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I've been using this website to look at old Ordnance Survey Maps for location ideas in Call of Cthulhu - and thought it was worth sharing here.  Using the side-by-side view is great:

Ordnance Survey Maps - National Library of Scotland (nls.uk)

Side by side georeferenced maps viewer - Map images - National Library of Scotland (nls.uk)

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We can thank Youtube for sticking this cheerful chappie on my home page. Seems he's a London tour guide (an award winning one at that) and his channel is full of vids showing various areas of London with buckets of interesting historical info. They give a really nice sense of what modern RoL London is like, plenty of ideas and buckets of nostalgia for me. I think starting in the Old Covent (as we used to call it to differentiate it from the New Covent Garden in Vauxhall Nine Elms) is appropriate:


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Posted by Buckball - 

don't know if anyone mentioned this before but, Joolz Guides is a series of short youtube videos about different locations throughout London. The guide Jules McDonall presents the videos as short walking tours of the areas. I believe there is one that goes past Russell Square.

Here is the link: https://joolzguides.com/london-guides-about-joolz/

Another pretty much indispensable resource is the Follypedia. It is a Fandom wiki for the Rivers of London book series. I think my group consults it more than the rpg game book.

Here is the link: https://follypedia.fandom.com/wiki/The_Follypedia_Wiki

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I was looking for some weird stories from 2016 and came upon the Hull Werewolf. I thought these might be a good option for sending people further afield.

The first two stories report sightings of a strange creature, an eight foot tall wolf with a man-like face:
Townspeople gather to hunt werewolf in Hull known as ‘Old Stinker’ - Metro, 15/05/2016
8ft Tall Werewolf ‘Old Stinker’ Prowling In Hull Industrial Estate - Huffington Post (UK), 16/05/2016

Both articles state there are local legends and folk tales referring to 'Old Stinker'.

However here is a column from 2021 that says they couldn't find any actual legends about a werewolf near Hull before 2015.
Unmasking the Old Stinker: The Hull Werewolf - Skeptoid, 02/11/2021

I still haven't decided if, in my game, there really will be a werewolf or if it's a hoax trying to drum up a new tourism 'monster spotting' venture. Of course the werewolf could be real, but the old legends also be fake tourist bait.

Edited by Greville
To correct one sentence.

The sacred sentence of science: "I might be wrong: let's find out." - David Brin

My Blog: http://grevsspace.wordpress.com/

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On 12/28/2023 at 3:35 PM, Greville said:


I still haven't decided if, in my game, there really will be a werewolf or if it's a hoax trying to drum up a new tourism 'monster spotting' venture. Of course the werewolf could be real, but the old legends also be fake tourist bait.

... or if the "fake tourist bait" actually draws the attention of some fae entity/s, looking to engage with the mortals and their monster stories ...

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