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Everything posted by threedeesix

  1. Ooh, please move this one up to the top. Rod
  2. I would read it that way as well. For me the -30% rule is as much a way of determining how many times you can parry as it is determining the chance to parry. Rod
  3. Great catch. That is exactly how I described it to a couple friends of mine. He represents the player entering the game world. I wonder if I changed everything outside the frame to jeans and a sneaker if people would get it? Rod
  4. Odd, I cannot click on the link without getting... Someone else want to click the link and see if its good? Might be on my end or a bad link. Edit: Nevermind, I just downloaded all the GM screens, not that many. E-mailing them now. Rod
  5. Seems to be working on my end. As long as its not too many. If you PM me with the links to what you want and an e-mail address I'll send em to ya. Rod
  6. Ok, let’s see if I can clear this up for ya. First, I needed to add a game system to make it complete. My favorite BRP version has always been RQ3 (Avalon Hill). So given a choice, I would have used that. But I can't for obvious reasons. So when looking for a game system that I could use, I had Gore, Open Quest, RQ SRD, and Legend. I looked at them all to see which I felt best captured the RQ3 feel and that was Legend. I could see I could pretty much use it as is, but would need to tack on the things that it no longer used. For the most part, skill check boxes. Dropping combat styles was simply to be able to check off "sword" and "shield" as opposed to "sword and shield". Like I said, I actually like the combat styles in a game without check boxes. For the most part, Legend serves as the game mechanics. Game mechanics that to me felt closer to the AH version of RQ than the BGB. Character generation for example uses principles you will recognize from Legend; cultural skills, basic skills, and advanced skills. Take the Bard's skill selection for example. Common Skills: Climbing +10%, Dodge +10%, Influence +10%, Insight +10%, Lore (Cultural) +10%, Singing +10%, Sleight +10%, Stealth +10% Pick One +10%: Coordination, Dancing, Endurance, First Aid, Perception, Riding, Running, Swimming, Willpower, Unarmed Pick Two +10%: Any Weapon Advanced Skills: Divine Channelling (Bard), Language (Thieves’ Cant), Mechanisms, Status (Bard) Pick One: Art, Commerce, Courtesy, Disguise, Language (other), Lore (Specific), Oratory, Play Instrument (Specific), Seduction, Streetwise, and Teaching Pretty much Legend unchanged. As for what I added for Classic Fantasy. Pretty much the same stuff I added to the BRP version. Carrying on with the Bard, let’s look at a special ability. Inspiration: You may, through the use of word or song, inspire your companions to great deeds, granting them a bonus to all skill rolls. This may be done before combat to boost courage and morale, after combat to bolster the efforts of the healers, or even in the midst of combat to inspire greater effort and confidence. You must perform for two consecutive combat rounds and then succeed at a skill roll, with the one stipulation that the skill in question must be able to be heard by your audience. This can therefore take the form of a tale of heroism, a tragic poem, a fiery speech, a haunting tune played on a harp, mandolin, or lute, or even shouts of encouragement during melee combat. The following skills may be used to inspire your allies; Influence, Orate, Sing, or Play Instrument. The effects of the inspiration are to grant a +10% bonus to all skill rolls for 15 minutes. So, as you can see if you take a look at the version in the 1st edition, not really all that different. It really isn’t. That’s the point and why I chose it. I cannot use the BGB rules, nor the Chaosium-era stuff. But I can use the Legend rules. A good example of where I changed a rule used in Legend is the Brawn test. In BRP, you have STR vs. STR on the Resistance Table. In Legend there is a Resistance skill called Brawn. This starts out equal to STR+SIZ and can be improved through play. This, as has already been discussed to death elsewhere can lead to a situation where a halfling that has built up his Brawn "skill" could wrestle an ogre to the ground that has not. I too have Brawn as a resistance test. But in Classic Fantasy 2, Brawn is equal to the average of STR+SIZ x5, and does not change unless one of the base characteristics changes. Therefore, it gives (to me) a more realistic result, such as that which would have been gained from using the Resistance Table. Pretty much. I figured RQ was around for a couple years before the inclusion of combat styles and did ok. Removing them again would more than likely not break anything. Pretty much anything that I didn't change when I wrote CF1. If the rules work, then fine. They can stay. If changing them will feel closer to what I'm looking to achieve then I change them. I guess. If you enjoy CF1 with the stuff I changed in that, then you should still enjoy CF2. If you do not like something about Legend, then you may not like it in CF2 either, unless I also didn't like it. Thanks, I like it more and more every day. Anyway, you ask some hard to define questions without giving out too much information prematurely. I hope I was able to clear up some stuff for yah. Rod
  7. Meet Amoretta Silvertongue, half-elf bard, and the first of our playtest character creations. Greg Wood created her for the playtest of the 1st edition of Classic Fantasy and is kindly in the process of re-creation his whole folder of characters. Of which I think he did something like 20 or so all together. Her CF1 version has been in the file section of my Classic Fantasy Yahoo Group since its beginnings. I have uploaded the CF2 version here with Gregs permission. Click the link below to meet Amoretta. Amoretta Silvertongue - Downloads - Basic Roleplaying Central There has been a lot of confusion about just what CF2 is going to be. One gentleman even thought CF2 was going to be a D20 conversion. Really? D20 already has a classic fantasy system, it's called D&D. Anyway, let Amoretta serve as an example of how easily using stuff from CF2 will be no matter what your BRP system of choice. Rod
  8. 122 downloads

    This is a sample character from the playtest of Classic Fantasy 2nd edition, Amoretta Silvertongue the Half-Elven Bard.
  9. Love Hackmaster. I agree, that would be awesome. But seeing right now i'm also serving as the artist, I pretty much have to use what I have kicking around. Don't really have time to take away from writing. But, as far as my cover goes. Back when I began role playing, things like Basic and Advanced Dungeons and Dragons didn't really mean all that much and everything was pretty much interchangable. For example, how many people here ran Keep on the Borderlands with their AD&D games? I had a big pile of D&D stuff and only today is it really seperated. Rod
  10. What?!, Oh you @$$. I almost grabbed it from Flickr and was already opening Photoshop. Man, seriously? Don't do that.
  11. Figured I would give an update of the progress I have made with Classic Fantasy 2nd ed. since I began this thread. First of all, the system. Legend. However some things that were changed from RQ6 for Legend I am putting back. None of the broken stuff, and not that anything is wrong with how it is done in Legend. However some of the things from 1st ed Classic Fantasy were closer to RQ6 and I wish to remain true to the original in as many places as possible. Completly self-contained! No more having half the spells in one book and half in another, same with skills, combat rules etc. You sit down at the table with Classic Fantasy, you have everything you need. Now, I may still have to split the book up into a rule book and a monster book. We'll see. I have to be realistic. But each book will be self contained. A publisher is still up in the air. May self-publish and go the PDF and Print-on-Demand route, may seek an outside publisher. No hurry at this stage. Alignment works like it did in CFI as in doing good, neutral, or evil deeds gives points that can shift your alignment, however the actual system is different and my own design. Feels the same however. Hit points are per location with a separate hit point total optional. All monsters will be written up with hit locations. Player characters use classes similar to Classic Fantasy 1st edition, however now using the Legend character generation system. It's way quicker and still gives similar results. Still all the previous class special abilities and stuff. Skills have "check boxes" and improve by 1D4+1 points with a success, 1 point with a failure. All classes have a set of class skills. These receive a +10% bonus to the check for improvement, and improve by 1D6+1 points with a success, still 1 point with a failure. The magic system has changed from CFI in an attempt to feel truer to AD&D. However you still memorize a set number of spells which you then spend magic points to cast and they are NOT forgotten by casting them. The system still feels like the Magic system from BRP but does work a little differently. It isn’t based on any of the Legend magic systems but does use some of the terminology, such as "magnitude" for example. It is pretty much a High Fantasy magic system for Legend, giving Legend a new system. However, with that said, I know a lot of people were using Classic Fantasy for its spells to increase the core spells from the BGB. I am writing up each spell with you in mind. Where ever possible, I am remaining compatible with the BGB. I say where possible because some of the spells I wrote up the first time I had to design a certain way because the BGB set a precedent, even if given the choice I would have done it differently. Now those limitations have been lifted and I can do them as I like. So while I will try to remain compatible, there will be issues where my Levitation spell will work differently than the Lift spell in the BGB for example. In these cases, you'll have to pick the one that is best for your campaign. So far the entire magic system is done and beginning playtest. Decided I would go big this time. I am converting every 1st ed AD&D spell as found in the players handbook. I have just finished the 1st level spells (more than 60 of them alone) and I’m moving on to the 2nd level ones on Monday. It seemed that even with all of the ones I converted with CFI, there were still inquiries as to how this or that spell should be done. This should help. Combat is pretty much that found in Legend, however without combat styles. You know, one skill for "Sword and Shield" as opposed to a Sword skill and a shield skill. I don't dislike that idea, however because I am using skill check boxes, I feel it’s more important separate them. For example, I don't want someone successfully blocking with their shield only to also improve their sword skill. My miniatures combat system has been integrated with Legend combat. However, I have now written it up as boxed text separate from the core combat system but in all the appropriate locations. That way it feels less like you have to use them and they feel more optional. It's all there however for those that used it before. Enough has been done that playtesting has started this weekend locally and with a small group of outside testers. Progress Chapter 1: Introduction. Done, just need to finish the "example of play". No real hurry at this stage when there is so much more interesting stuff to write. Chapter 2: Character Generation. Done. Chapter 3: Races. Done. Chapter 4: Classes. Done. Chapter 5: Skills. Done Chapter 6: Equipment. Done Chapter 7: Combat. Done Chapter 8: Magic. System done. Over 60 1st level spells converted. 2nd level begins conversion on Monday. I may be able to do one entire level of spells every week and a half to two weeks. It’s slow, I understand. But they require lots of double checking and rewrites to keep them all balanced. Chapters 9 through 17 as per post #1. Lots of the stuff found in these chapters has been done already for the 1st edition CF books, so just needs conversion. I'm going in order and Chapter 8 will keep me busy for a bit. Anyway, that’s where I am now. Taking the weekend off to avoid getting burned out. Monday morning at 8:00 am I hit the 2nd level spells. More to follow. Rod
  12. Ok, at least here is a link to it on Flickr Classic Fantasy "Red Box" | Flickr - Photo Sharing! Hope this works. Rod
  13. I decided to take a break from writing to throw together a test cover for Classic Fantasy 2nd ed. using some of my own artwork I have had sitting around. Turns out I really like it. Not sure if I'll use it yet. But, damn, I do like it. Edit. Hmm, It didnt load. Oh well. Maybe too big. I'll look into it. Rod
  14. Speaking of which. I once ran a Star Wars adventure for the old D6 system "on the fly" using nothing but one of the old Marvel Star Wars comics. I would just gently steer the players in the right direction (easy actually in any type of military adventure) and read text and dialog straight from the comic. It started out as a test to see if I could do it and turned out to be kinda fun. You could do the same thing with any RPG that has common enemies, ships, armor, and weapons, already statted out I suspect.
  15. If your not looking for orcs and elves in space, you may want to stay away from Rogue Trader. Just say'n.
  16. Hey Frogspawner, These are awesome. I'll be honest, I won't be using them for CF 2nd ed. I really don't want to add yet another hit point/damage system and further divide the existing fan base, but I do intend on using it in some of my BRP home games. Thanks for taking the time to post that. Consider it grabbed. Rod
  17. PDF only. They are out of stock of the hard copy. Classic Fantasy Chaosium Inc. Mrhemlocks is selling a copy on this forum http://basicroleplaying.com/basic-roleplaying/selling-lords-tarsa-classic-fantasy-new-3225/ Rod
  18. I added another 150 spells in Classic Fantasy for the Magic system used in the BRP core rules. Rod
  19. Classic Fantasy hopes to kill some trees. Not confirmed yet. But thats the plan. Rod (Lumberjack) Leary
  20. I think the header says it all. Trif, thanks for creating this great place for all us like-minded people to hang out. You put so much of your time into this site. You are appreciated! Rod
  21. Hit locations are in. Like you I like them, and its easier to ignore them if you don't want them, then to add them if you do. Rod
  22. This is the risk that I have to take, but I am not taking it lightly. There will be changes. There has to be. Character creation works differently now for example. But everything I had previously written for all the classes is still intact. You just spend your skill points a different way. I did make up systems for CFI. It was the only way I could make some parts of it work the way I needed them to for the game to be what I needed. But I don't do so without careful consideration. If I can find an existing rule that will do what I need it to do, I always go that route first. When I wrote CFI, I cherry picked the optional rules from the BGB that would fit my needs. When that didn't work I looked at older versions of RQ. Finally, if still not finding what I needed I came up with it myself. This is the approach I'm taking with the 2nd edition. I'm not making up a new game system, but I am settling on one. The one that I choose may not be the one that you would choose, or the one that Bob would choose. That’s the nature of BRP. But I can tell you that I'm not throwing out anything I have previously written. So things you liked before should still be in this version. And things you don't like should still be easliy replaced, with your rule of choice from the BGB, Legend, RQ6, OpenQuest. Thats the greatest strength of the D100 system. I'm really happy you enjoy CFI so much, really I am. I do strongly believe that once you get a chance to check out some of the stuff I'm doing now you will enjoy it as well, hopefully even more. Happy gaming
  23. Thanks Puck, you'll be happy to know that the skill improvement rules will carry over to 2nd edition as well. In addition, class skills not only get the increase to the next die type, they also get a +10% bonus to the roll to improve as well. This really has gone a long way in keeping the characters advancing when skills exceed 100%, which is really important when tying "level based" special abilities to the skills and "high level" characters are assumed to have skills well in excess of 100%. As I mentioned a little upthread, I intend to keep the miniatures combat rules. I like the use of miniatures in my games and have used them for as long as I have been gaming. The only thing I intend to do differently is move the miniatures specific stuff to side bars and text boxes so readers are not as likley to think you have to use them. I included a lot of new ideas in CFI that I know some players have never found because they were kind of lumped in with rules for line of sight, zone of control, and facing. Instead I want it to be thought of as advanced combat rules, with miniatures stuff included as an option. You'll be able to read that chapter from front to back, and if you ignore the sidebars and text boxes, you'll never see mention of diagnal movement or a battle grid. Rod
  24. This will really depend upon if I cut the monster section and have a separate "monster manual" type book. Not a bad idea really as some people may like to just get a bunch of new BRP beasties and not have to pay for extra stuff they cant use. I'm pretty sure I can keep the rest of the book around 350 pages max. But what I have written for monsters so far takes around 100 pages of 10 point text alone, and im not quite half way there. CF came about becouse during the playtest of BRP I wrote up a 100 page conversion of the Mystara setting as a players handbook. The book actually served as the framework for CF when I started writing it. I still have it and was looking at it just last week. Seems so long ago. Rod
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