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Everything posted by Atgxtg

  1. I do like the idea of spending pint to alter the success levels though.
  2. That because Tolken elves are derived from Finnish folklore, whereas as Anderson's elves were based or Nordic elves.
  3. I guess Caesar's daughter wants a bedtime story. Rome will have to wait.
  4. MATRA R530 (Air to Air Missile) SIZ-23 (430 lbs), INT 2 Hit Points-23 (12) MOVE-Flight 10,000 (3,000kph) ARMOR-Kinietic 2, Eletromagnetic-1 ENERGY POINTS-50 WEAPON Range Attack Damage Ammo Self/Explode 15 (90%) 10D6 1 Powers-Explosion (10D6 attack, limit destroys self, on a special success counts as a direct hit for double damage, normal success yields a proximity hit), Flight 118, Supersenses 11(Either Infranvsion for IR missiles, or Radar Sense for Radar guided,can track targets beyond effective range, use supersenses on resistance table against countermeasures.), Superskill-Pilot (self) 90% HERO POINT COST: 207
  5. As far as Hero Point cost go, sure. As far as actual $$ costs go, no. BTW, I also cheated a little since in Superworld you only play for powers and abilities to add to a basic vehicle. So the Escort would only cost 3 points for the Kinetic Armor. But if I did that we couldn't build vehicles with the rules. Naturally it will require some changes to being it inline with the BRP rules, and a few other tweaks to get it to handle stuff that it wasn't designed for. For instance the costs for ammo double to cost of the tank. Still, it's a pretty comprehensive framework.
  6. Another sample vehicle Ford Escort (Car) SIZ 41(1 ton) Hit Points-41 (maybe half to 21) MOVE-500m (150kph) ARMOR-Kinetic-3 POWERS-Speed-20 HERO POINT COST: 864
  7. I pulled out my copy of Worlds of Wonder, and started building Vehicles using the Superworld booklet. How does this look. M1A1 Abrams MBT SIZ 89 (63tons) Hit Points= 45 MOVE- 325m(97.5kph) ARMOR- KInetic 45+16 vs HEAT; Electromagnetic 15; Radiation 15 WEAPON Range Attack Damage Ammo Cost M256A1, 120mm 2000 (+20%) 15D6/AP 40 45+9=54 M2HB .50 cal MG 1000 (+10%) 4D6+6 900 15+297=312 M240 .7.62 coax 150 2D6+3 10,000 8+333 M240 7.62 skate 150 2D6+3 1,400 8+464 POWERS-Speed 13, Superskill-Main Gun Attack (Fire Computer, Laser Rangefinder) +20%, Superskill- .50 cal Attack (Targeting Sight)+10%, Darkness-5 (Twin, Smoke Grenade Launchers limited to 6 uses per day each, limited doesn't work in windy conditions) HERO POINT COST= 2185 (but note that 1094 points are spent on ammo!)
  8. Possibly. I wrote this for Pendragon, a game set in a semi historical Arthurian era, so a late Imperial period. But it would work for the Early empire too. I'll do a little digging. I though the Immunes were part of Marius reform, but don't know for certain. I didn't expect any changes. More like the idea that some of this stuff might be useful to post somerhwere for character creation (since that is mostly what it was). Nasically in Pendragon, your background gave you a certain number of points to spend and some ceertain skills. With the way BRP seems to be going, it would probably be less of a rule, and more a list of options for spending your character points. I gave a quick list of basic training skills and benefit for being the son of a soldier or officer. For example here are the requirements to enlist and basic training benefits as written for Pendragon: ENLISTMENT REQUIREMENTS RECRUITS Roman Citizenship Age 17 SIZ 14 (height requirement, waved with connections) Valor 12 Loyalty (Lord or City) 10 Honor 8 ENLISTMENT BONUS-75 denarii. BASIC TRAINING (1 Year) Gladius (Dagger), Hasta (Spear), Pilum (Javelin) +3 each. Awareness, Spaetha (Sword) +1 each. First Aid, Swimming, Grapple +2 each. Battle +3 Industry (Build) +5 Marching +3 Extra Training 1d6 to distribute as desired. 5 GLORY GEAR ISSUED-Leather and open helm (4-pt) armor, spear, legionary shield (9 point), sword, dagger, uniform worth 60d. PAY-Room and Board, Equipment, 20 denarii per month (1œ/year) Natually in BRP a lot of that can be dropped and broght in line with the new character creation rules.
  9. Hey, I just thought or an idea. I'm going to try and do this using the power rules from Worlds of Wonder/ Superworld. It gives us a few more options and a point cost for everything, and would be more compataible with the finished BRP. We could just use a 10-1 or whatever ratio for the final cost.
  10. If you want I can get you more info on the Pendragon Passion rules an d how inspiration works. It's not very complicated. Pendragon is, if anything, less complicated than BRP.
  11. The key phase is "Stillin use". Once a company stops using a trademark is usually is fair game after 5 years or so. Probably the biggest contributor to getting the terms extended was the orginal desl over Superman that Simon & Shuester made with DC. Basically they got shafted. Cases like that raised public attention to such issues. Personally, I don't think copywrites should extend for much more than the life of the orginal creator. I don't agree with people getting rich off of the work someone else did decades ago, let along centuries. I also think it is bad for our technological development. Imagine where we'd be today if someone had copy written all the old greek manuscrips that were saved by monks through copying.
  12. Nitghtshade, I think the major reason for the differences between you experiences and our comes from dropping the declation phase. By the book, skipping that phase slows your fights down, and makes spellcasting a LOT slower, since any action is going to get a 3SR penalty once the fight starts. Consider: Let's say you have a guy who got hit on SR8 and now wants to cast a heal 2. 1) No Declatarion Phase: You pay the 3SR penalty, and then the spell goes off next turn after his DEX SR+3. So for an anverage character, that would be on SR6. 2) Declation Phase: He waits until the end of the turn, then casts the spell on his DEX SR+2, going off on SR 5. Or if you want to cast bladesharp 3 before attacking. 1) No Declaration Phase: Cast at DEXSR+3 or SR 6, then prep for 3 SR, ttack 7SR later or SR 6 on the next turn. 2) Declaration Phase: Cast on DEXSR+3, or SR 6, attack 3 SR later than normal (SR7), or at SR 10, this turn. I think that explains both the differences in how battle magic worked, AND the differences over fatigue. With 3SR penalties left and right, you fights were probably 3-4 rounds longer that ours, and you spellcasters and missile troops correspondingly slower to react.
  13. Actually, it says on page 49 that a character can consciously delay an action (no penalty doesn't have to be declared) under the limit to strike ranks. So delaying is fine.
  14. Maybe not. I misread you orignal post. I think that delaying was in the player book. I'll check.
  15. That was in the errata for RQ3 too.
  16. Say Pete, how much detail does it go into with the Legions? Like I said, I had worked up some stuff on the different ranks and positions, including the various types of immunes in Pendragon. Looking at my notes, some of it could be useful for an RQ/BRP style game. For isntance, soldier could be orderlies, clerks, scouts, carpenters, and such. I even had a Marching skill that used to add to CON for forced marches, allowing the legion to march most of the day, and then put up a fortified camp before nightfall. In fact, the previous experience system used in Pendragon is a lot closer to what BRP seems to be going for, breaking up some skill points, so coversion would probably be easy. Would any of that stuff be of interest too you? I still got the files on the computer.
  17. Just a semi related bunch of tweaks and ideas. It is easy to modify somethuning once there is a framework. Aircraft: Okay this is a pretty complex topic that we atre trying to bolit down into game terms but here goes. The Itialitan Aircraft really weren't very maneuverable. While they could out turn a monoplane, that was because the biplane was moving so slow. The biplanes were alos made out of wood and canvas, making then fragile, unable to put much wing loading on the plane. If both planes were moving at similar speeds, the monoplane would outturn the biplane, as the biplane could actually rip it's wings off in a tight turn. Also, thing like pilot quality and the armanents used, not to mention morale played a huge part. Liekwise the ME-262, although novel as one of the first jets was not a good fighter plane. Pilots would complain that it moved to fast that they hard a hard time getting and statying in gun range, and were limited to conducting straffing runs. And the ME262 didn't fare as well as planes like the Fw-190, that were more maneuverable. Today, a subsonic but maneuverable plane like the Harrier can outfight a MIG-25 "Foxbat" IF the MIG lets the Harrier get in close. TW, I based the maneuverability on the g's a vehicle can pull (Maneuverability=g'sx10), so a real world turn rate would be: Maneuverability/(10xVelocity squared). I figured that most of the Speed advantage would apply with the COC chase rules in allowing the faster plane the ability to control the range band. For instance the early monoplane, the 262 and the Foxbat would all having increasing ability to control the distance and terms of engagement. Still, I could see where a faster moving target would be harder to hit. How about we apply a penalty to hit a fast moving vehicle, say: Apply a -10% modifier to attacks at a vehicle that has a higher Speed. Apply an additional -10% per 25MPH difference. So a ME262 with a 100mph speed advantage against most allied fighter would be -50% to hit. I think dogfighting is a good term, but perhaps we could put in a fly-by attack for fast aircraft, allwing them to interupt thier movement to fire. THat way they could move in close, fire, and move out of range in one turn. What we could all dwould be a dodgfight chart, and have that affect what wort of weapons can be fired. Basically compare the degree of success to see what arc the enemy is in. Something like: Same success Level (Sucess vs Success, Special vs. Special, Cirtiical vs. Critical): Fly by, both can fire forward facing weapons Faliure vs. Failure: Tail Weapons Only Fumble vs. Fumble: No weapons fire 1 degreee of Difference (Special vs. Success, etc.): Better roll can attack with forward weapons (or other arc if desired), lower quality roll restricted to side weapons or tail, loser's chose). 2 degrees difference (critical vs. Success, etc.): Better roll can attack with forward weapons (or other arc if desired), lower quality roll restricted to side weapons or tail (winner's choice) weapons .
  18. Maybe more like 50-50. While the Trolls were the only major species on the "plus" side of the curve, there were a lot of weird ones like Baboons that could be played as characters. I never recall anyone wanting to play a baboon, but the stats were there. Morokanth, Broo, Scorpion Men. There, but for some reason just not popular with the players.
  19. I was spoiled. The first RPG based forum I joined was full of courteous, rational people who could disagree without it degenerating into slurs about each other family tree and sexual preferences. I thought that was the norm. Since that time I've seen quite a few places where disagree with someone is tantamount to accepting responsibility for 9/11. Here is realtively tame. Well, Badcat's as bad as Andakitty [], but otherwise...
  20. I don't mind GURPS that much, and do have GURPS Rome. I sort of wish more RPGs would explore actual historical settings as opposed to alternate ones, since there are usually more and better opportunities in the former. Well, you could drop the Latein names for something else. I'd suggest changing the pilum to trident, and replacing the Gladius Hispanica (which only means "Spanish shortsword" in Latin) with either the Greek Xiphos ( a pointed double edged shortsword) or maybe even with the Cretean thrusting sword (this is pretty much an early rapier). One neat thing about the Cretan sword is that Crete is one of the places that may be the source for the original Atlantis myth. You could even swipe the kopis for a spaetha. If you like you could replace the Roman Scutum with a Figure Eight or Dipylon (Hourglass) shield with little effect. THe neat thing is that a Trident (made to bend like a pilum) and a Rapier would work quite nicely with Roman tactics, allowing your Atlanteans to fight like Romans without being Roman. If you make you Atleanteans Cretans, then it might be worth if to give them something that the Cretans had, but the romans didn't, archers. The Cretan archers were the Ancient World equivalent to the Welsh Longbowman. They used a bow, possibly even a composite bow or recurve composite bow (and if Atlanteans, why not a recurve composite bow? Give them archers, roman tactics, and a strong navy, and the Atlanteans would dominate the Mediterranean as in the legends. If you want I can dig up stats for these weapons/shields. A little bit of flavor goes a long way. A pity. I think you might like it if you got familiar with it. I think the combat system is right up your alley. It uses total hit points (equal to SIZ+CON) a major wound rule (=CON) and a knockdown rule (=SIZ). Combat is handled by an opposed roll. The winner inflicts damage on the looser. If the user rolled under his skill he gets his shield protection. The generational thing is sort of nice. As the game goes on you get to pass on manors, gear, the heirloom magic sword,etc down to your sons. Keep in mind that since the entire campaign runs 70 years or so, you really onyl go through 2, 3 or maybe 4 generations. And you can keep playing a character when he gets old. Depending on how well you do on the aging table, old age might not be a factor. Lancelot didn't slow down at 70. Plus it take a couple of years to run through the whole campaign, and I never had a PC die of old age. So it is more along the lines of starting your replacement characters a little better off than the first character. The personality traits serve some useful purposes: -They are a guideline for the player for when he isn't sure what to do. -They are used to calculate religious and chivalrous bonuses. SO a character who has a 16 or more is all his religious traits gets a bonus, like extra hit points or a better healing rate. -They get used to test a characters virtues. Have you ever ran a camapign with a player who took everything that wasn't nai,led down until the time where the Player (not the character) knew something was up and suddeenyl acted out of character? That is what the traits are for. -The player has some control over his traits. Most are average, and so have little effect on the game, as only extreme traits tend to force rolls. -Traits are also affected by the characters actions. If a character acts in accordance with a trait he gets an experience check. So if your character acts braver, he will become braver. Passions are a bit different than traits. Basically they represent things such as a loyalty, love, or hate. A character can draw on a passion for inspiration getting a bonus to accomplish some task. For instance a character could Hate (Saxons) and roll to get inspired when fighting Saxons to get a bonus to his sword skill. The drawback is, is that if you use a passion to do something and then fail, you suffer shock. For instance, if you used you Love (Wife) passion to try and rescue her from an ogre, and failed, you would be very distraught. - KISS all the way.
  21. Not in an of itself. As long as the rest of the setting is differernt from LOTR,
  22. Here are some suggestions for the wiki. -I didn't see a move rate for spaceships other that FTL. What is the cost for sublight speeds? How about 1 pt per .05c? -Maybe we could then reduce the cost for FTL travel to 10+4 per additional FTL. -As written, faster aircraft bet a bonus to dogfighting. This is just wrong. Generally speaking faster craft are at a disadvantage, since dogfighting depends on the ability to turn, and that increases in proportion to the square of velocity. In other words, all things being equal a plane moving twice as past will take four times as long to turn. Also with a +10 per 10% an 100mph difference will throw the fight. -How about the speed difference applies as a bonus to chase/flee actions, but we let vehicles buy an new ability :Maneuverability. -Each Point of Maneuverability costs the same as the vehicles Base Kinetic Dice/BRP cost. -No vehicle can have a higher maneuverability that it's total hit points (otherwise the stress would rip the vehicle apart). Due to contact with the ground or water, ground and sea vehciles have a fairly low maneuverability limit: Ground vehicles:20-BRP cost. Ships are limited to 18-BRP Submaraines are limited to 15-BRP Locomotives (your kidding right?) -For dogfighting, compare you maneuverability to you current speed (in MPH) If Maneuverability is higher than Speed you get a +10% bonus. If Maneuverability is 1.5 times Speed you get a +15% bonus. If Maneuverability is 2x Speed you get a +20% bonus. etc. to a max. of 5x Speed= +50% If Speed is higher you get the corresponding penalty. -Even numbered Vehicles. All the values for Base Kinetic Damage/BP Cost are odd. How about allowing people to upgrade or downgrade a vehicle by 1 step, spending or saving s point. That way not all cars will have the same Hit Points. -200 mph tanks? As written it doesn;t matter how big or massive your vehicle is when you buy speed dice. So it is just as easy to get a tank up to 200 mph as a airplane. -How about we change it to 1 point gives you 30MPH, divide by the vehicles Base Kinetic Dice? That way it is a lot easier to get a Ferrari up to 180mph than an M1A1 Abrams? -Armored Vehciles How about a vehicle can be armored.. Each BRP point spent on armoring a vehicle adds 2 to its KA. We could limit this to a maximum KA of 10 the BRP cost. So that way tanks could actually be immune to anything short of tanks rounds.
  23. Wouldn't that mean that someone with more hit points could suffer certain injuries that another person with fewer hit points could not? :confused:
  24. Our groups seem to prefer the 3rd-7th level range. Characters are tough enough to take a couple of hits, yet not so tough as to waltz through things. Wizards and warriors are fairly well matched in terms of power, and there is just enough magic in terms of power and exotic abilities to add spice to the game. Below that, and characters feel underdeveloped and a bit too fragile. Higher than that and the game starts to lose its appeal.
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