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Sanctify Duration?


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I'm looking at Sanctify in anticipation for my players using Divination to figure out where the heck a villain ran off to with the McGuffin, and it doesn't seem to have a duration listed? Does it just last as long as it's needed? It just has the Ritual tag, without Temporal or a Duration tag in addition.


Jonstown Compendium author. Find my publications here. Disclaimer: affiliate link.

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3 hours ago, CBDunkerson said:

My take is that it lasts for the duration of the underlying ritual. So if you are sanctifying an area to perform a worship ritual it lasts for a day, but if done to perform a Divination ritual it lasts one hour per rune point spent on the Divination. Et cetera.

That's kind of how I'm inclined to rule it, for now. Sort of the RQG equivalent of the Christian church camp "Hey big G, it's all of us down here!" and gets the god's attention for as long as you're doing god stuff.

My issue with it being permanent is that it gives the caster "radar," basically, regarding noninitiates in the area. Feels a bit like "baby's first Glowline" too, in that you can just spend an RP and dedicate an area to a god. It feels like a permanent sacred space should require more sacrifice than that. Aaand I know if it's permanent at least my players will find a way to abuse it...

Jonstown Compendium author. Find my publications here. Disclaimer: affiliate link.

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I treat it like Warding. You cast the spell around some sacred artefact, or using an idol or whatever, and the spell stays in effect while the focus is intact. Moving the idol, or desecrating the place probably stops the effect of the Sanctify.

In RQ3, Temples had Temple Defences, generated as a side-effect of worship. I always played that the first spell the Temple had was Sanctify, to make it a sacred place. RQG has something similar, so I'd say that when a Temple is enabled, it gets Sanctify as the first spell of Temple Defences.

Simon Phipp - Caldmore Chameleon - Wallowing in my elitism since 1982. Many Systems, One Family. Just a fanboy. 


Jonstown Compendium author. Find my contributions here

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