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Posts posted by Trifletraxor

  1. I thought the 4th edition had been shelved because of Oliver Jovanovic's personal problems.

    Well, that was the final hit that killed it totally, I should probably include that too, but the playtest version most of us have was not approved by Greg, so they would have to remove all references to Glorantha (which is a major part of the book) to be allowed to publish it. They thought about salvaging it in some form, but then Oliver's arrest in 1996 brought an end to that.


  2. RuneQuest was the first incarnation of Chaosium's BRP rules, a grim and gritty fantasy game created by Steve Perrin and first published by Chaosium in 1978. The game was set in the 3rd Age of the mythical world of Glorantha, created by Greg Stafford. The game was notable for its unique gaming system and quickly established itself as the second most popular roleplaying game after D&D. The RuneQuest supplements published by Chaosium in the early 1980s set a new industry standard for quality and was a major factor in the game's success. The first (1978) and second (1980) editions was published by Chaosium and set in Glorantha. The third edition (1984) was published by Avalon Hill under an agreement with Chaosium. It was more generic, but less successfull, mostly because of the lack of support it recieved from Avalon Hill. A fourth edition set in Glorantha was well underway, but was not approved by Greg and shelved in 1994, mid-project. An attempt to salvage it for another setting stranded in 1996.

    [img=http://basicroleplaying.com/own/pics/classics/runequest1.jpg]RuneQuest 1st edition (1978) [img=http://basicroleplaying.com/own/pics/classics/runequest2.jpg]RuneQuest 2nd edition (1980) [img=http://basicroleplaying.com/own/pics/classics/runequest3.jpg]RuneQuest 3rd edition (1984) [img=http://basicroleplaying.com/own/pics/classics/runequest4.jpg]RuneQuest AiG - the almost finished playtest copy of the 4th edition (1994)

    RuneQuest have had an remarkably strong fanbase which continued to keep the game alive during many of the lean years, through fansites on the net, roleplaying conventions and high-quality fanzines. The fanbase is less active today, but the game still have a lot of fans and many of the old grognards continue to play their own houserules version of RuneQuest 2 or 3. Some of the supplements are still available and many resources can be found online. If you haven't tried it, do so! RuneQuest and its old supplements is a unique find that can provide many good years of fun.

    Some useful links:

    eBay - The best place to find dead tree versions of the classic RuneQuest rule books and supplements.

    RPGNow - PDF versions of the fantastic four Gloranthan Classics supplements for RQ2.

    Moon Design - Publisher of HeroQuest for 3rd Age Glorantha. Same setting but totally different rules.

    Mongoose Publishing - Publisher of Mongoose RuneQuest for 2nd Age Glorantha. D100 system, but different setting.

    Simon Phipp's RuneQuest/Glorantha Site- The largest RuneQuest site on the net, with lots of good content!

    Devin Cutler's The Word - Several great RuneQuest scenarios including the epic "Quest for the Windsword."

    Jonas Schiött's the East Wilds of Ralios - Information about the East Wilds & several RuneQuest scenarios.

    Steve Marsh's Heroquest Home Page! - Some RuneQuest and HeroQuest scenarios.

    Jane Williams' Glorantha page - A Vinga cult writeup and the foumous DuckPak!

    Matti Järvinen's RuneQuest page - A RuneQuest character generator and some Glorantha resources.

    Paul Honigmann's RQ page - Some RuneQuest articles, NPCs and a short scenario.

    Alain Rameau's Glorantha Wars - Rule variants, new cults & spells and other game aids.

    Frederic Moulin's The Stabbing Cat - Griffin Island resources, magical items and houserules.

    Stephen Watson's Kero Fin - Cult writeups for Donandar, Gark the Calm and Odayla.

    Toby Partridge's Griffin Mountain Campaign - Resources for a campaign situated in Balazar.

    Kim Englund's Glorantha and RuneQuest Pages - Several campaign logs and some houserules.

    RuneQuest Rules - A message group for discussing the classic RuneQuest rules.

    Gringle's Pawnshop - Another forum to discuss RuneQuest 2 in Glorantha.

    The Classic RuneQuest download section.


    More links to sort through:

    Nikk Effingham's RuneQuest Crucible - Ralios campaign & cults.

    Pete's RQ & Roleplaying! - Scenarios & the Chaos Project. East Wilds of Ralios - East Wilds resources & scenarios.

    Runequest Campaign - Campaign log & houserules

    Ultimate RuneQuest Resources - Spells, creatures & houserules.RQ Pavis - Pavic/Praxian campaign.rqaddicts, rq3, & classic_runequest - Discussion groups. griffin_mtn_rq2 - RQ2 PbEM game set around Griffin Mountain.

  3. My confused conflation of Improvement Rolls & Hero Points into "Improvement Points". Thought someone had used the term upthread, sorry.

    Okay, so which ones werer you referring to? :P

  4. (2) Introducing a means of rewarding Role Playing (IPs), the only serious omission from RQ2/3 - but again implementing it wrong by breaking the elegant ticks system.

    What is IPs?


  5. Stormbringer is one of the classic BRP games, a dark sword and sorcery setting perfect for Chaosium's grim and gritty BRP rules. It is set in the world of the Young Kingdoms in the Multiverse and is based on the books about the doomed albino emperor Elric of Melniboné by Michael Moorcock. The game was created by Ken St. Andre and first published by Chaosium in 1981. The Stormbringer RPG takes its name from Elric's sword Stormbringer (though one edition was titled Elric!) and evolved through several editions from 1981 to 2001:

    [img=http://basicroleplaying.com/own/pics/classics/stormbringer1.jpg]Stormbringer 1st & 2nd edition (1981 & 1985) [img=http://basicroleplaying.com/own/pics/classics/stormbringer3.jpg]Stormbringer 3rd edition (1987) [img=http://basicroleplaying.com/own/pics/classics/stormbringer4.jpg]Stormbringer 4th edition (1990) [img=http://basicroleplaying.com/own/pics/classics/elric!.jpg]Elric! (1997) [img=http://basicroleplaying.com/own/pics/classics/stormbringer5.jpg]Stormbringer 5th edition (2001)

    Many great supplements were created for this game, but as of 2007, Chaosium no longer produces new books for the Stormbringer roleplaying game. Still, the game has a lot of fans and many of its supplements are still available.

    Some useful links:

    Stormbringer! - The main Stormbringer RPG fansite. Here you'll find adventures, old monographs, interviews and more.

    Chaosium - The old publisher of Stormbringer. They still sell some old books from their stock at reduced prices.

    RPGNow - Classic Moorcock pdfs. Sold by Mongoose Publishing, but originally published by Chaosium.

    Darksyde productions - Publisher of Corum, a 3rd party supplement for Stormbringer, with a free adventure.

    eBay - A great places to turn cash into OOP hard to get dead tree supplements (categories: books and toys & hobbies).

    Moorcock's Miscellany - The official Michael Moorcock website with forums and a wiki.

    Mongoose Publishing - Publisher of the new Elric of Melnibone setting for MRQII (should be easy to convert).

    Like Elric's sword Stormbringer consumed souls, this thread will consume other Stormbringer threads, merging with them to keep the information and discussion in one place, easy to find.

  6. devils-gulch.jpgThings are not what they seem in the dusty town of Devil's Gulch... Devil's Gulch - Basic Roleplaying Adventures in the Weird Wild West, details a single Weird Western Town designed so that it can be practically placed anywhere. The town is fully described as well as the personalities that populate it. There are rules for new character types, skills, combat, magic, mad science, and more than a few critters thrown in for good measure. Everything you need to run a western campaign.

    The book has dual descriptions, so that it can be used in an historical campaign, as well as a weird west campaign. Special sections show how to transform Devil’s Gulch from a historically-based Western boomtown into a Weird West or Steampunk West town, or even into a Victorian outpost on the newly-settled planet Mars. Includes two adventures and countless adventure seeds!

    88 pages + a mini poster. The author is Troy Wilhelmson. The manuscript was submitted to Chaosium July 2008, currently on schedule to be released October 2010 for regular distribution.


    Man, this one took a long time from submission to publication!


  7. Sooo.... Chief. How are those d100 rules going currently? Looking forward to your system debut when its ready.

    Forward, but much slower than anticipated. The current goal is a con-release at Eternal next year. The first three chapters are nearing completion (char-gen, system & combat), but the magic and creatures chapters haven't seen any attention yet. I'm hoping to have the first chapter ready for playtesting by the end of september. However, no work now for a month. Leaving for South America tomorrow!



  8. dust-to-dust.jpgDust to Dust is a supplement for Ashes to Ashes, and continues the story of the World - a devastated fantasy realm run from the shadows by hidden demons and their mortal pawns, divided by the Seven Deadly Sins. Dust to Dust is a little brighter, narratively, but not much.

    Dust to Dust describes the lands of the Western Isles (plagued by sloth) and Takuk (overcome by gluttony), each written as a campaign arc to provide discrete adventure opportunities. The two lands are those where the demons have their weakest grip. Additional gear, an additional Organization, new rules for addiction and despair, and an epic, World-spanning scenario, "It's Not A Lie, As Long As You Believe That It's True", round out the collection.

    By Jeff Moeller. 128 pages. Published by Chaosium June 2010.

  9. If I where to ever craft a supplement I can't make a profit (it would ruin my tax exempt status I am a wounded vet on pension). I wonder if it would be sold and an portion could go to benefit charities? Its not like I do anything except raise my kids paint 28mm AWI,SYW and WAB Minis.... Swim and love the heck out of my wife. Anyone here have any insight into these matters of Desktop publishing and OGL etc... specifically the BRP based systems?

    BRP is not OGL, but OpenQuest is, so you could go that way. If you were to make a monograph or supplement for the Basic Roleplaying system to be published by Chaosium or Alephtar games, you could just chose to give your payment to charity. That's the two most obvious options for creating a supplement ment to be sold.


  10. Chaosium has a very easy going fan content policy. As long as it's all non-commercial, original material and you add a line about copyright, like "Basic Roleplaying is the registered trademark of Chaosium, Inc.", maybe also a link to www.chaosium.com - then I believe it should be all okay.


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