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Erol of Backford

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Everything posted by Erol of Backford

  1. Sorry, knew that, am sleepy! I do see the cliffs stepping back in 50'-100' increments in some locations but most are, as you mentioned are high. We spoke a while back that New Crystal may have some sort of platform lift system or rather the falls downstream of there might or everything would need to portaged around the falls, unload, carry, reload, etc. Does anyone have ideas as to some sort of platform-lift system or do we see the cliffs only being transversed by foot taking 2.5 hours ~ 3.5 miles? Unless you could fly.
  2. Curious do Glorantian Dwarves have elastic waistband pants? Did Dwarves develop Velcro for Werebears? Are there picture shows in Glorantha? I suppose a Trickster could make them with illusions easy enough... but would dwarves also have some sort of contraption with nimerlings running on a small treadmill and say a light spell, either option would be much better than some silly puppet show, IMO.
  3. James Bond Island... Was thinking more about the coastline and the 300' cliffs that shape a good bit of the Heortland Plateau. The tops of the Plateau would be quite fertile with the rain, IMO and so would have a good bit of green. Espraiado Canyon seems to be promising as a parallel visually, with fewer trees as they have been mostly cut besides maybe orchards or in towns and villages? I am able to imagine the Bay off in the distance. Also where might we see caves or even temples carved into the cliff face along the coast? I really like the idea of a harbor with a temple as a backdrop or partway up one of the rivers cutting the Plateau?
  4. Wasn't that when a Trickster set up a tent inside the Caves so hopefully they were an illusion or much worse actual chaos spawn that could fly and so they must be eliminated and burned? How horrifying is that... Somehow I recalled these flying monsters from the 1970's.
  5. I think the voice/mouth/larynx of Nysalor is Speaking Wheel and is being sat on by Orta... but we will not know until he gets up.
  6. The WF Note 15 article Count Felagga’s Mystic Menagerie has a good bit about a traveling zoo... I am not sure about the talking flemingo with arms?
  7. I'd help convert old D&D modules to Rune Quest. Never played Traveller but Star Frontiers (box cover clip below) was fun as was Boot Hill. I wonder if carbines and revolvers could be converted from standard dwarven weapons? Possibly a variable strength disruption matrix could be placed on/into something that looks like a sonic devastator, 50d3!? So many old D&D modules could fit with modifications of course, I mean who doesn't convert all sorts of old scenarios? Tomb of Horrors might be fun... maybe the lich in there is one of the two named colleagues of Delecti from Remakerela? Dralasites could be on Zoo Island as well...
  8. I am just looking at it, here we go... Imperial Age Timeline – I: 460 -725 Three extensive empires were the most influential forces throughout this age. Two were human: the God Learners, and the Empire of the Wyrms Friends. One was Embyli (Yellow Elf), from the Jungle of Errinoru. Some anachronistic labels (e.g., “Holy Country”) are used for convenience. Imperial Age Timeline – II: 725 -902 Imperial Age Timeline – III: 907 - 1120 Third Age Timeline – I: 1120 - 1538 Third Age Timeline – II: 1539 - 1621
  9. Is there a power block diagram with dates that shows the past and current empires for dummies? Who fought who and when were they defeated (I cannot say globally as Glorantha is flat) but holistically or is this something I'd need to actually look at and develop via the maps posted in the GtG? Any reference to a source in one place or is the GtG that source?
  10. The best line written over the past few months. I do like how while searching for references I end up running down rabbit holes that are loosely related. I'll look into Remakerela. (Sorry about this rabbit hole unrelated to Zoo in this post Mr. Orange.)
  11. Based on recent posts I was thinking that maybe the Fortress of Doors could be transitioned to be the Zoo Ruins - the Stitched Zoo. Has anyone used the Fortress of Doors in Sartar and if so where did you place it. Maybe the ruins are in better shape than expected as gaining access has been somewhat restricted and of course known as haunted? I am not a fan of the scenario as laid out but the way the Silver Shields are thrown in possibly I could adopt it to the 1602 invasion of Sartar with the PC's fleeing southwest towards Nochet after some skirmishes with with them, maybe southwest of Runegate? Who really uses a scenario exactly as laid out anyway? You were so successful, that the Lunar General sent out the Silver Shields, Dogmen of Saird, who are experts in hunting down freedom fighters such as yourselves. (I think this is where I got the idea that the Silver Shields had dogs in the past but likely they just act like dogs via their mannerisms or tracking abilities?) Possibly the PC's are pursued 10-15 miles towards the ruins before the Silver Shields turn back... I realize it's a good distance (distances came be adjusted of course) but wanted to integrate the ruins as a hiding place for a few days until the Lunar Army and Bat moves off toward Boldhome. The Dog Soldiers were accompanied by an Undead creature, a sorcerer of theirs by his robes and the Sun disc headdress he wore, who had embraced the foul chaos of unlife. Who is this guy and what would his abilities be? I should know that the "Sun Disc" headdress is telltale for something but I don't know about that. Is this an illuminated undead priest of Yelm? As it turns out Zacharilth actually knew Delecti and followed him directly/indirectly and so the Marsh would link to the Stitched Ruins? Who knows, maybe the Lord of Sparrows has a bird head, talons, wings and a human body?
  12. My initial thoughts were along those lines, chonchons, gorgons, jabberwocks, stoor worms, cliff toads, wyverns, wyrms, any number of dangerous creatures from say, the Monster Coliseum but I liked the mutant starfish octopus thingy from Barrier Peaks... was thinking in Gloranths it couldn't happen without chaos but why not, it's a magical world. I suppose I was thinking the Feldichi Devices for flying around the island to view, as closely as you wished, the creatures on the island. On that same note over 600 years why wouldn't Chaos have taken root as well, you could go either way? How would touring the island been done over 600 years past?
  13. I see it, thank you. So totally different, map clip from the 1983 Rune Quest Companion p.22. (From HotHP) Zoopolis: Semeren of Malkonwal was the scion of a wealthy house, so when he was stationed at Seapolis he indulged himself by importing creatures from around the wall and housing them on one of the Rightarm Islands. It became known as Zoopolis and many people came from far away to view the creatures there. (I assume wall is supposed to be world here?) It doesn't seem like anything God Learner crazy was going on there but over time and maybe with some chaos injected you could have evolved into something terrifying?
  14. Where are Stitched Ruins (as I recall its not the same as Zoo even though it was called Stitched Zoo?) and did Delecti do an internship there? Does anyone recall a source or did I dream that?
  15. Did they have Chaos World, Demon World or Undead World? Makes me think of an old anomaly scenario with another game system that we happily converted to Rune Quest - Glorantha! There were some God Learner/Feldichi Devices from ages past along with many strange beasts, not necessarily chaos that mutated or were unique or could have easily been released at Zoo? Zoo: God Learner sorcerers imported numerous creatures from around the world to this island. The God Learners died, but the creatures remained and thrived. (GtG)
  16. Wyrms Footnotes called Dragons Past has a lot on the Temple of the Wooden Sword. The whole bundle is on RPG Drive and has some great stuff in it to know the Temple of the Wooden Sword is to know Londra. Also look at the link in this forum: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/302365/Wyrms-Footnotes-114-Bundle issue 9: The Great Raid on the Temple of the Wooden Sword issue 11: The Founding of the Wooden Sword issue12 continued the story with Skirmish at Wind Temple. issue 14 finished with the Crown Test of Leika Balista
  17. An annotated history of the Gold Wheel Dancers with illustrations. Blueprints of a dragon ship, manmade sections. Map showing chaos locations of old. A map of the Plateau of Statues identifying them with notes or details about each one. Details as to Chaos Dwarves of the Tunneled Hills. Detail how true stone is converted into adamantium.
  18. LOL did my mom teach you that? Its the best policy Mr. Cloud!
  19. Who in their right mind would give them all that loot anyway especially when the dragon isn't really that tough!? Say, she keeps most items as cult artifacts and also if the cult is only good locally most PC's that travel internationally (every PC I've know in 30 years of Rune Quest) wouldn't be interested, past experience. I think the adventures/scenarios with discovering how to enchant dragon armor and the whole process of making it, maybe with help from the smith from Apple Lane all wrap things up nicely. IMO. Again, as its "your" fantasy world the armor doesn't have to fade, especially if it has been enchanted. Rune Quest is great because its flexible for each GM.
  20. If the armor is the same as bronze (I think 8AP in 2 different scenarios IIRC) but weighs a bit less encumbrance and is more comfortable what's the big hullabaloo about?
  21. I assume there is nothing but bandits and trollkin occupying the caves now at both locations. Possibly some mostly destroyed sculpture or wall freeze give clues to Nodnor and one or more of the Dragon Quartet: Scholar Wyrm, Windwhistler, Eyes-Shut and Forang Forash need to be consulted regarding it? Rune Quest Adventures 02 had the Dragon of Jarn in it which could easily be tied into any related scenario path... they'll need to go see Mr. Forash. Who are the "Saints" that adorned the road, just curious?
  22. Why wouldn't you be able to get several sections of armor from a large creature's skin or a full suit or more? When I was a GM/DM 30 years ago I'd have allowed it. More game fun and it would've generated a long list of quest/scenario hooks for PC's. I suppose that asks the question how many size points of leather do you need to make a certain size suit of leather armor and go from there. If you were to slay a SIZ 70 dragon maybe half the SIZ could be used for armor if skinning rolls were succeeded and a certain "craft dragon skin" skill was learned, again the quartet of subject matter experts may need to be paid a visit: Scholar Wyrm, Windwhistler, Eyes-Shut and Forang Forash.
  23. Possibly the Scholar Wyrm, Windwhistler, Eyes-Shut and Forang Forash are all sources for "how to" when it comes to dragon armor. I recall someone writing as part of a scenario that Windwhister actually shed its skin and then allowed a baboon to cut armor from it? Say one of the above teaches you the Enchant Dragon Armor Ritual as payment for helping to recover an artifact which will help restore the EWF. This enchantment allows you to somehow avoid any future retribution from dragons or possibly somehow (not sure how) makes you visible as a dragon-kind friend? You kill a dream dragon that happens to be ravaging the countryside. Once you have the enchant ritual you take some scales to make armor which all parallels say making leather armor or cuirbouilli? You aren't taking the skin off a dead dragonewt who's coming to look for you. I posted something a while back that a purplish-indigo, prismatic-psychedelic scale mail armor would be really unique and especially attention drawing. Stylish and trendsetting but you'd be easy to track down unless very well cloaked and disguised. It would be easy for ay the Lunars to track you down if you were wanted for questioning...
  24. But I assume poison isn't magical nor is acid? Dragon breath acid or poison gas, etc. is similar to snake venom whereas a shimmer or blade sharp potion would have some magical component would it not or are we just saying everything in Glorantha is somewhat magical and that for this instance alchemy is what is needed to get said herbs, minerals components etc. to transform or spark said ingredient's intrinsic magic? The quest to gain such materials can easily outweigh the reward. I clearly recall having to fight a herd of winged monsters on a lonely peak above an elevation where only magical plants would grow to get materials for a certain battle magic potion. Seems like in most instances you are better off learning the same spell or getting it made into a matrix?
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