bring the horrors of the Barnaker house to life.
  • Detailed floor plans of the Barnaker house.
  • ‘The Call of Kid-thulhu’ rules, a streamlined version of the traditional Call of Cthulhu rules and ideal for introducing new players to the game.
  • “Grab the Machete!” — a suggested viewing list of 80s horror films (written by Brian Sammons), perfect for inspiring Keepers and players alike.
  • A set of 10 pre-generated kid-investigators, complete with more than 20 portraits, allowing players to customize their characters, complete with super-1980s style character sheets.

The Barnaker House is waiting.



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