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  2. Just to give everyone a spot of context, in 13th Age the Tarrasque is a Huge 15th level wrecker [beast], where huge = triple-strength. 😉
  3. Today
  4. Thank you everyone. My PCs will probably never see Harrek, but they will likely eventually throw down with someone on that level by the end. A Quintuple-Strength 15th level spoiler is equivalent to 12 10th level PCs With allies, doable.
  5. One interpretation in SKoH, p.166. A slightly different view in Sartar Companion, p.25. Since he dies in 1625 at the Dragonrise, no pictures of him in the latest RQG works.
  6. Well said, get into a neighborhood, its taverns, the connections, shady stuff going on, political ties to powerful families and other powers, some nefarious... flush out the who's and why's... Each group of blocks have their own life which could easily generate 100's of hours of game time. I think of the Hellhounds from Sanctuary... Maybe you collaborate with several authors, just like Thieves' World, you set the stage and give character to the main denizens and they write out the main plot, you guide the direction and now you have 8-10 really cool scenarios ready to go... what could go wrong with that... Sign me up! (I mean to buy not write... lol)
  7. Yesterday
  8. Maybe Hamlet's actually the source of the problem? Perhaps if we stopped telling this Hamlet story, this tendency of reality would get rippled out by the other narratives and allow us to do something other than kill ourselves in the name of vindication?
  9. It will be via discord text channel. Someone will post a set of page numbers each week, and then people have all week to chat about it as they wish. So time zone doesn't really matter.
  10. I’ll warn you that it can be easy to get lost and/or overwhelmed in the book, given that it is doing its best to encompass parts of the city down to a building-by-building level. (After all, it started as an index for the map of Nochet.) My recommendation for once it’s in your hands is to focus on the neighborhood introductions, tread lightly through the building lists, let yourself be enchanted by an entry that catches your eye or by the ubiquitous sidebars, and then go back and do a closer reading on the neighborhoods that really caught your attention.
  11. I hadn’t thought about how well the small details in the player-facing section work to enrich Imther in play, but I definitely agree with Austin regarding their quality.
  12. Hullo, folks, Just thought I'd mention, that for those attending CanGames, 2024, the local gaming convention here in Ottawa (Ontario, Canada), the (long) weekend of May 17th to the 19th, I'll be running a couple of Rivers of London: The Roleplaying Game sessions at the convention. Hope to see a few folks there! Fairycakes Game: Rivers of London: The Roleplaying Game Time: Friday, 7:00 pm - 11:00 pm Number of Players: 5 Description: When a very normal, respectable but somewhat dull businessman savagely attacks a homeless man that he swears is some sort of monster, the case file comes to the Folly. Because the homeless man isn’t a monster – but he is a troll. And DCI Nightingale would like some answers. So your investigators are tasked to find out what's going on. This adventure is one for the urban fantasy mystery roleplaying game based on the Rivers of London series of books by Ben Aaronovitch. The Bookshop Game: Rivers of London: The Roleplaying Game Time: Sunday, 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm Number of Players: 5 Description: An employee at Stonewaters Bookshop has been assaulted by assailants unknown while working late. The Charing Cross police have sent the case over to the Folly, as they believe it will be of interest to them. While it may or may not be a Falcon case, DCI Nightingale wants your investigators to question the bookshop employee and see if there’s anything unusual about the case. This adventure is the introductory case file (adventure) for the urban fantasy mystery roleplaying game based on the Rivers of London series of books by Ben Aaronovitch. Don't know if anyone here on the forums is going to be attending CanGames, but would love to meet folks there. And game with you, of course. 🙂
  13. Hope you and your players enjoy Nochet!
  14. Congratulations! I ordered the POD last week, and have been kicking myself for being stingy and not springing for the bundle. The adventurer's guide will just have to tide me over until it finally arrives. My players vibe with Nochet really big, so I anticipate that a lot of fun will be had with it.
  15. If I could heroquest back and retrieve two Welles, that would be the other one. Looks to me like Gertrude did the deed. But this is central to the apocalyptic argrath scenario if you know where to look. Somebody loaded the gun before hanging it on the setting wall. After that, the audience would feel at least a little subliminally cheated.
  16. Is that a real-time read through? If so, what time zone? Thanks.
  17. Great and detailed review of Edge of Empire by Austin Conrad! You can read it here: REVIEW: Edge of Empire – Akhelas
  18. Unknown to my knowledge. (There were no Sun County materials before 1992, just Pavis & Big Rubble.)
  19. It's in process with lots of pieces to work through. 🙂 At this point the intent is a single Campaign & Scenarios book (i.e. complete the "trilogy"), but we'll have to see what it decides it wants to be (these works take on a life of their own).
  20. Presumably most of the stars survive so these techniques survive with them or are rediscovered. Talking about actors, this one was always one of my favorites and one of the few I managed to see live. He played a cop!
  21. Some say that the Blood Sun and the Red Moon are connected, but I heard a traveling, truly manifest mystic say that there were four White Moons in the sky, which we can't see yet, and one is Avanapdur and one is nameless and faceless and would change color if she ever were named and one is some chalk that Martalak dropped and now rolls around the sky waiting to be found and one is real, so she's never there when you look for her. He then started talking about "similar but distinct colors" and I paid my tab and left.
  22. For anyone who is interested, we will be running a week-by-week group read of The Glorantha Sourcebook on the Glorantha discord server, starting 26th May and running into mid-September. It doesn't matter which version you have, although note Nick's confirmation above that if you want the new version, you don't need to wait for it to come back into stock in print in the US. This invite link will expire after 7 days: https://discord.gg/vUEUBBHN
  23. They can zerodize, with the right eye and, for all I know, with the left. Sometimes the time comes to leave the "holy mountain", but sometimes the mountain comes back with you.
  24. Opposed Skill Rolls p 113 This does not say what happens in the case that there is a true tie, when both the degree of success and die rolls match.
  25. "When all you have is an argrath everything looks like the devil." - Nietzsche People bicker about the German and whether it should be translated "a" devil or even pluralized but the text is clear: "der" Teufel, not "ein" or "die." This in itself is just part of the cycle. Multiple argrath staging was hot for awhile in the wake of what was going on in depth psychology but it turned out the amount of work involved with that turned a lot of fans off. People wanted to see messianic figures performed and not be those figures. It happens! But when you revert to more or less unified readings of the characters you tend to end up collapsing all the probabilistic choral alternatives . . . especially the devil and we know who that particular argrath's devil is. I have no idea whether Mel Gibson's Hamlet is a better movie because I haven't seen it. A good play deserves to run forever in repertory. I think there was a kinescope of Peter Brook's out there somewhere but that was the year I went chasing bootleg Lears instead so might be getting the Paul Scofield and the Orson Welles one mixed up. It makes me happy you are here. One trick about the literary fourth age is that while things for them are clearly very different than they are in the classic game setting, people do well enough to crawl out of the catastrophe like they always have before. Writing comes back. Hundreds of years of stuff goes by that feels dire and crucial at the time but at the end of the day people move on from every event and only the sages are invested enough in the minutia to argue about it. There are institutions and they aren't universally popular. Rebels push back on rules they don't appreciate. Some people say it isn't Glorantha any more at that point because Glorantha as we know it died in the utuma net betrayal maneuver. Some people argue that at that point it's just a story about life on earth. People get up, do their thing, obsess over hobby projects. Maybe the fourth age is the story of your adventures and all this other trash is just the egg you peck your way out of. Maybe the moon was also that egg. That said, if you find yourself killing someone and then finding out later that they were necessary all along, that's what the regular lightbringer's quest was invented to do.
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