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Erol of Backford

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Everything posted by Erol of Backford

  1. I really like the idea that its always changing and possibly impacts each person differently. Any map drawn will likely change, possibly even per season on the surface world? Where would someone enter the Underworld on a Hero Quest in the Heortland as you wouldn't jump down the Syphon. Where might there be a list of Yelmelian Hero Quests? Could any be started in the Heortland? A good bit of a stretch I know...
  2. Ok so riding down the Syphon doesn't sound very survivable. Hell is overrated says Ethilrist. Sartar Sun Dome County Ties One of the Agimori twins in the campaign is and initiate of St. Elmal and is working toward being an acolyte. They have arranged an exchange of a full file of militia from the Sun Dome to the new shrine and barracks in Backford being built. The militia is being trained to fight chaos, ride and the use of a bow both mounted and on foot. The training post is for 6 months at a time with a half file being rotated out each 3 months... We have established strong trade, fish oil, dried fish, salt to the Sartar Sun Dome. This is via an established trade network, Backford, Karse, Nochet, New Crystal City, Duck Point, Clearwine, Apple Lane and the Sun Dome. The Goldentongue Rollo Ortossno has connections with the Caprati in Notchet and runs a few legs of this circuit. One of the Caprati daughters will end up marring someone of higher noble birth in Backford... Additionally the Bishop of Backford's sister is married to Kilgorn Brightspear (see clip below). So through adoption the Agimori twins are drawn to the Sun Dome via trade and family. The other twin is a Humakti and so the passion regarding Delecti's downfall is mutual. We are trying to tie Sun Dome to Backford through trade, family, marital prowess, fertility stones, etc. Does anyone know of other possible ties between Backford and Sun Dome County in Sartar?
  3. LOL, insanity over confusion! Myth shield FTW. Thanks again.
  4. You travel there multiple times and it generates your nightmares as a composite of the group that is traveling together? Sounds like Cthulhu though I have not played it...
  5. I noted it was a gift/blessing rather than begotten vis Hero Questing?
  6. The old modules all link well, have played them several times, each time gets better as they have great plot links and give a great reasons to dislike Gim-Gim more over time and to go after him. We just need a full map of the tunnels under New Pavis and the Rubble that lead to his private torture chamber, shrine to the Maw, the drug smuggling subterranean warehouse spaces and his personal objets d'art museum created to house stolen artifacts! The "poor house" front in Pavis feeding the Krarshti and Ogers in the Rubble and Valley also fits nicely. I think there is no doubt via the Big Rubble cover that there are issues with the Krarshti?
  7. Thanks for the clip. I was looking at the following which the River of Swords flows into the Edzaroun? I suppose Hell mutates/changes over time!?
  8. Like Pavis street urchins. Not if the Lunar Plotical Super-Pacs are donating their monetary gains from the Krarshti enterprises?
  9. Is this Heroic Escape detailed anywhere? If the PC's are in the River Styx Ferry (Acheron) they'd be OK no? Also what would be the price required by the Ferryman (Charon)? Could Charon take you back up the Syphon to the Toe Hole in the Acheron assuming those river connect and if so what might be the task(s) he'd ask the PC's to do for him on Glorantha and how might the failure to do so curse the PC's Why would normal guardians who are there to stop the dead from leaving stop you from leaving Hell if you are alive? Or does it default to anyone entering Hell becoming deceased automatically? Are they all just simply jealous of the PC's being alive?
  10. How is the Styx Water gained from any Hero Question different from Styx Water gained from physically being there to obtain it? Would they have the same effect versus vampires? I assume a vial taken on a Hero Quest to Hell, emersed in the River Styx would not have the same vampire slaying powers as the actual River Styx water or would it? Also is there an entrance to the River Styx from the mundane plane? I assume the Syphon flows to the Underworld but not directly into the River Styx, or does it? There was a bit of discussion, a post by Mr. Scott: Zatern Lake: This deep lake is shared by the Balmyr, Kitori, and Kultain tribes. Beyond it are the Troll Woods, home of the Kitori tribe. Monsters occasionally emerge from its depths, and the trolls claim that at its bottom is an opening to the River Styx. It is the source of the Marzeel River. When I look at the map of the Underworld I see the River of Swords but not the River Styx. Sartar Kingdom of Heroes map - The Underworld p.343 I was reading somewhere that there were several rivers in Hell, or that the River Styx had several branches? Any help on this?
  11. Do the Stormbull followers not glorify him by slaying Chaos? Is that zealotry not the same as Chaos like Broo doing their normal daily scheduled activities including sacrificing at places like Chaos Holy Ground? How is it so different? I suppose its a bit like tapping Chaos as a means to an end? What sorcerers would think badly on tapping Chaos especially when activating or to consecrate a new shrine or temple? Of course the Heortlanders would bake a loaf of bread in the shape of a goat-man (and then eat it) in lieu of actually sacrificing one on an Ivisible-God altar? I keep going back to a certain shrine that used spirits of the sacrificed victims to bump the shrine to a temple status in regardes to the number of worshipers. Again that's not to far off the mark for the Baboons and summoned ancestors bumping up the "worship participant" numbers/totals to regain divine spells. (Sorry for being all over the place here.)
  12. What would anyone's thoughts be as to a list of tasks a PC would need to undergo to have a permanent true-weapon cast by their patron deity? Is it after so many years of service? Is it for say Yelmalio, killing 200 trolls or darkness creatures? A simple DI doesn't seem by any means appropriate... What about binding a cult spirit to a location, company standard, personal weapon or shrine/temple?
  13. Let's say the hole Hell is not 100% filled with water but has visible sides similar to a waterfall in the attached clip. Characters could climb up or down a portion of the way to the Underworld? Guessing Hell Crack is similar? How far vertically would the distance be? Are there parachutes in Glorantha or would there be no air in the Underworld so a parachute of sorts wouldn't reduce falling time regardless? Wouldn't an air elemental be able to carry you up or down or would they not function in a vacuum as well? If the entire hole to the Underworld is filled with water could an Undine not "bubble you" and take you up or down the Syphon as it flows into the Underworld? Once in the Underworld would a boat float in the River Styx?
  14. In very hushed tones, rumors are whispered that the Lunars have brought a secret Chaos cult into New Pavis. This cult is responsible for the string of disappearances in the city in recent weeks. Pavis: Gateway to Adventure p.270 Are you able to use sacrificial victim's power to sanctify your portable shrine? Could Lightbringers not also sacrifice Chaos entities and possibly use their victim's power for enchantments, sanctify spells, etc.?
  15. A caravan is being organized to cross the Wastes to far-off Kralorela! No previous caravans have ever returned, but the organizer assures his investors that this time will be different. Plenty of silver is being offered for caravan guards and guides – no questions asked! How much silver would be offered? Without going north, based on what was discussed here, is the only way to make it by subterranean Dwarf Tram? Pavis: Gateway to Adventure p.262
  16. If all/nearly all the Sartar descendants were assassinated by the Lunars, some framer's sister in Prax would easily be bumped off no? I assume if the Lunars wanted her dead she'd be. Others in Pavis, Prax or even possibly Sun County may have reasons to want her knocked off. Could it be a Daughter of Pavis wants her eliminated? What differences would there be between persons wanting Pavis to rise again versus those wanting outlying farming areas to stay important? Would the Garhound Clan not lose power/influence if there were suddenly more farming conducted inside the Rubble walls or close to Pavis itself? Maybe Sun Dome irrigation techniques are being planned for the near future farming expansion near the ZR River and the Garhound Clan is using intrigue to prevent this from developing? Wild guesses but she's a leader of Farmers, not openly resisting the Lunars. Who gains from her being killed besides someone else in her clan?
  17. Feeling like this is a Family Feud question. Survey says: Brygga Scissortongue - head of the Garhound Clan in New Pavis. Why would the Black Fang assassins try to kill her? Of course money or some other payment but who's behind her assailants and why? Could it be a disgruntled relative as likely they would ascend with her being eliminated? Would there be any reason trolls would want her dead? As befitting such a powerful clan leader, Brygga is guarded by as many as twenty mercenary huscarls recruited from the Sartarites of Pavis County. Twice in the past five years, they have stopped Black Fang assassins bent on killing her. Also curious could it be that she has a forked tongue and has secretive dealings with dragon kind, possibly the name is fitting physically but is hidden somehow?
  18. LOL so like Goya's painting, heardman tartare. I imagine with a pinch of squirrel dung seasoning to improve the flavor as Bert would say?
  19. I have always liked the dreaded/annoying upstart Buddhist peasants - the Ikko-Ikki. We could use them as Kralori mercenaries/caravan guards.
  20. I know but when the term Axe-men came up I had to go back and watch parts of Kung-fu Hustle, too funny! I do love Osprey books! Thanks again.
  21. Ok so its difficult but not impossible... fun to try and role play. You mean Kung-fu Shuffle Axe Men!?
  22. We discussed a coin - Guilder as a relic. I have a lot of far fetched ideas but they only get as far as bullet points to be used in a campaign otherwise it becomes work!
  23. I still think there would be a route south of the Hellcrack... what stops one running from say Pavis east and north to avoid the worst areas of the Wastes? I suppose the northern route is the Gloranthan Silk Road after all... thanks everyone.
  24. I was initially surprised that the Globe of Authority and Scepter of Order were not holy spot artifacts but when thinking on it a bit they were manmade... On that note, what would make one of the Humakti Gold Swords or the Wooden Sword act as a holy spot? It doesn't seem that Divine Intervention would be powerful enough to sanctify an object or would it be? if so wouldn't a lot more mobile holy spots/sanctified items be wandering around?
  25. So what would Gonn Orta desire as trade goods from the East/Vormain? Mostly magic items I assume. (Mummy dust - what is it used for!?) On another note how many herd-men would the giants of Orta's Pass eat in lieu of eating herd-beasts? How would Morokanth establish a monopoly with Gonn to supply meat? Can't help going back to this Goya painting. Do giants eat raw meat? Do they like it crunchy or do they also eat the stinky bits?
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