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Everything posted by Matt

  1. Matt


    I have always liked the Adam West/Super Friends-type Batman, Space Ghost, and Blue Falcon. I'd play a game set in Big City anytime.
  2. Frankly if there are no parrots and monkeys, it's a travesty!
  3. How much work would it be to strip out the dragons and fantastic elements and use this as a pirate game?
  4. That's a lot of books! Didn't realize Palladium even made that many. All I have is a couple of their Heroes Unlimited books. The GM Guide is pretty good as a source for adventure ideas.
  5. Been there, done that...several times. Doesn't work unless players are dependable, which RPGers tend not to be. Every online game I've tried burns out when someone just disappears and it always seems to be a PC who is heavily involved in the story at hand. Too much work on my part. Plus it's just not the same. I think I'm done with online games. I ended up wasting too much time and effort and getting little return, so I'm jaded about it now. 'Course, the other problem is finding players who want to use these older games rather than flavors of the month.
  6. I have two copies of Justice Inc. with different cover art. Still waiting for someone to play it with. Everyone I know wants to play elves/hobbits stuff. Were you aware they published a new Daredevils module a few months back?
  7. I hear that often, but mostly from folks who haven't played the games. I think it's mostly the presentation in wargame format (see section 1.3.14). I never found V&V or Flashing Blades to be difficult to follow, and I don't think Daredevils or Bushido are any harder than the AD&D of its era. I'll admit I haven't made it thru Privateers & Gentlemen yet, and I don't have Merc, Space Opera, or some of the others. I quite enjoy FGU's output, especially when I can buy it so cheap and since I live next state over it ships pretty fast, too. I have all the Daredevils adventures and even if you don't like the system, there are a mess of ideas for use in the pulp/Indiana Jones/Tales of the Gold Monkey system of your choice. P.S. Is that a Green Hornet symbol you're using?
  8. I seldom try anything new simply due to the prices. It's a shame. But I have found lots of old games on the cheap. And FGU still sells many of its games and supplements at circa-'82 prices on their web site. Anyone up for a rousing session of Flashing Blades? Most annoying are the games that want you to buy at least two books at $50 each just to have the basic starter set. Surely they're joking?
  9. I've got a couple of issues of DW lying around... the ones with the X-Men and the Teen Titans on the covers. Good stuff.
  10. Matt


    The powers list in the big BRP book is by no means complete, but (1) it isn't trying to be and says as much, (2) one can extrapolate and add if one desires, (3) no super hero game has ever managed to be "complete," not even the Ultimate Powers Book for TSR's MSH, but mostly it's no problem since (4) I actually use Superworld and Superworld Companion and not the BRP book except for extras as needed. I find Superworld suits the level of power I'm interested in. I suppose power-mongers may dislike the relative weakness of a PC in Superworld as compared to Champions or Mutants and Masterminds, but I've tried both and they seem to be more about character building tricks than anything else. At least based on what I endured. I like Superworld and wish there were more of it. Claims of clunkiness seem to reflect the desire for a higher power level than the game seems to have been meant for, as I don't find it any clunkier than Call of Cthulhu (for instance).
  11. Matt


    Forgive me my lapse, I meant to thank you for your kind and thoughtful response to my question. Thanks!
  12. Matt


    Is anyone interested in recaps of a Superworld campaign? And would this even be an appropriate place to post them? Superworld appears be dreadfully unpopular on this site, at least compared with various fantasy-type elves 'n' hobbits games. Am I really as odd-man-out as it seems? I confess I have very little interest in magical-type settings, though Pendragon and Call of Cthulhu are fantastic games I would play in a heartbeat could I but find a group willing to attempt those milieus.
  13. I guess it's supposed to be funny to insult someone for asking a question. Classy. Do you feel better now that you've put him down?
  14. I keep seeing this book on Amazon...want to buy it when I have some extra $! Even if i seems unlikely that I'll find anyone else who wants to play in this setting, it sounds really great.
  15. You folks should start a new thread...or give this one a title that is more to the point of what is under discussion.
  16. Well, I ordered a "boo-boo book" copy of BRP a week or two ago, got several confirmations for each stage of the transaction, and received my book a few days ago, so to me that's a real business. I bet they even pay taxes.
  17. Oh my...how I would love some kind of Ultraman-giant robots-Godzilla action! Is there a game that would do this well? Is BRP Mecha aimed at Transformers/Robotech type stuff? P.S. No intention to offend anime snobs who know the "real" versions of those titles.
  18. Matt

    Runequest reviews

    But doesn't the world need another hundred clones of Basic D&D?
  19. Matt

    Runequest reviews

    I guess I'm a "semi-civilian" as I seldom go to game stores or visit RPG sites (until recent weeks). I would never have heard of about 95% of the games and products mentioned on this site. I didn't even know there was a BRP game until I saw it on the shelf one day. RPG makers in general do a terrible job marketing and placing their products. By the time I even knew Hero had a 6th edition, it was already out of print and the local game shop barely carried any of the supporting line of products and none of the main books. Same is true of most games if you aren't a cognoscenti already in the loop. Seems like a vicious circle as they need to sell more to afford better marketing, but I won't buy a product I have insuficient information on and can't look at in a store to see for myself.
  20. Maybe try Bushido?
  21. The thing is, though, that you are telling others the one, true way to play, when in fact there is none. Besides, nothing in the original question says we only want to give PCs a challenge they can defeat. That's a conclusion you and "rust" seem to have jumped to on your own. Not sure why.
  22. I'd probably check my GURPS Arabian Nights or a book on various Middle Eastern mythologies to find a satisfactory creature to fill that role. I seem to recall something like an Arabic dwarf in the GURPS book.
  23. Matt

    Runequest reviews

    Ooh...! This has me intrigued! That's my fantasy setting of choice. Is Monster Island a setting, a module...? Is it compatible with BRP or this Magic World game I was recommended for my Sinbadesque adventure cravings?
  24. I'm so sick of Tolkien-influenced fantasy RPGs, this makes me happy! Of course, not as happy as I would be to play in a Harryhausen Sinbad world with no elves or dwarves or hobbits...
  25. There's no way to set a price in dollars, for instance, without knowing the era and location in which your game is set. A handgun in a modern metropolis will not cost the same as a handgun in 1860s Oklahoma or 1920s Tokyo.
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