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Everything posted by threedeesix

  1. I confess that I have not run the adventure before. But you should be able to run it with your 4 players and make adjustments on the fly. At least you know they designed it with 6 players in mind. So that makes it easy to adapt. If an encounter states 8 adversaries, then drop them to 6, monsters with multiple attacks can just miss a couple of times (the players will never know), etc. Personally, I don't think you'll have a problem. Rod
  2. threedeesix


    While I never read the mini-series, I did run the Marvel Super Heroes RPG adventure based on it. It was a long time ago. But I think I remember liking it. I did really enjoy the FASERIP system.
  3. threedeesix


    Actually, and I can only assume he's still there, but I uploaded the great grand daddy of Superman several years ago, John Carter. Yup, still there... http://basicroleplaying.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=343 Edit: Oh, I'm not implying that John Carter was ever a part of the Justice League, just that he's essentially another super hero writeup. Would be cool though. I do think he was a member of the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen though. Rod
  4. Another thing you can do with Hero Points, especially if you find some of your players hoard them, is to put a limit on how many they can have. But keep on awarding them even when some players are maxed out. That way you'll encourage your players to use the ones they have, so they don't miss out on the awards. Rod
  5. Well, I know the 1974 series "Land of the Lost" had a Dimetrodon named Torchy that could breath fire.
  6. Hehe, thanks. I do get a few comments on that line. Rod
  7. I would just use the normal "shark" hit location table. However unless the fins are enlarged, then I would assume that it is flying by magical means and not through its own muscle power. So I would have hits to its fins only modify its DEX and/or speed, figuring it only uses them for course corrections and changes in velocity. That way, if the players do enough damage to its fins it would simply retreat to lick its wounds and not be easily knocked from the sky. Just an idea. Rod PS - that would be a "fricken" magic-missile generator in the head.
  8. Ok, seeing as the complete PDFs of the entire Star Frontiers line are available for free at the web site noted above, I decided to post my playtest files. As I said earlier, during the playtest of Basic Roleplaying, my group and I converted tons of settings to see how they held up. Star Frontiers was one such setting. The following files have been uploaded. A Players Book http://basicroleplaying.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=539 SF-0 Crash on Volturnus, the first adventure http://basicroleplaying.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=535 Creatures of Volturnus - A book of converted lifeforms http://basicroleplaying.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=536 A "partial" GM Screen. http://basicroleplaying.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=537 Their not perfect, and were never really meant for outside consumption. Oh, you'll need the original maps to play the adventure. They can be found here http://www.dwdstudios.com/sfdrdownloads along with the rest of the original Star Frontiers stuff in PDF format. The maps are in the Alpha Dawn Digitally Remastered PDF. Rod Edit: I found the cover I did for the Star Frontiers Player Book and added it.
  9. 203 downloads

    During the playtest of Basic Roleplaying, my group and I converted tons of settings to see how they held up. Star Frontiers was one such setting. This is an "incomplete" GM screen. It does include ranged and melee weapons... so there's that. Rod
  10. 262 downloads

    During the playtest of Basic Roleplaying, my group and I converted tons of settings to see how they held up. Star Frontiers was one such setting. Here is the conversion of the various creatures found on the planet Volturnus. It's not perfect. It was never really meant for outside consumption.
  11. I'm sure I have them backed up on an external some place. I don't want to upload them anywhere as it's pretty much the complete rulebook and adventure simply converted. First let me see if I even still have them and we'll go from there. Rod
  12. I ran Crash on Volturnus during the playtest of BRP. I converted the rulebook and the adventure from the PDF and it worked fantastic. Rod
  13. Well, that would explain the missing crew.
  14. That's exactly how I built the monk in Classic Fantasy. Hmm, great minds... Rod
  15. Both the gold and silver dragons of D&D often assume human form, especially when dealing with humans.
  16. Well, for the most part, Classic Fantasy is emulating 1st ed. AD&D with a smattering of 2nd ed thrown in for good measure. So there will be no "official" Hexblade. But that shouldn't stop anyone familiar with the system from creating their own rules for them. I had to look them up as I'm not really up to date on D&D 3.5 and on. They do look cool. Rod
  17. "Time is an illusion, lunchtime, doubly so." Ok, I will say this. The manuscript must be finished one year from today, but, barring any unforeseen downfall, will more than likely be done before that. Rod
  18. They didn't think the bonus was "yuk" just the Prime Requisites idea. As one put it. "The benefit to having high stats should be high stats. I shouldn't be double penalized if I roll low and also lose an experience bonus, and I shouldn't be able to make a rulebook better by taking a black marker to it." I love my playtesters. Rod PS - I use the Legend/RQ6 system for skill improvement now. That's 1D4+1% (1D6+1 for a class skills) for a successful skill increase, and 1% for an unsuccessful increase. So your skills always improve at least 1%. Doesn't sound like much, but think of it this way, 10 sessions of missing a skill increase, is still an increase of 10%. Rod
  19. Ya... this didn't last. The overall concession with my playtesters was yuk. There is a different "less intrusive" system in place that allows "class skills" to improve faster however. Awesome! Rod
  20. Hi Michael, Lord Sephleon pretty much hit all that points I would have suggested. I do want to reemphasize his first point however. You really need to understand character generation in the BGB to get the most out of CF as I wrote it as a supplement to it and not as a stand alone book. For the most part it works exactly the same way. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask. If I can't get an answer to ya in a timely fashion, i'm sure someone will be able to. Rod
  21. Take that up with Chaosium. I can write it, but I cant make them print it. Rod
  22. I really, really want to get this, but I'm on the fence. Is there anyone that can check the small caliber rating of this thing? At least check it against the paperback version and we can extrapolate from there. I'd HATE to spring for this, just to get gunned down on my way home from the game store. Rod
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