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Everything posted by Joerg

  1. Provided the shaman finds a way to fully restore his body from the flame. What happens to a shaman with the ability to self-resurrect but lacking the means to restore the body? Are they trapped in the Spirit World near their lifeless body, unable to die and face Daka Fal?
  2. Finding White Bear & Red Moon still is hard. Cults of Prax has become easier, but short of doing a pdf text search, you need to know about Teelo Norri orphanages to have an idea where to look. In the CoRQ series, the potato blight seems to persist, but we will know more when the next volume is out. Complaints about absent tubers will hopefully be some of the worst criticism of the Lunar volume...
  3. I agree about rats, but there might be giant roaches as livestock.
  4. Neither are the Greek poleis or their triremes that dominate the naval warfare of the Mirrorsea Bay. Finding any genuine Bronze Age culture or technology in Glorantha will be about as hard as finding evidence for potatoes. We have quite good genetic and isotope evidence from the Lech Valley about the patrilocal local farming nobility and the impressive migrations of their wives. While that does not give us the leadership hierarchy in greater settlements, greater settlements emerged only rather late in this region, or the Carpathian basin. Quite an Orlanthi situation. The written sources deal with Germanic Iron Age, with possibly the most appropriate report the description of the Nerthus cult on the Cimbrian peninsula. Greece (and Ionian Anatolia) with its endless coast line and heavy naval element to their cities is about the worst model you can have for Sartar. This goes for the Mycenaean citadels, too. Greek parallels are about some of the advanced equipment, although that paralel is stronger for Pelanda (nowadays Carmania). The Silk Road settlements might be the best analogy for the Sartarite cities in terms of economy. While not at all Bronze Age, the mercantile cities of the Hanseatic League on the German rivers - many of these newly founded - have a similar economical raison d`ĂȘtre. They lack the City Rex office, though.
  5. Rot is a form of living Darkness, which may be desirable to detect with Darksense (which is not sonar, but uses ambient Darkness to interact with its targets). Thus the visible squalor might be something like glitter to Darksense. Using trollkin to keep things clean can be difficult - training them to be picky eaters or chewers to eat only a specific component of the available food, which makes them very hard to train as a laundry service. Trollkin able to be this discerning and obedient are quite highly qualified specimen who could be used for other purposes. Food class trollkin can be used for waste removal, but that can be used to remove rubble from digging or similar (as long as you can get them potty-trained to defecate outside).
  6. Doesn't look quite genuine. Even though I never saw the original,
  7. Lunar ties start when Hendira is left without the Godking after the 1616 disaster. Previously she had little inclination to seek Fazzur's favors.
  8. Spicy delicious food. Spicy for mistress race trolls might be hard to adjust.
  9. Red Cow village has one. Blue-skinned folk, fisherfolk,
  10. This does of course stand their topographical correlation on the head, with the lowland empire paralleled by the high Andes range territory, and the hill barbarians placed in the riverine bowl. The (yet mostly unknown) Amazon basin agricultural culture(s) whose remains have been located using LIDAR fairly recently might be a parallel for a near future Glorantha where the Aldryami reforestation succeeded. The urban Moche culture was coastal rather than riverine, but their (non-square) mudbrick pyramids might reflect some aspects of Dara Happa quite well, too. The general problem with using New World high cultures (and their millennia of agricultural cultivation of food plants, a cultural achievement easily overlooked by archaeologists concentrating on physical artifacts) is the absence of animal muscle in their power generation. The use of oxen to pull heavy loads, mules and horses to carry stuff, or even just pastoralism to keep sources of protein from otherwise inedible plant growth around rather than relying on annual migration cycles does make a difference in infrastructure.
  11. If you are a high quality enlo, you might succeed at undergoing the Ritual of Rebirth and become a fully acknowledged Dark Troll. There is a rumor that the ritual really just is a painful way to turn uppity hangers-on into well-marinated food.
  12. There are bloodlines of Helering descent with a good number of Heler-initiated helering-gendered people. Weirdly enough, the Pelaskite fisherfolk around the Choralinthor Bay don't appear to have any dominant Helering descent.
  13. IIRC there was a SF edition of Jennell Jacquays's Central Casting tables to spice up the past of the characters that might be mined for a RQG-like lifepath. You would of course have to include notable recent setting history into your paths to arrive at a similar level of setting immersion.
  14. Joerg


    Deities may be incarnated in humans without too much of a breach of compromise. Such an incarnation will clearly be hero material, and may either apotheosize on their own, or reunite with the deity upon death.
  15. Joerg


    Sorcery is extremely flexible as you can research any spell you want. The problem with sorcery is that you have to research every spell before getting sufficiently proficient in it to cast it - a process that may take decades. If you happen to be taught just such a spell, it might take a sorcerer only a few seasons to get a reasonable chance to cast the spell. So: Most flexible, yes. Flexible in a time frame useful for adventuring: usually not.
  16. Joerg


    Basically, Tapping is application of irreversible deterioration for a temporary gain. Irreversible deterioration is very hard to discern from chaotic corruption.
  17. I would expect rather 95% of all grimoires to have subtle errors. Known errors to those in the know, but making the spells useless or hideously overpriced if cast as written. (Which might be a good summary about the spells in the core rules...)
  18. A 95% skill has the minimum 1% chance of a fumble at a roll (1)00. More crits are nice to have, but how does a crit in read/write manifest when inscribing a spell collection? And if you really need those crits, that's where Mental Acuity and other supporting magics may come in.
  19. Beetle carapaces have been used by Kogag and (Varan)Orlanth.
  20. 100% - unless you want to chance mistakes. 95% is the best chance at success you are going to get regardless of your skill.
  21. And new interior artwork if I understand the thread above correctly. Possibly with captions leading to new text. Whether you consider art as content is up to you, but given Chaosium's recent track record you probably should.
  22. Actually no. Hundreds of lay worshipers of the Invisible God volunteering POW to one enchanter.
  23. One possible reason why the dual purpose in-game-aid and XP may have been removed is that this rewards the players who spend less XP on the narrative rather than the ones who spend their XP on the narrative but then having no reward left.
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