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Everything posted by Mugen

  1. Well, with Inspiration and combat stances, it's not very difficult to go beyond 20.
  2. That was actually a problem for my players, as they felt they couldn't focus on another 1 handed weapon on the long term, and have a character with a different fighting style from their previous one. We also experienced a lot of fumbles, to the extent that a recurring joke was that they should stop use grease to clean their swords...
  3. I'm also not impressed by the (dis)advantage mechanism. It's good that D&D 5e has less little bonus to hunt, but sincerely I'd rather just take the highest bonus and malus, or even just eyeball global difficulty.
  4. As a side note, the POW gain from defeating a Disease Spirit seems to me like a typo in the rules, but I digress...
  5. Remember that the metals that are named "bronze", "copper", "iron" and so on in Glorantha are not the same as their Earth equivalents. That's the reason why you can find natural bronze, for instance.
  6. My personal taste would be to have Hit Points representing a character's fatigue, energy and morale rather than just actual wounds, instead of having 2 different jauges for fatigue and health. That would result in a game where Hit Points are lost more frequently, but also recovered quicker. Going under 0 HP would result in malus to skills. Real Wounds would result in reduced HP Maximum until fully healed, and Death would occur when max Hit Points are reduced to 0.
  7. Also this summer, the first Kaamelott movie will finally be released. It's based on a french comedy series which relies heavily on language and the actors' performance, so I doubt it translates well in English. Nevertheless, what was initially a light-hearted series of short films loosely based on arthurian legends eventually turned to be a more profound and personal work, as Arthur, unable to find the Grail or give an heir to the throne, slowly fell into depression. Launcelot is also a very interesting figure. Originally the right hand of Arthur, he eventually left the court because he disagreed with what he considered laxism from Arthur's part. He met a strange hooded man (Meleagant) who influenced him and turned him into Arthur's worst enemy.
  8. The way I see it, an armor protects you from a blow in a way that is very different from the way a parry does. An armor is a passive protection, whereas a weapon is an active one. Basicall, a parry is an attempt to intercept, block or deflect a blow so that it doesn't hit your body. The geometry of the tool you're using, and how it helps you use your strength to counter your opponent's is very important. What type of material it's made of will determine how long the item will stay in shape before it breaks or its shape is altered to such an extent it can't be used as a weapon. On the other hand, a piece of armor is here to reduce the impact of a blow that already hit you, by dispersing kinetic energy and sometimes changing the nature of a wound (for instance, when a sword can't make a cut and instead just leaves a bruise). Small shields are also quite different from other weapons, as they're basically just additional layers of armor over your forearm. Which doesn't mean I think the kinetic energy of a parried attack magically disappears after a parry, or that an armor's geometry is not important for making it more effective.
  9. IMHO, having one value for protection value and durability only really works for bronze items. Items made with a more resistant material should not protect more, only stay in shape longer.
  10. Amen. From what I understand, they only really had two possibilities in mind : either use RuneQuest 2 or RuneQuest 6 (now Mythras) as a basis, and didn't consider any other option. And they chose RQ2 because the other one was just too counter-intuitive for their playtesters (which were not RQ2 grognards). As much as I love Mythras, I would have loved that RQG had envisioned a third option.
  11. Did I mention it was a ghost speaking ?
  12. Hey, I lost my right arm and left leg, but finally earned an experience check. Totally worth it !
  13. Sure, but will you risk using it in combat in order to gain experience with it ?
  14. Anyway, there are clearly two different category of skills in all (skill-based) RPGs : those that are necessary for the game, and those that are rarely used and ever more rarely useful in the course of an adventure. It's fine to know how to play Harp, but it's rarely used in-game (even moreso if "Harp" means the ICE game) IMHO, Character Creation should take this into account and make "less useful" skills easier to learn.
  15. Well, to be honest I think that if you try to factor skill utility, it's possible warrior packages will be 400% worth and Scribe 50% As a side note : really, Farmers receive no points in Farm and Entertainers no points in Play(Instrument)? That's odd. But it doesn't really matter as you only ultimately need a handful of skills in CoC.
  16. Wow, I just noticed on RQG character sheet that there are 3 shield skills, which means that if I start with a medium shield and loot find a kite shield, I'll have to grow a new skill to use it. Fighting with a shield is really difficult in Glorantha.
  17. Don't forget that not all skills are equal either, and a +25% to Play(Instrument) or Farm is very likely to have less impact on the game than a +5% in Dodge, Search or First Aid. Not counting the need to have 2 skills when you fight with a shield and only one with a 2 handed weapon, or the fact the important of each skill will depend on context... However, I'm surprised to see that Hunter and Priest are amongst the occupations that got the lowest skill allotments, and Scribe is the winner.
  18. As I'm speaking of RQG and not a previous edition, it's not Attack/Parry but Main Hand/Shield. I'm assuming someone with 90% sword will parry with his sword, and not risk taking a nasty hit because of the 20% difference between skills. He'll still benefit from the shield protection from missile and added AP to some locations.
  19. But what about a very big Uz wielding a great maul instead of a Giant, then? It's very likely the 4d6+2 damage of the troll will inflict damage on the duck if he parries it, even if he uses a kite shield. That's a situation where common sense would dictate that he'd better dodge, but where the rules may make parrying a good alternative.
  20. And, again, if your skills are different, protecting your main weapon instead of your body is not a good idea. Of course, if your shield skill is equal or superior to your sword skill, there's no reason not to use it. But due to the very random nature of experience in RQ, it's very likely they'll diverge. A!so, trying to have similar skill levels in both sword and shield skills is not a good defensive strategy. Say you have to chose between having 85/85, 90/70 or 70/90, it's better to go 90/70 or 70/90, because missing your parry means you'll block 0 points instead of 12 to 16. And you don't need to use your shield skill to benefit from its passive protection.
  21. What do you mean'by MGF ?
  22. But, again, less expensive than a lost limb. Fighting with a shield requires two skills, and it's their major problem in this edition, as your character could die because you tried to parry with his 70% shield skill instead of his 80% sword skill.
  23. But how do you decide when it is realistic to parry something or not ? Remember the original question was about a duck parrying a giant, not a truck. Without the rule for skils above 100%, the answer is easy : you don't parry a giant because it's useless. I mean, even if your opponent is "just" an Uz wielding a Great Maul, you'd consider dodging instead of parrying.
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