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Everything posted by Atgxtg

  1. Nope. It just means that it comes off after movement. Personally I'd prefer the DEXSR +1 per MP. It's a lot easier to remember instead of DEXSR-1+1 per MP, but I think the reason why the -1 is in there is so you can toss of a disrupt at the same rate as you can shoot a bow.
  2. No, but they do reflect how long it takes to do something, and sequence of events, so from a practical view, they do the same thing.
  3. Yup. Plus in RQ you rarely need a specific spell to accomplish something on a mission, so it probably doesn't matter how the group destroys the nasty chaos monster, just that they do, and that the Priest did their part.
  4. I'd buy it, and we all know how picky I can be.
  5. So it must of been a length thing. 1ft blade (knife, dagger), 2 foot blade (shortsword, kukri), 3 foot blade (broadsword, scimitar, bastard sword)
  6. Thanks. It has the look of some real world stuff along those line. If it is a Glorathan book, I think you will be able to find a market for it, especially if you can fit in RQ, HQ and/or 13A game stats for the various weapons and variants.
  7. That might be the intent. I've been going through my copies of RQ3, thanks to some of the posts here, and discovered that Cultural Weapons skill points could be divided among weapon of the given category. So that might be what they meant.
  8. Your right, I should have said Bastard Sword or Scimitar. Probably becuase the old RQ Broadsword was a bronze age style cutting sword, wheras the RQ shortshword was a thrusting sword. But since RQ# went with a more advanced cut & thrust broadsword... At least to start, since they were so much better, and covered most categories. I did see characters diversify a bit for "backup" weapons. But that was when they had the money and time for training. A week's training in RQ3 (50 hours) could bring a starting weapon skill up quite a bit- so much so that the difference in starting % didn't really matter much. After a week the guy who was at 5% could catch up to the one who was at 10%. Yes, but it was't as common, or spelled out as half skill.
  9. That would mean combining the RQ, HQ, and Glorantha forums.
  10. Possibly not. It would probably depend on the characters and circumstances. A Chalana Arroy Healer who can't cast any Rune Healing magic because they got an Extended Protection spell up all the time would probably be in hot water. A Humakti who has an Extended Bladesharp or Truesword up all the time, probably not. But is is all tied to circumstances. Besides in most cases a character could drop a spell and pray to get the points back, if they needed to-assuming they have enough time.
  11. Yeah Rosen's right about RQ3. Weapon skills were more broadly defined, and stuff like 1H Sword or Spear applied to all such weapons. So the skill was 1H Sword, not Broadsword or Shortsword. It also kinda made a joke of different starting percentages, since you could take the best on in the case to get your skill, then pick up a related weapon. It was a big departure from RQ2. In RQ2 you'd get dropped to half skill just for using somebody else's Broadsword!
  12. I think most people agree. If I wanted to keep a spell up for a whole year it would probably be something defensive like Protection, or something more generally useful like Bladesharp , Vigor, or even Mobility. Something that will be useful for more than the first round. Stuff that even if someone spends a lot of MPs to blow down, is still worth it because it made them spend those MPs blowing don your spells as opposed to casting powerful offensive magic of their own. BTW, I take if from your posting then that the Rune Points are locked up as long as the Extension is running, right? So someone can't extend a spell for a year, then pray to regain rune points, and repeat the process. Good. Locking up the 6 RPs in Extension go a long way towards the cost.
  13. In light of the new edition, the various differences between RQ2, RQ3 and RQG, not to mention the non-Chaosium versions of RQ floating around, and to avoiding confusing new players, maybe we should split off the RQ forum into separate forums. The main one could be RQG (the new game) with RQ3 and possibly RQ2 finding a new home in the Mythic Worlds section? Just a thought. What do people think now that the game is out? Should we or shouldn't we?
  14. M Helsdon, What book are those pages from? It looks interesting.
  15. Atgxtg


    Thanks. That is a very kind offer. I'll ask the GM more about the ship.
  16. It all boils down to if people think that 6 points for a year is too cheap or not. It's certainly much more powerful than things were before. In fact, the whole game seems much more high powered magically than it was before. But that might be a better fit for Glorantha.
  17. On the bright side, it all seems to come down to Extension. So it should be easy to houserule (if you don't like it) or fix (if everybody doesn't like it).
  18. LOL! Probably packed in with the submissions for Questworld. The RQ Companion makes me kinda sad. When I got it, I had no idea that it was really the last RQ2 book. Or that the AH deal was going to stop the flow of new Glorantha/Dragon Pass material (mostly reprints) for quite some time.
  19. Yeah the skill was, but the weapon was a short spear. If I recall correctly the question was either "can I throw a spear?" or "If attacked in melee can I stab with a javelin, and what are it's stats?" or some such. It's probably the reason why they have javelin melee stats in RQ3. I'd assume that any Javelin skill give would be thrown as well. It makes more sense. It also why defining the skill as Thrown Javelin would help, or going back to Spear= Melee, Javelin = Missile. Hmm, it might be in the RQ Companion. I'll check.
  20. I think I'd be more worried about upping the chance of a fumble from 1% to around 4%. That probably not a risk I'd want to take under most circumstances.
  21. They were in RQ2. I'd probably have to dig into Wryms Footnotes to find it, but the question was raised, and the answer was that a javelin was a short spear, and if someone threw a short spear it was a javelin. So now they are separate, but you need to determine if the skill granted was Javelin (melee) or (Javelin) missile. Not to mention Battle Axe (1H) and Battle Axe (2H) or if Batle Axe skill works for both. Right?
  22. Because before a Javelin was a short spear and vice versa. Now, I guess, they are two different weapons, which combined with RQ2's seperate skill for every weapon, is going to lead to a lot of situations like the ones you are bringing up. I get the feeling that we are going to spend the next couple of years finding and refixing all the bugs in RQ2 that Chaosium already fixed decades ago. I wish I had picked up Steve Perrin's copy og RQ2 on eBay a few years back. There's probably a lot of stuff in the margins that we will all be interested in.
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