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Everything posted by Matt

  1. Not sure how this addresses the question presented...?
  2. Matt

    Runequest reviews

    I'll probably wait and see if you do a "Let's Read." I don't have enough information to determine whether one or the other is preferable. Might even just use the old Conan game from TSR. I don't buy PDFs...vision issues with computer screens...my eyes hurt if I read too much on the screen so I only buy real books. Unfortunately this means I miss out on many products these days that are only available as PDFs. C'est la vie, I guess. P.S. Thank you for the link to the nifty character sheet. Seeing the different hit locations makes me think perhaps Rune Quest is not what I want...keeping track of various body parts is a bit much for me. Does Magic World do this as well, or is it more abstract like Call of Cthulhu?
  3. Matt


    Does anyone have any suggestions for how one would make a super hero who is slippery, hard to get a hold of much in thr fashion of, say, a greased pig? I was looking at the Defense power but as written it would only apply to the difficulty of being hit--do you think there is an advantage that should be added to simulate the difficulty of being held as well, plus a disadvantage as it would only apply to hand-to-hand situations? Or do you think there's some better way to modify Insubstantiality for this purpose?
  4. I would like this information as well as I am not overly practiced in GMing this system.
  5. Matt


    Maybe I will have to start one once I have something more substantive to add.
  6. I just bought a boo-boo book from them and got a confirmation e-mail not long after, so I assume they're doing business as usual.
  7. Well, here's hoping you find the time to finish it up and make it available to the rest of us! It's a genre I have always enjoyed but unfortunately have yet to be able to roleplay in. Unless you count my "Star Wars without the Empire or the Force" game usng West End Games' 1st edition, but that was more just goofy sci-fi than swords 'n' planets.
  8. Matt

    Runequest reviews

    I thought Magic World was a setting.
  9. Wow...I haven't thought about Skyrealms of Jorune since the '80s when there were ads in Dragon. Who owns the rights now? Is this a licensed version you're working on? You really need to get the original artist to do any drawings!
  10. Matt

    Runequest reviews

    You seem familiar with the game; can you tell me if you feel Rune Quest would suffice for or be compatible with a Harryhausen Sinbad type of setting? I also have GURPS Arabian Nights as a sourcebook. I have never thought D&D, in any of its incarnations, was a very good system even for the genre it supposedly emulates, and other systems have been too convoluted or required too much work to make useful.
  11. I hear this question frequently from folks playing super hero games and wanting them to better reflect comic books. I don't think any role-playing game is up to the task simply because games are designed to put the PCs on relatively equal footing while a narrative such as a cartoon or comic book has no need for balance. The story plays out however the writer(s) determine it should, regardless of fairness or logic, and most players would balk at this in a game. "Jimmy Olsen gets a lucky shot with his slingshot and knocks out Superman." "What?! I'm invulnerable!" If you figure out a way to make an RPG play like a TV show and still satisfy everyone, let me know!
  12. Matt

    Runequest reviews

    I enjoyed your read-through review enough that it makes we want to try Rune Quest, a game I have never played and know little about. Are there significant differences between Rune Quest editions? I ask because I sometimes see used older material for sale but don't want to have to spend time doing a bunch of conversions to make it useful. Is there a particular edition of Rune Quest that is supposed to be superior, and why?
  13. Forgive me if I missed it, but there are 30 pages of posts in this thread: is this book out or coming out soon? I would love some Flash Gordon/Dejah Thoris action. "Space: 1889" is too clunky for me. Would love to see a good sourcebook I can draw from and that will save me some work.
  14. Matt


    Dear Sirs or Madmen, Is there already a thread devoted to Superworld and discussion thereof? If so, please direct me as I couldn't find it. Thank you in advance for your kindness and understanding. Sincerely, Matt
  15. I did give the first Nu-Trek movie a chance despite my misgivings...I feel Trek would have been better served if they had just moved the story forward again with all-new characters maybe 20 or 50 years into the future like they did with that '80s comeback, "Star Trek: The Pepsi Generation," or whatever they call it.
  16. How about the obligatory older, oversized woman riding a motorized scooter with an oxygen tank on the back and a minicart full of Doritos, Hostess, and Dreyers products?
  17. I guess I'll have to see it and decide whether it's useful. Sure hope it's available soon and there's some kind of preview or sample. P.S. I appreciate that you are straightforward about the contents. I've had, in the past, folks tell me whatever they think I want to hear to try to sell me their books.
  18. Thanks for the quick answer. Unfortunately it sounds like it would take more work than I have time for. I'm just looking for a straightforward book on pirates and pirate times. Same problem I keep having with Western sourcebooks where it's always the "Weird West"...I guess I'm odd man out as they seem to be popular.
  19. Bokors like in voodoo? How much of the mystcal stuff will be in the book? Is it presented as an option or is it integral? I ask because I don't care for supernatural elements in my pirate/cowboy/musketeers types of games.
  20. You made me smile. I gather you've dealt with this bizarre aspect of Hero a number of times. Not knocking the game itself, as I ran a campaign for about 6 months just over a year ago. Works well if everyone agrees not to abuse it.
  21. Let's hope it's done soon. Is "Aargh Pirates" the final title I should look for, or just a working title?
  22. Is there a licensed Star Trek game these days? I enjoyed (and still enjoy) FASA Trek even with its faults and haven't seen a better attempt yet (LUG, Decipher), but a Chaosium version seems like a pretty good fit to me. I'm sure the license from Paramount would be prohibitively expensive. I also imagine they'd be forced to use Nu-Trek as part of the rebranding with Captain Abercrombie, Mr. Fitch, Lieutenant Hottie, and iStore Bridge photos scattered throughout the book.
  23. Any news on this? I love roleplaying pirates and a nice sourcebook would be great, though I could live without the mystical/magical stuff inserted.
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