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Everything posted by Atgxtg

  1. 1982. Frankly speaking, while Worlds of Wonder was groundbreaking in 1982, it has very little to recommend it in 2014. Worlds of Wonder has a very minimal ruleset comprised of the old 16 page BRP booklet, and similar sized booklets for fantasy, superhero and sci-fir campaigns. While a novel concept in 1982, and the first real expansion of the RQ/BRP game system beyond fantasy, pretty much everything in it has been superseded by newer, better supplements that are better fleshed out, with more complete and functional rulesets. The BRP core rulebook, for instance, pretty much covers everything in WoW and more. Heck, if your just curious about it, try googling Worlds of Wonder and you will probably find quite a bit about (or all of) it on-line.
  2. LOL! As I've mentioned earlier, I'm working on a PDF with a few optinal rules for BRP Mecha: things like rules for using it to create powered armor; a mass/weight to SIZ table; a thrust to STR conversion and so on. I could probably add the overheating rules to it. As a refresher in Battledroids (oops, BattleMech) the robots just shut down when the over heat, right? The way I remember it, they would shut down for a few rounds until they cooled off below their threshold. If they overheated too much they could explode, correct?
  3. I've been working on some extension stuff for BRO Mecha. If you want to do overheating, the simple method would seem to be: 1 POW Point = 1 Point of Heat. For items that don't use PP, calculate heat generated as 1/2 the max die roll (1d6=3 heat, 1d8= 4 heat, 2d6 = 6 heat, 1d4+1 = 3 heat) For MOV use 1 point of heat per MOV multiplier. That sould cover most stuff. I'd set the heat threshold as a fraction of SIZ. Depending on when you want overheating to begin you could use 1/10th SIZ, 1/5th SIZ, 1/4 SIZ or whatever. You can also set up a cooling rating. Either as a function of SIZ (a bigger mecha will coll off 1 point of heat faster than a smaller one),or as a set value, maybe equal to size class. Or you can use a variable roll. Taking 2xSIZ (instead of STR+SIZ) on the damage bonus table could work. You can alter this with additional heat sinks. Is that simple enough, or do you still want a PDF?
  4. The hard bit, for me, is javascript. I can do the layout stuff fine, but haven't mastered how to do some of the more advanced math in javascript yet. In theory the sheet should be able to automatically work out stuff like damage bonuses and category modfiers. I just have to figure out the right format to get it to do so.
  5. If you want something that can do a little math and put together a nice editable character sheet there is the NBOS Character Sheet Designer. It's free, and fully customizable. I've used it for other RPGs (D6 Star Wars), but you could do a BRP sheet with it easily enough.
  6. I'm definitely going to have to upgrade the weaponry on the MOSPEADA's. I've been re-watching the series and generally single hits from the missiles and particle beam take out Inbit. I'm pretty close to that, if I treat the attacks as energy and have it bypass the armor. I just need to up the damage a point or two. Or possibly downgrade their Armor a level or two. I should probably treat the Inbit as wearing powered armor to allow for better damage blow through. Basically if torso HP get reduced to zero the Inbit dies.
  7. I think you are give Macek too much credit. He really didn't have much choice about it. Fokker get's killed off half way through Macross, and unlike Space Cruiser Yamato, Macross didn't have enough footage, nor linear enough storyline for them to reinsert Roy into the remainder of the series, they way Starblazers did with it's dead. I suppose Macek deserves credit from bring Macross over to the U.S., and for not chopping it up as bad as Yamato had been. Still, Macek and Harmory Gold kept the Macross sequels out of the U.S. for ages in order to promote Robotech. As far as animation on TV never being the same again, I wish. For the most part TV animation has gone on in the same fashion. What changed was that a larger segment of the population became aware that there was animated programs that weren't just kiddie kibble.
  8. Ooh, you have been watching. And the proper Macross title, no less. But that is just the sort of nightmare scenario a GM can get into by running mostly wimpy foes and then tossing in a toughie. It's very easy to kill off an unspecting PC with an opening shot. In the case of Fokker, he was essentially a NPC mentor figure who's demise allowed Hikaru to advance to the next step as a hero. But that's not someone you want to accidentally happen to a PC. BRP can be very unforgiving with damage.
  9. I'd say they would be firmly in the real robot camp-not the super robot. I think the effect you mentionedthat is more a matter of the pilot rather than the mecha. A lot of anime shows have the heroes zipping around through teh battle unscathed, while thier allies are being blown to bits all around them. Yeah the hero usually has the best mecha available to his side, but it's still more a matter of the pilot. Just be careful you don't pull a Roy Fokker on them and blindside them.
  10. Yeah, that's the trick. Although some of the weaker Inbit can't really challenge an Armo much. THat was kinda the problem of the Iigaa Booster. It has no ranged weaponry. Some of the tougher Inbit like the Gamo can challenge an Armo-fighter, but are a tough fight for M.O.S.P.E.A.D.A. When I get most of the mecha statted I am going to watch the series again, and tweak values a bit here and there to try and get a better match to what we see on screen. I think the key is probably to keep the Armor values low so that the MOS'PAs can get through. One of the things I did was have plasma (HEAT) warheads act as Energy instead of Kinetic Damage. That way a 1d2+1 missile against 1 point energy armor is much more effective than 1d3 against 2 points of kinetic armor. With the low HP that Inbit have, a 2 point hit through the armor can take out a location. And it is realistic to boot.
  11. [quote=Canis latrans popus;54891 Now I'm interested in seeing you do a conversion of the inbit.
  12. Sorry:o, It's just that I happened to pick a mech that is almost the worst choice for converting into BRP Mecha. And I'm really thinking of doing up some notes for human worn mecha. I think a lot of the Mecha stuff would work and could be scaled down to character scale easily enough. Weapon damages, for instance, could look something like this: Mecha Damage Character Damage 1 3D6 1d2 4D6 1d3 7D6 1d4 8D6 1d6 10D6 1d8 13D6 1d10 16D6 2d6 20D6 2d8 26D6 3d6 29D6 2d10 32D6 4d6 40D6
  13. Okay, here's a writeup for a Mobile Operation Soldier Protection Emergency Aviation Dive Armor (M.O.S.P.E.A.D.A.). I had to take quite a few liberties with the BRP Mecha design rules, but I think it works. I haven't done a mortocylce configuration for it yet. Not sure if it really needs one. [table] [tr][th]STR[/th][th]SIZ[/th][th]POW[/th][th]DEX[/th][th]APP[/th][th]DB[/th][th]MOV[/th][th]Armour[/th][/tr] [tr][th]+8*[/th][th]19[/th][th]48[/th][th]-[/th][th]-[/th][th]-[/th][th]1 [walk**] [1/33fly***][/th][th]2[/th][/tr] [/table] * Since the MOSPEADA armor argments the wearer's own STR. ** When in bike configuration the MOSPEADA can be driven at MOV 7. [table] [tr] [th]Melee[/th] [td]01-04[/td] [td]05-08[/td] [td]09-12[/td] [td]13-15[/td] [td]16-18[/td] [td]19-20[/td] [/tr] [tr] [th]Missile[/th] [td]01-03[/td] [td]04-06[/td] [td]07-15[/td] [td]16-17[/td] [td]18-19[/td] [td]20[/td] [/tr] [tr] [th]Location[/th] [td]R Leg[/td] [td]L Leg[/td] [td]Torso[/td] [td]R Arm[/td] [td]L Arm[/td] [td]Head[/td] [/tr] [tr] [th]Hit points[/th] [td]1[/td] [td]1[/td] [td]1[/td] [td]1[/td] [td]1[/td] [td]1[/td] [/tr] [tr] [th]Sections[/th] [td]Thrusters [2]/ [/td] [td]Thrusters [2]/ [/td] [td]Cockpit [2],[/td] [td]GR-97 [2][/td] [td][GR-97 [2][/td] [td]Sensors [2],[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td][/td] [td]Jetcraft [2][/td] [td]Jetcraft [2][/td] [td]Ejection[/td] [td][/td] 8[td][/td] [td]][/td] [/tr] [/table] Note that any damage in excess of the MOSPEADA's Hit Points are applied to the pilot in the same humanoid hit location. Pilots wear Ride Armor that will soak 1 point of mecha-scale damage. The Ride Armor can be ejected from a damaged MOSPAEDA. *** MOV is 3 if the MOSPEADA uses its leg thrusters as a Jetcraft, spending 2 PP per round. [table] [tr][th]Weapon[/th][th] Position [/th][th]Type[/th][th]Damage[/th][th] Range[/th][th]Cost/Ammo[/th] [th]Special[/th] [/tr] [tr][td]Brawl[/td][td] -[/td][td] Brawl [/td][td]1d4[/td][td]close[/td][/tr] [tr][td]EP-37 60mm hand-held particle beam gun[/td][td] Hand Carried[/td][td] Particle[/td][td] 1d4[/td][td] 10 [M][/td][td] 15 shots per clip [/td][td] Impale, Optics[/td][/tr] [tr][td]GR-97 dual 45mm x 260mm missile tubes [/td][td]Each Arm [3] [/td][td]Energy*[/td][td]1d2+1[/td][td]5 [/td][td]1 shot PP[/td][td]Twin, 1 pair on each arm[/td][/tr] [/table] *The GR-97 missiles fire a plasma warhead (same as a HEAT round). Technically a HEAT round should be considered Energy, not Kinetic. Which would, IMO make them much more useful in BRP Mecha, and realistic. Note: The MOSPEADA mecha is worn over a suit of CVR-03 Ride Armor. The Ride Armor provides 14 AP (character scale) and comes with built in two way radio, polarized faceplate, and a 5 minute internal (30 minute filtered) air supply. I'm starting to think that a 1/10th scale (i.e. character scale) version of the mecha design rules could be a possibility. Each point of mecha scale damage could translate into 3D6 character scale.
  14. Thanks Rosen, I'm finding the design process in Mecha a bit interesting. Some stuff works out very easily, and other bits aren't so easy. Perhaps the most interesting stuff though is the stuff that almost works, where I have to fudge it a bit. For example, expanded the missile types down a couple of steps for mini size missiles (1d3 damage, plasma warhead treated as HEAT for 1d2+1). The human scale mecha not being mecha does cause me a few problems though, since I'm working on MOSPEADA. The MOSPEADA Ride Armors just about work as SIZ Class 1, although I do have to ignore a few of the SIZ Class based rules. Oh, and please do not write this up for me. My goal is to see if I can do this up. From a gameplay perspective it looks like it will work. I think my biggest complaint with BRP Mecha is with the layout. I wish you hadn't broken up the mecha design stuff into two sections. I hate flipping back and forth in the PDF. Some technical stuff that you may or may not be interested in: Down the road I've got to send you a Universal POW table. I think it is possible to use a universal scale for mecha POW/ I can see why you did things the way you did (crossovers), but I think a universal system would work better. Oh, and as a side note, thrust in kN isn't actually POW but STR. In real world terms 1kN thrust is approximately 100kg on the STR table (actually it's closer to 102kg, but who cares). This could give you a way of estimating mecha STR. Also, in real world terms, Power= Thrust * Velocity, so in game terms it's possible to do a POW=STR+MOV type of equation, letting you work up one stat from the other two.
  15. Atgxtg


    Vhat? Naught belief der Vedd Schull! I suspect the change came about because it was probably more politically correct at the time to have the Skull be a NAZI than the sort of industrialist who'd be producing armaments for the U.S. Military. It probably wouldn't have been looked on too favorably to remind people just how much money was being made by the big industrialist because of the war. It wasn't a good time to mention war profiteering- as the Maxim Skull would have been perfect for that. Oh, and for the record, I accept the fact that there is a lot of opportunity to make money during a war, and that we did need those tanks, guns, ships and planes to stop the Axis, and that somebody had to get paid to do so. I'm just saying George Maxim might have been a bit uncomfortable for Timely to have around during the days of the war bonds drives. Plus, let's face it - A NAZI is a better villain that a fat cat.
  16. You're thinking of Questworld. The "open" world that Chaosium came up with for us to use as an alternative to the "closed" world of Glorantha. It was a great idea, but died a quick death when Chaosium did the RQ3 deal with Avalon Hill.
  17. Okay, I figure it about time somebody other than Rosen use BRP MEcha to write up something and I started working on something but ran into a couple of problems. So, seeing as how the author haunts these hallowed forums.... 1) In the book it says for mecha 1 MOV per 10 kph, yet elsewhere it states 1 MOV per 10m per round. Which is correct? If my mecha can go 220kph, should it have a MOV score of 22, or 7? And yes, this is ground speed. 2) For human sized mecha (powered armor), do I use SIZ Class 1 for my design? Or something like SIZ Class 0.5? I'm also debating between stating them up in mecha scale or human scale. So far the stating process has been interesting. Most of the stuff works, but I've had to ignore to tweak a rule here and there to match the source anime.
  18. Oh, and I have actually ran a RQ2/CoC crossover. The Humakti took out the giant Walktapus with a Sever Spirit!
  19. I don't think you did start a war. It's is just that MRQ and MRQ Glorantha is a very different game than Chaosium RQ + Old RQ style Glorantha and probably worth a separate entry. And I did take the Magic World idea as an actual option of using Glorantha with that system. No good, it only opens at impossible angles.
  20. Apparently not. Perhaps if it had actually been humorous. Some people do. Others just post. I try to do both, so I occasionally miss something. Hmm, with all the new versions (and companies) that have made RuneQuest, which version of RQ are we referring to? RQ2? Rq3? (perhaps combine into Chaosium's RuneQuest), MRQ, MRQII?, The Loz&Nash version?
  21. I think that depends on which Magic World he was referring too. The original Magic World (part of the Worlds of Wonder boxed set) predated RQ3 by a few years, and Elric! by a decade or so. The original MW would have been a decent way to run a Gloranthan campaign without all the crunch and complexity of the full RQ2 rules.
  22. I don't think Clouseau is in any real trouble. For one thing he does have a sense of caution and respect for his foes, and more importantly, he gets luckier the more powerful his foes become. He'd probably build the thing up until it was unbeatable, and then he'd stop to tie his shoe or something, causing the monster to fumble, where it would hit it self and die. Perfect as it was the only thing strong enough to kill it. Then Clouseau would see the body and suspect that someone had killed it in order to prevent Clouseau from extracting any information out of it.
  23. Well, what you probably need to do first is come up with "tiers' for the monster. Basically work out what it gets for an improvement for each tier. This could be something as simple as: +4 STR, +4 CON, +2hp, +5% skills, +1D6 db, +1 AP, but ideally it would be custom tailored to the monster. You probably want to start the monster off a bit weaker than normal and then give it 2 or 3 tiers so that is has something to loose if/when the hero displays some humility. If you really want to make a morality play out of this, give the monster a base CON of 0, so that it dies if the hero is humble enough to knock off all the tiers. Then figure out a "Proud" threshold level that triggers a shift up in tiers. Then you can come up with a scale of how many "ego points" are awarded per display. Maybe a minor display is worth one, a moderate display 2, and a major display 4. As come up with a scale for how many points a humble action burns off. You might want to have the points burn off naturally over time, just in case a hero builds it up to unbeatable levels. During play, keep tabs on Ego points the hero racks up, and when it's enough to beat the threshold, the monster "buffs up" to the next tier. assign a point value to whatever offensive actions the hero takes on the fly.
  24. Atgxtg


    That is debatable. While the George Maxon Red Skull did appear first, in March 1941, the Johann Schmidt Red Skull appeared only a few months later (Oct. 1941) and denounced the other Red Skull as a fake. So by the continuity of the comics world, the Johann Schmidt Red Skull is still the "original" one. Even if he didn't appear in the comics first.
  25. I think something like matching damage vs. HP on the resistance table could help with the big critter problem. With a roll instead of a threshold, a character will always have a chance of getting a successful result against a big creature. And also have a chance of suriving being hit by the big nastie.
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