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Necromunda BRP

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During my breaks while typing up Rifts BRP stuff, Ive been readign the Warhammer Monthly Presnts graphic novels I have been able to find (Inquisitor Ascendent, Daemonhunter and Kal Jerico stuff), while the first two are more or less Inquisition based stories and fit in Dark Heresy fairly well, it is the Kal Jerico books that have caught my imagination. A Necromunda setting for BRP.

Now naturally Necromunda should probably be done as a RPG with Dark Heresy as its influence, but I find it is a lot easier to cut and paste from the MRQ SRD to write new material work on a game PDF for a non SRD/OGL system and MRQ is close enough to BRP for a very good start (especially with GORE out there).

I guess my question or comment is, has anyone done Necromunda as a RPG and is it a different enough feel/setting to warrant its own works?

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I always though Necromunda was a great setting for an RPG...

It's pretty much subterranean post-apocalypse... kind of like Metamorphosis Alpha... or even Paranoia...

A good bit of inspiration seems to have come off of Piranesi's 'Prisons':

Piranesi's Carceri, the Prisons -- St. Louis Public Library - Steedman Exhibit

Maybe it's my twisted love affair with shopping malls, airports, and caves... but the idea of playing something that is constantly 'inside' is attractive... that claustrophobic petri dish... people living on top of each other and fighting for every scrap.

Kind of depressing after a while... unless there is some hope of escape or renewal.

I think I'd probably just keep the basic idea and drop all the GW specific stuff...

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Maybe it's my twisted love affair with shopping malls, airports, and caves... but the idea of playing something that is constantly 'inside' is attractive... that claustrophobic petri dish... people living on top of each other and fighting for every scrap.

I started writing a BRP campaign set in a variant of Eric van Lustbader's freehold, from the Sunset Warrior a while back, which is such a setting teetering on the edge of collapse - a vast underground city where humanity retreated to survive a holocaust that made the surface world uninhabitable, but where they have lingered too long such that the technology that sustains them is no longer understood, rigid traditions and customs dominate the society whilst the whole system is clearly (to select few) rapidly approaching a catastrophic failure point.

Actually, that whole series would make a cool RPG setting in a lot of ways...



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Inquisitor, even though it's not about gang warfare, would be rather useful, as well as Dark Heresy if you own a copy.

The rules to Confrontation were published over several issues of White Dwarf back in the early 90s. I'm sure that there are PDFs available on the internet somewhere. My copy is the original, cut out from the magazine.

Nathan Baron

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Inquisitor, even though it's not about gang warfare, would be rather useful, as well as Dark Heresy if you own a copy.

Dark Heresy is my favorite game at the moment (I have 4 copies of the rule book and I give them out as B-Day presents to my friends to get them into the game, I find people are more willing to play a game if they own the rules and I have a lot of friends who just dont trust anything by GW)

But I dont think Dark Heresy would replicate Necromunda or the Kal Jerico novles/comics very well.

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or even Paranoia...

Wow, I thought I was the only person to think of it like that. I ran a Necromunda campaign using Paranoia...without the humor and without the clones...and it was a big hit...till the group PCS'ed to the four winds. I have thought of rebuilding the campaign, but I am the only person who likes WH40K...I am hoping that my son gets out of the abominable D&D rut and starts liking GOOD games soon (WH40K would definitely qualify) and then wedge in the others into a Necromunda game.


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