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Erol of Backford

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Everything posted by Erol of Backford

  1. Which building might be where the Invisible God Temple is located? I realize is not canon for one to be in Sklar but I am hedging my bets that Gwydion was Bishop there and so there must be a temple. It also looks like the town is more like 3,500 swelling up to 5,000 in heavy building season? Again, questions are for a time of 1600-1605. I am also thinking the beach continues to the right and there are several more boat construction spaces and boat houses there?
  2. They choose to be happy enthralled victims whereas Sartarites are simply angry victims.
  3. But he has already give Gbaji's tongue to the PC's so there is nothing to worry about!?
  4. Would have thought any cloth would have been applied with the tar pitch or was saturated with it. It seems strange that any lead would have been on the outside as it would have worn off rather speedily if the ship beached regularly but maybe they were careful with that? On another note has anyone has scenarios where say, creatures like the Loch Ness Monster attacked a harbor of fishing settlement? Yes, I know Harpoon is there in Sun County for that reason but instead along the Plateau? If so curious as to plot, season, aggressors, maybe a God Learner mind controlled monster or something? Vampiric plesiosaurs maybe?
  5. Gnomes, machines, Joltoni (spelling), constructs, they all make it more fun. I keep going back to this and the Chaos Dwarves of the Tunneled Hills! More scenarios ideas boiling over. What fun.
  6. If a broo is illuminated, well groomed, fur trimmed nicely, bathed, scented of lavender, living in say Beast Valley and contributing to the betterment of the greater good therein, would Storm Bull's still want to kill them if they didn't register as chaotic? What if they and their illuminated friends somehow joined Storm Bull and then went to Prax and visited the Block? I see some really interesting scenarios coming out of this... What was the name of the broo healer in the Wastes?
  7. I like the old hi-ho hi-ho with picks and implements of destruction... they live nearly forever and can be recycled. They'll move cubic KM of earth with shovels. Anything that sank into the marshy areas near the River would be quarries I assume, as would any area the Statue fell. It was well over 100' at its chest when sprawled horizontally. Many sections of the Statue could have crumbled into brick size elements or house sized along with arms that are 75-100' in diameter. I say have fun with it, Players aren't going to scrutinize how it falls or where a quarry is?
  8. Zinc dipped nails, made me think of Maze Nails Peru Illinois. Zinc coating has been around since it was first used to protect iron pillars in ancient India, more than 16 centuries ago. Zinc has been used to protect armor and in recent times became part of the process of galvanization. This occurs when items like screws or nails are hot dipped in a molten zinc solution. I suppose lead is somewhat mailable and combined with a pitch/tar underlayer possibly?
  9. It would be really cool if Gonn Orta get upset about the Lunars trying to stop his baby's cradle and somehow shows up near Pavis, reanimates the Jolanti in the walls to help fight the Lunars, the Sun Domers and their traitor Praxian allies... I can see it.
  10. Wasn't it the norm in Tarsh to have Lunar relatives? And there is no corruption in Sartar, Prax, Sun Dome, Nochet as is? I don't see Sartarites as honest and noble, they like ambushes, stealing your cows and sheep...
  11. Lead line as early as 5th century BC or or lead lined as early as 3rd century BC? http://course.sdu.edu.cn/Download2/20220221170932002.pdf Interesting article even calls into play ASTM testing but how was it fastened to the hull?
  12. As I was reading it seemed that she stayed but it may have been only a short while but who knows for sure. Its been about 30 years since we gamed anywhere near Dorastor. Most of our PC's could handle it there and the Surgeon-Imperial's Warning was surely headed by most of us. I wonder if Eric N. had a Lunar wife? He hung out in Sylila for a while... I suppose our PC's will not get there before he's gone as it'll take a few years to get even close enough to go to that place. They'd have been at it since 1600 so it may be they would be tough enough (if alive) by that time. It may fit well and would likely by then be a nice change of scenery for the PC group... thanks for that.
  13. I thought so as well but this Jolanti is three times the wall height of 25m from what I guess, puts him at about 225'. A good size giant for sure. The Dwarf Mine sketches are extremally foreshortened looking up from grade at the entrance if that is the case? The wall seems quite level across the distance to your point.
  14. Wood, stone, stucco, what's not to like? Thanks again!
  15. So she's cry from fear of being destitute or worse. Gold digger at best? Just saying a grifter is a grifter. But then again wasn't she like a spy for the Dean of the Lunar School of Magic? She was planted and to have been so someone with more than good looks?
  16. That's really cool. Nothing better than seeing history besides talking to people who made it or researched/uncovered it.
  17. On Diros, only a few ships, likely stylized as shipbuilding area... Seapolis seems to have a drydock but can't tell. Likely any shipbuilding is done under roof or along beaches east-west of there? So the Roman sheds fit nicely, glad I wasn't far off the mark. Diros only has a few triremes shown on Jaja's map, above, diagrammatically shown rather than real numbers but still not near the number at Sklar, a much better place for shipbuilding i would say as its in the Heortland. Will need to research them a bit. I read somewhere that about 1 in 3 Orlanthi along the coast were fishermen and were crewmen. I totally love the minitour! Makes me think we should have one as a PC... anyone done that? Do they have any more trouble in a Pub than a troll would? Great stuff, thank you all. Tell me more!? What is JC?
  18. Yes, little ones could be a great way to enhance any krarsht encounter, thanks for mentioning it.
  19. I realize its not fitted to this thread exactly but its an interesting illustration by SED? The jolanti in the background seems quite large compared to the wall, maybe its a friendly giant? Is that Pavis to the left or is it a Daughter of Pavis? Also center bottom and left of center it looks like maybe dinosaurs are being used to move the stone. Who is the big guy in the 2nd clip to the left of the dinos, again he's a biggin. Weird to have found this after the above posts.
  20. Looking forward to Jaja's new work! Interesting thought that some of the boat sheds would be carved into the cliff face. From the Well: 8. Valinalda (1585 to 1610). Called the Rich. Born 1560 to House Delainaeo. Niece of Valinyr, Valinalda presided over the growth of Nochet into the largest city in Glorantha. Strongly supported the Issaries and Dormal cults, welcomed Sartarite refugees. Killed by an evil spirit invoked during a ceremony. So Queen Valinalda will be a major player in any campaign running from 1600. Thanks very much Mr. B!
  21. They seem to be everywhere... stopper bars on the pikes in the tunnels is a nice add! The Krarst attacking from above is a bit more horrific than just meeting them in a horizontal tunnel... head shot and all.
  22. Surprised as the Cult Compendium was put out in 2002. The "active game year" has traditionally moved up so I assumed earlier like 1613-5. Thanks.
  23. I have been looking at Sklar and noted the previously posted, beautiful sketch of Nochet’s seaward approach showing the port. I am wanting to develop Sklar fully for our campaign. There are some really interesting sources on-line for what shipbuilding was probably like in a large port but what are we looking at in Sklar, what does it look like in 1600? (some links below) Sklar (small city): This city is squeezed between the mouth of the Solthi River and the cliffs of the Heortland Plateau. The people are fishermen and boatwrights, best known for their colorful houses. The city boasts shrines to Orlanth, Pelaskos, and Poverri. (from GtG) From 1580-1600 could a sizable shipwright’s campus been built there? I’d say yes due to demand and the potential assistance of various magics as it is in a fantasy world setting? Would it have been similar to Ostia Antica but on a smaller scale? (clips of Ostia far below) Where would the architects/master builder have come from? The library at Jelenkev possibly has training for architecture? About 1588 a Sklar planning department was set up to manage the sprawling tent town and work with the carpenter’s guild to manage Sklar’s development? How many stalls/slips would be there, 30-40? If you say less then please list the other major shipbuilding locations around the Bay and estimate how many ships, not rafts/barges or small costal fishing boats are being built there recalling this town is noted for its shipbuilding moreso than anything else? Sure Nochet would have some capacity (6 triremes are shown on Diros Island being built on the Nochet city map) but it’s far from the resources whereas Sklar has them near at hand. (in my Glotantha) Jaja wrote in another thread: Most of the fleet construction occurs in one of three places around the Mirrorsea: Seapolis in the Right Arm Isles, Sklar in Heortland, and Diros Island by Nochet - Diros Island is dedicated to the God of Boats and sits just southeast of the city proper. No one lives on Diros Island, but hordes of laborers shuttle to and from by small boats daily. How many ships, war or transport would be under construction there at this time. The seas are open and orders have been pouring in since the early 1580’s as it seems the Holy Country lost a battle to Alatan in 1582 and to the Kralori in 1587 and so any lost ships plus new ones would be under construction. Another thing to note is that since the Syphon flows upstream timber for ships being constructed in Skyar would need to be either rolled down the cliffs to the east as in northern Wisconsin in days of old or sent down the Solthi River? Would a small canal have been cut to tie the Solthi River to the bay Sklar resides to ease the trouble of floating the timber there out into the bay? As to population, a small-town rates at 500-5900 on the AAA key and so this could actually be a booming town comparatively to many others in the Heortland especially with the rush of new shipbuilding orders, I assume the population doubled or tripled from 1582-1600. Who governs the town, how many inns would there be for say 3,500 people? I also assume a temple or 2 and some additional shrines were added beyond those mentioned in the GtG to parallel the shipbuilding boom? When I look at the map contours I am also thinking the town is built from the waterfront upward towards the bluffs with one or more “terraces” leading to “Uptown” might be located, were the well-to-do of Sklar lives. As an example, Nafpaktos, Greece (clip below) but you would need to imagine the 300m plateau rising in the distance filling most of the skyline at the rear. The buildings along the waterfront would be mostly shipwrights’ buildings like those shown below as well. Would there be a large barge rope or chain across the harbor entry possibly a small lighthouse there as well? If not a fortress type wall then some sort of seawall to stop pirates, at least later on from sailing right up to the town. I also personally like the idea that there is an Invisible God presence in Sklyr and it has a Bishop, ideas from Heroquest Men of the Sea, Saint Morlian, Saint Siglinde, there would be a shrine to Saint Dormal (YGMV) Also what source did this come from: "The poor folk of Sklar had seen better days. Since the God-king's disappearance and the civil war in Heortland, there were none left to contract for additional ships, and so many ships simply sat is various states of construction. The Red Admiral's arrival sparked interest, and the negotiations with the boatbuilders quick. In a matter of an hour, the Red Admiral had transformed his pitiful flotilla of 5 old ships into a squadron with the addition of the already finished craft at Sklar, plus added the promise of additional ships." Lastly, where would any lighthouse have been, possibly out on the point to the west of Sklar rather than on the 1000’ high bluff kilometers inland? In Nochet, Galaaz the Shaper was shipwright, using old plans tiled upon his warehouse floor. Dormal said his prayers, raised his sail, and set out across the open sea on the first over-water voyage in over 400 years. Dormal's rites and ceremonies are used by all captains now, although other ship designs have been resurrected or rediscovered. (from Prosopaedia GofG) (From an on-line article and seems familiar - Portus also contains inscriptions describing a guild of shipbuilders and a mosaic that once adorned the floor of a villa on an ancient road southeast of Rome, now on display in the Vatican Museum. The mosaic shows the facade of a building like the one at Portus with a ship in each bay.) https://www.livescience.com/16201-rome-ancient-shipyard.html Comments appreciated and thanks everyone. Ancient Shipsheds https://digitalcommons.trinity.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1059&context=infolit_usra World History Encyclopedia - Mounichia Harbour (Illustration) https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.worldhistory.org%2Fuploads%2Fimages%2F772.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.worldhistory.org%2Fimage%2F772%2Fmounichia-harbour%2F&tbnid=nNy9dmL9frw86M&vet=12ahUKEwjirNaPzP78AhW0kIkEHQWLCEcQxiAoAnoECAAQGQ..i&docid=9FWhyY8kyEoT8M&w=2000&h=1407&itg=1&q=ancient%20shipbuilding%20port&ved=2ahUKEwjirNaPzP78AhW0kIkEHQWLCEcQxiAoAnoECAAQGQ
  24. Many of the old threads are great for light reading. I recall there was an issue with offloading supplies at Guadalcanal as well as they were not packed combat ready. I guess it was still being done the old fashion way in the 1940's as well until there was a temp wharf in place? Maybe trollkin were used as ballast for the troll shipping and isn't the Bay rather calm until after 1616, thinking flatbottomed barges could have been used along the coasts in the Bay.
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