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Everything posted by MOB

  1. The Red Book of Magic will be out by June*. As always, if you buy the PDF direct from Chaosium now, you'll get the full price of the PDF off the cost of the physical book when it is out. *That is our plan but, as some other commenters have noted, the pandemic continues to severely disrupt international shipping movements and clearances. And Brexit has added additional challenges getting product into the UK.
  2. "GAMING continues to prove its artistic credentials – not that they should be in any doubt at this point – and the latest example of the connection is cast in bronze and featuring in an important French art exhibition." —Game On Aus talks to the sculptor himself, Eric Vanel: https://www.gameonaus.com/news/runequest-character-sculpture-features-at-prestigious-art-exhibition-nsfw
  3. In his latest "Out of the Suitcase" post, Rick has an intriguing real-life Call of Cthulhu mystery to solve... https://www.chaosium.com/blogout-of-the-suitcase-10-can-some-investigators-help-solve-this-mystery-with-library-use Although it is on the cover of the first edition rules booklet, Marvel Comics artist Gene Day drew this iconic depiction of Cthulhu several years before the RPG was even conceived of. Rick is trying to track down which publication Gene drew this for, and wonders if anyone can use their Library Use skill to find out more:
  4. Now available as a MegaPack: Peru, New York, London, Egypt, Kenya, Australia, Shanghai! - our friends at Syrinscape have matched immersive background sounds and music to every scene in every chapter of Masks of Nyarlathotep, one of the greatest TTRPG adventures of all time! https://www.syrinscape.com/store/418-masks-megapack
  5. Unfortunately, we do not sell the slipcase separately for Call of Cthulhu. nb the only reason why we have empty slipcases available for RuneQuest is because we sold the RQG core rule book before the other titles (Glorantha Bestiary, GM Screen Pack) that together comprise the RuneQuest slipcase set.
  6. There's another few percent to add to my chance of Illumination next Sacred Time...
  7. Roll 20's Q4 2020 Orr Report is out today – there are now 8 million users of the platform, and over 10% of the campaigns being played there are Call of Cthulhu. And throughout 2021 we're adding a whole lot of new Call of Cthulhu content to Roll20. So, as they say in the report, if ever there was a great time to get into battling eldritch gods, it’s now!
  8. In his latest 'Out of the Suitcase' post, Rick talks some more about how he's updating a book that went out of print over 20 years ago – the Meints Index to Glorantha (MiG) https://www.chaosium.com/blogout-of-the-suitcase-9-more-about-the-mig
  9. Jonstown Compendium creators – you will be aware we have a rule in place that a title must reach Electrum Seller status (250+ copies) before being eligible for Print-On-Demand. This is to assist OneBookShelf, who have limited capacity to add POD titles on their site. We are fortunate POD is allowed on our community programs at all (it was stopped for the DM's Guild), but that is kindly at OBS's discretion. However, please note that Chaosium may, from time-to-time, approve a Jonstown Compendium title for POD *before* it reaches 250+ sales. We may even approve a title for POD on initial release. This is at our discretion, and will be done for internal Chaosium business reasons. Please do not ask. If we want a particular title to be POD before it reaches Electrum sales status, we will get in touch with you! — MOB, Chaosium Inc.
  10. Miskatonic Repository creators – you will be aware we have a rule in place that a title must reach Electrum Seller status (250+ copies) before being eligible for Print-On-Demand. This is to assist OneBookShelf, who have limited capacity to add POD titles on their site. We are fortunate POD is allowed on our community programs at all (it was stopped for the DM's Guild), but that is kindly at OBS's discretion. However, please note that Chaosium may, from time-to-time, approve a Miskatonic Repository title for POD *before* it reaches 250+ sales. We may even approve a title for POD on initial release. This is at our discretion, and will be done for internal Chaosium business reasons. Please do not ask. If we want a particular title to be POD before it reaches Electrum sales status, we will get in touch with you! — MOB, Chaosium Inc.
  11. "30 Coins is structured like a tabletop role-playing game, with subplots following each other in a narrative that eventually reveals their close connections. The director said so himself, expressly citing the Call of Cthulhu campaigns The Masks of Nyarlathotep and Tatters of the King."—Polygon. '30 Coins' creator and director, the Spanish filmmaker Álex de la Iglesia, is a long-time fan of the Call of Cthulhu tabletop RPG.
  12. Call of Cthulhu creative director Mike Mason describes the indescribable: here he talks to James Coquillat about the eldritch entities found within the pages of the Malleus Monstrorum, our newly-released Cthulhu Mythos Bestiary:
  13. Finally some good news for our patient British Call of Cthulhu fans! – after two attempts, we got our Brexit-blighted Malleus Monstrorum shipment across the Channel and into our UK warehouse! In stock in all five Chaosium warehouses (US, UK, EU, AUS, CAN): Malleus Monstrorum Slipcase Set - USD$89.99 Malleus Monstrorum special Leatherette Edition - $199.99 Malleus Monstorum Keeper Deck - $29.99 Price includes PDF!
  14. Roll20's latest 'Orr Report' is out – with over 100 million total play hours logged in Q3 2020, we're pleased to see Call of Cthulhu remains the second-most played game on Roll20, even growing by 10.05%! And as the report says, "with Compendium support and excellent modules like Harlem Unbound coming to the site, Call of Cthulhu’s growth isn’t surprising, and we expect to see it continue to flourish on Roll20, especially with some of the upcoming releases and developments on the horizon." https://blog.roll20.net/posts/the-orr-group-industry-report-q3-2020-breakout Throughout 2021 we'll be adding more Call of Cthulhu releases to Roll20 on a regular basis. Our existing titles include: Call of Cthulhu Starter Set - $24.99 Call of Cthulhu Quickstart Rules (inc. 'The Haunting' scenario) - FREE Call of Cthulhu Keeper Rulebook - $54.95 Call of Cthulhu Investigator Handbook - $44.95 Harlem Unbound - $44.99 Dead Light and Other Dark Turns - $14.99 (new!) The Lightless Beacon - FREE
  15. Here you go: http://actualplay.roleplayingpublicradio.com/category/systems/upwind
  16. Explore the Skies! UPWIND is a narrative style RPG set in a strange alternate world of floating island nations, flying sailing ships, long-lost technology, wild elemental powers, looming war &forgotten legacies. Curious? Click here for the free Quickstart: https://chaosium.com/upwind
  17. Mohenjo Daro (the Bollywood epic, at least) is about as RuneQuest as you can get ("...before the British Raj, before the Mughals, before Christ, before Buddha, before India as we know it, there was... Mohenjo Daro").
  18. In this 'Out of the Suitcase' instalment, Rick looks at the special editions produced for Call of Cthulhu's 20th anniversary in 2001. (BTW, this year is the 40th anniversary of Call of Cthulhu. We have some special items underway to mark this milestone too. Look out for these later this year!) https://www.chaosium.com/blogout-of-the-suitcase-8-the-20th-anniversary-edition-call-of-cthulhu-rulebook
  19. Yep, that's the point. The wheel rut thing is based on how things once were in China, where different provinces had different axle widths, so travelling any long distance tediously required multiple sets of axles. There might be some vestigial remnants of superior roadways from Pavis's heyday, but in the Zola Fel valley the easiest way to move stuff most of the year is by boat or barge.
  20. Chaosium congratulates sculptor Eric Vanel! His depiction of Gloranthan heroine Jar-eel the Razoress, cast in bronze in the 'heroic nude' style of classical antiquity, has been selected for the Salon des Artistes Français 2021. The Salon was established by King Louis XIV in 1667, with the Société des Artistes Français holding annual exhibitions since 1881. This year's exhibition in Paris has been cancelled due to the pandemic, but you can find Jar Eel among many artworks of very talented artists in the virtual exhibition here: https://www.artistes-francais.com/catalogue-salon/
  21. Good news for our UK Call of Cthulhu fans! – we've just got confirmation that our Brexit-blighted Malleus Monstrorum shipment has (finally!) made it across the Channel. We hope to have MM available for sale from our UK warehouse by early next week...
  22. Unless the god chooses you. There are plenty of unknowing/unwitting/accidental Chosen Ones in literature and mythology, after all.
  23. We occasionally get asked about removing the backgrounds from PDFs for home printing and readability. Here are the 4 easy steps in order to turn off the background from your Chaosium PDF: https://chaosium.com/removing-the-background-from-pdfs
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