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Posts posted by jongjom

  1. Possibly for the PDF on its 1st July release:

    Page 3

    Maybe a note to say that the text will continue on Page 6 (helps not to throw the reader off).

    Page 8

    “…called Move (MOV).”

    What value is there in making it slightly harder to read by calling it MOV, especially when the Stats Blocks have it as ‘Move’?

    Page 10

    Issaries’ Runes: add in the Trade rune symbol. As per The Guide

    Page 17

    “To be subtracted from the hit points of the hit location struck, as well as the adventurer’s total hit points.” – please be explicit and clear (‘overall’ hit points: is that of all hit locations added together?)

    “If a leg or abdomen, the character falls to the ground.”

    Later that paragraph:

    “If the abdomen…treated with First Aid within ten minutes…”

    “If the chest…. treated with First Aid within 10 minutes…”

    If in the head…. treated with First Aid within five minutes…”

    Suggest just using words or numerals.

    Also, suggest just having “ten” minutes for each to make the rules simpler.


    “A character cannot take more than twice the possible points of damage in an arm or leg from a single blow: the rest has no effect.”

    Yet contradicted immediately below as there is a rule where triple hit point damage does have an effect. Possible change to:

    “A limb cannot take more than twice the possible points of damage from a single blow: the rest has no effect on the limb’s or total hit points.”

    Page 18

    Natural Healing:

    “The character’s healing rate dictates” – where’s the rules for “character’s healing rate”?

    “As a location recovers…and the speed of healing increase”. – where’s the rules for this?

    “All spirit magic spells are either instant or passive.” Doesn’t match up with the next page SPIRIT MAGIC SUMMARY, and the ‘Type’ options (no mention of ‘passive’ spells). Maybe change to: “All spirit magic spells are either instant or duration.”

    Page 19


    Maybe add at the bottom of the table “Var.” = Variable

    …I (Instant), D (Duration: 5 minutes)


    Other than spirit combat, only spells and the magical effects laid on weapons or magical weapons can harm them,

    Page 20 and Page 21


    Being distracted is resisted with either POWx3 or INTx3, depending what Mediation is being used for. For simplicity’s sake, could we just use either POW or INT in all situations?

    Page 20


    It’s not clear here about the resistance roll and meditation: When you mediate (or any other form of Increasing the casting chance) does this BOTH 1) increase your chance of casting a spell AND 2) you use the % number from the INCREASE SPELLCASTING CHANCE table to add to your POW in the resistance table, however that works? The description has left me confused! 

    Page 21

    Augment with Skills: …”If only 1 melee round is spent performing the skill, the chance of success with the augmenting is halved. If…2 melee rounds.. chance.. is normal” – Unnecessary complexity for what gain?

    I assume that these methods to increase Casting Chances are not accumulative?


    “…and has been influential to dozens, if not hundreds more games and their designs.” Maybe instead: “…and has been influential to dozens, if not hundreds of games and their designs.” Are you not sure if it’s dozens or hundreds! Maybe better still: “…and has been influential to dozens of games and their designs.”

    …several editions of RUNEQUEST have appeared (some under other imprints) – imprints??

    Page 24


    [Harmony] Spell Trading (Issaries)  - should this not be the Trading Rune?

    Teleportation….. “Each additional Rune point enables one extra living….3, T, I”

    Isn’t this a 3-point spell, so three extra Rune points per living thing? Alternatively, and maybe clearer

    The caster can teleport additional living things at a cost of one Rune point per passenger, provided they are touching the caster”

    Truespeak……. POW with each question. 2, R,[remove 2nd comma] D

    • Like 1
  2. 59 minutes ago, Mankcam said:

    To digress slightly, it makes me wonder if the printed books for Glorantha should even come out with game stats; perhaps just print pure narrative content.

    Maybe a Core Book Supplement with separate booklets for HQ/RQG/13thAge Glorantha to cover the needs of the system. Forex: RQG will need stats for characters and spells etc. for cults.

    This could be done either as a Free PFD (especially I the content is small) or something to buy.

    RQ3 had some supplements with pull-out stats.

    • Like 1
  3. Recently posted by MOB:
    You're in the fortunate position of having a copy already, but the Quickstart Rules have not been publicly released yet, nor will they be until Free RPG Day (June 17). We can have a public discussion about the contents of the book then, when more people can meaningfully participate.

    In the mean time, please take any discussion of the Quickstart over to the password-protected Cult of Chaos thread. This was set up to assist the GMs running the Quickstart on Free RPG Day. They are receiving their PDF copy beforehand, by agreement with the Free RPG Day organizers, but have been asked not to publicly share it or any spoilers in keeping with the spirit of Free RPG Day.

  4. Depicting different Gloranthan cultures in the style of ancient Earth cultures is all well and good, but IMHO the best Gloranthan art looks like it depicts a Gloranthan culture and is completely un-Earthly (e.g. Gene Day's art).

    Now that is to accept that certain armour / weapons etc. could look similar to this or that Earth era. However, great RQ art should have definite non-Earthly aspects (forex: Gene Day's Eternal Battle; the more recent Vale of Flowers snippet) that takes the reader's mind away from drawing Earthly parallels. For me, The Coming Storm drawings were very well drawn, but missed a trick in this respect.

    • Like 1

    Page 43

    enlisting in a medium infantry unit, he saw much of the Plains of



    Tradetalk 95%/95%, Sartarite 90%/75%, Lunar 90%/75%,

    Praxian 80%/60%, Darktongue 75%/60%, Mostali


    FINANCES: carries 40W, 50L, 30C; has banked 3000L. His

    gear is worth 791[remove space]5L; his ransom is 5000L.


    Page 44

    Extra text in the introduction? Source?

    Chalana Arroy initiates can bring Storm Bull cultists out of a berserker rage (chance is CHA x5)[Full stop] Healers



    Page 45

    FINANCES: carries 10W, 30L, 30C[Delete full stop]; has banked 500 L[Add full stop]


    Uzard 16/8. Total POW (including Car-Eel): 102.


    SPELLS: (Car- Eel) –Befuddle


    Page 46

    has become a Chief Priest of the temple in New Pavis and has


    FINANCES: carries 200L[Delete full stop]; has banked 2500L.[Delete semi-colon]


    listed weapons of bronze or wood. [Delete dash]She normally carries 3


    Page 47

    Extra text in the introduction? Source?


    the Rubble of Old Pavis for knowledge, often alone or accompanied


    Page 49

    LANGUAGES: (Speak/Read-Write) Sartarite 90%/90%,

    Trade-talk 90%/90%, Lunar 90%/90%, Praxian 90%/90%,

    Darktongue 90%/90%, Aldryami 90%/90%, Old Pavic

    90%/90%, Draconic 90%/90%.

                                                All 90%! Did William R. Keyes just give up at this point!


    Page 50

    Extra text in the introduction? Source?


    Initiates may demand assistance (for an agreed-upon price) from all Air Rune cultists (Orlanth, Storm Bull, Thunder Bird, etc.) at an agreed upon price.[Delete this added text which just repeats was is said earlier in the sentence]


    Page 51

    FINANCES: carries 10W, 30L, 30C. Has banked 1500L and


    Page 52

    LANGUAGES: (Speak/Read-Write) Sartarite 90%/90%,

    Stormspeech 90%/90%, Tradetalk 75%/50%, Lunar

    75%/40%, Praxian 70%/30%, Darktongue 65%/30%, Old

    Pavic 65%/25%, Draconic 30%/l5%.


    Page 53

    Extra text in the introduction? Source?


    Page 55

    LANGUAGES: (Speak/Read-Write) Darktongue 90%/40%,

    Tradetalk 75%/40%, Lunar 60%/0%, Sartarite 60%/0%,

    Praxian 50%/0%, Old Pavic 40%/0%, Draconic 15%/0%


    Merlger Moran is a Mistress Race Troll and the daughter of the


    out to prey upon other races in the Rubble and the surrounding Plains

    of Prax to keep


    Page 56

    Extra text in the introduction? Source?


    Page 60

    LANGUAGES: (Speak/Read-Write) Aldryami 100%/100%,

    Tradetalk 60%/60%, Old Pavic 90%/90%, Lunar 65%/50%,


    LANGUAGES: (Speak/Read-Write) Aldryami 100%/100%,

    Tradetalk 80%/60%, Sartarite 75%/60%, Lunar 75%/60%,

    Praxian 60%/40%, Old Pavic 50%/30%, Darktongue

    50%/50%, Tarshite 50%/30%.


    Page 61

    FINANCES: carries 30W, 100L, 25C and has 5000L banked. His

    gear is worth about 2400L and he has a ransom of 10,000L.


    Page 62

    Below that

    are sections for Languages, Knowledge skills, Perception skills,

    Manipulation skills, Stealth skills, and other skills.


    This sheet is intended to be a back-side sheet for the RuneQuest [Add Italics]

    character sheet.


    • Like 1
  6. Suggested changes, takes it back to the original version unless otherwise stated

    Page 1

    Strong NPCS and Their Use in RuneQuest

    ILLUSTRATIONS by LUISE PERRENE [as original, and match up with the pictures’ signatures]

    Page 2

    mastery of a number of skills, an allied spirit, and bound spirits.

    I don’t have A&E 11 to check if this was in the original, but to be consistent with the rest of the book (and the section itself):

    When I wrote my supplement to Runequest, Rune Masters, the

    present the lost descriptions of the 45 RuneMasters and their cults,

    [Ed. When I first wrote my description of the Rune Masters book

    Page 5

    Examples of these are Masonry for mounted barbarians, Pick Pockets for Issaries cultists (who may not steal)

    -          Was lower case in the original but still a possible typo  


    such as Navigation or Armoring. Remember to note the subtraction

    -          Was lower case in the original but still a possible typo


    The next line is for the amount of money (in gems, Wheels, Lunars, and Clacks) actually carried by the character.

    -          Was lower case in the original but still a possible typo, especially as lunar has been changed to Lunar in this current version. And is keeping in the same style as the Classic Rules


    Page 6

    (i.e., just finishing prior experience)[delete space], to normal townsmen. By


    Page 8

    since they tend to penetrate. Cast Multimissile 4 on the bolt as

    Page 9

    Strength, Mobility, Vigor, Farsee, and Coordination are also useful spells to cast upon a familiar.

    Or maybe leave it as ‘Fame’ (Film) was from that era (1980)!


    Page 10

    Hero status through Heroquests. A typical retinue will be even

    lay members. If the Rune Lord-Priest is on a Heroquest, there


    Page 11

    RuneMasters is to keep calm and to be very organized, in order


    Page 14

    and then cast a Befuddle spell with no extra points, which will get through unopposed.

    -          Correcting a typo missed in the original


    single foe, when you have a DEX 17+, means that

    -          Correcting a typo missed in the original [Note: the original was:   17+I   and not 17+1 ]


    Page 18

    FINANCES: carries 20W, 50L, and 100[Delete space]C, has 1000L banked,


    Page 19

    He is fond of music and has a clear tenor voice.


    Page 21

    her respect. She has a passion for gems, Truestones, liquor, and


    Pavic 50%/25%, Darktongue 25%/0%, Draconic 20%/0%, Stormtongue 15%/0%.

                Also change Storm-tongue to Stormtongue on Page 25, 27, 45 (to be consistent with the rest of this book and Classic Rules)



    Page 22

    and for pieces of Truestone. He is quick to anger at any slight or


    FINANCES: carries 30W, 50L, and 50C; has banked 2000L.


    iron chainmail hauberk. Leather trews beneath, as well


    NOTE: throughout the document sometimes chain mail is used sometime chainmail, Classic Rules uses chainmail


    Page 24

    to the Marsh, slaying two dragonsnails there. He now leads his

    Classic Rules uses dragonsnail


    Page 27

    FINANCES: carries 10W, 30L, 5C; has 500L in bank. Her gear

    Page 28

    FINANCES: carries 50W, 35L, 25C, and has 2500L in bank

    Page 30

    POT 14 antidote,[Delete second comma] 3 doses Wyvern POT 16 antidote, 2

    Truth week, never participate in an ambush, and eat no meat on

    Page 37

    city to train them on the Plains of Prax. He has been on two

    Page 38

    He wears a brass arm ring with the Fire Rune inlaid in gold to show he knows the spell of Lantern.


    he is geased never to use whip or flail, never to eat meat of Fireday or in Fire Season.


    Page 39

    Vandar may never use a whip or flail, can never eat meat on Fireday, and can never eat meat during Fire Season.


    Wulf’s restriction differ on Page 39

    He accepted the restrictions never

    to ride any animal but a horse nor marry anyone but a priestess

    of an Earth cult nor disguise himself as a woman nor eat fish,

    potatoes or raw eggs in any form. He will never sleep under a

    red blanket as red is forbidden. On Firedays he speaks only


    To his Geases on Page 40


    celibate during Fire Season, can never wear padding, can never

    use a medium shield, and takes only _ damage from fire.

    -          Also change:  use a medium shield, and takes only ½ damage from fire.



    Page 40

    He [Xendar] shares the restrictions listed for Vandar and Wulf. [This does not seem to clearly match up with the rest of the text]



    protection from all forms of fire (½ damage), however he


    Page 41

    combat but dislikes it and prefers to let his bodyguard fight while

    he casts spells.


    Page 42

    Trade-talk 90%/90%, Stormtongue 50%/50%, Lunar

    50%/50%, Praxian 60%/50%, Old Pavic 60%/40%,

    Draconic 30%/20%, Darktongue 60%/40%.


    Page 62

    RuneMaster picks up more items, say as loot, he could be slowed

    • Like 1
  7. 8 minutes ago, Bellem said:

    Finally had a chance to look over the files. Noticed that the special cards for Shadows Dance and Sun Dome are messed up. 

    Shadows Dance has Tribal Champion on the top half and Okarl's Bull on the bottom. 

    Sun Dome has Enemy Magic on the top half and Issaries Cattle Market on the bottom. 

    Can you please add this to the Tribal Editing: Khan of Khans topic, so as to be sure Chaosium spots this?

  8. 20 minutes ago, g33k said:

    But I hope there ISN'T much that's too challenging -- the art should be representative of what's typical, not the atypical...

    Typical Glorantha?!

    Interesting concept!  ;-)

  9. 5 hours ago, 7Tigers said:

    Griffin Mountain book includes additional design notes as well as relevant parts of Griffin Island additional material.

    It's worth noting that some of the Griffin Island material added to the Gloranthan Classic Griffin Mountain wasn't always a naturally fit as they are slightly different gaming systems. 

    It remains to been seen what's added to each of the rest of the RuneQuest Classic series, but so far these reprints have kept better to the feel of the era (i.e. by not importing RQ3 material; less retrospective comments on what went before, not updating Gloranthan lore to fit current canon, and only using art from the era etc.). 

    As much as I value the Gloranthan Classics I'm glad the RuneQuest focus falls completely onto RQG as the RQ Classic series reprints is completed. This provides Chaosium with a clean and clear linear RPG product line. 

    At the right time, and if it doesn't disrupt the RQG production line, a RQ3 Gloranthan scenarios Kickstarter might be of value to bridge the Gloranthan scenario timeline gap between RQ Classic and RQG. However adding in a third (slightly different) system doesn't feel right. Changing RQ3 scenarios over to RQG might work, and might be something that fits better with a Kickstarter business model. Chaosium might be able pay an author upfront to change one or two RQ3 supplements to RQG then let the Stretch Goals decide how far it can be taken. 

    • Like 1
  10. 2 hours ago, Jeff said:

    MRQ may have give you hope, but for Greg and I it was such an awful experience that it almost resulted in Glorantha and RQ being permanently delinked.

    Well I guess I can say for all of us that we're pretty glad that this didn't actually happen.

    The darkest before the dawn of a new golden era.

    • Like 3
  11. 4 minutes ago, Jeff said:

    Lemme see, the cattle raid and tula game par excellence, King of Dragon Pass, sold hundreds of times as many copies as any MRQ supplement. I'd say there are quite a few fans of cattle raids and clan rings.

    King of Dragon Pass gives a quite a bit more than cattle raids, you know that Jeff. But there is a level of quality that a number of HW/HQ1 products did not hit. That's why the breadth and depth given by, say, Sartar: Kingdom of Heroes is so much better than, say, Barbarian Adventures, the latter which acted as a portal to drain my enthusiasm from the game world.

    For MRQ it looks as Loz's eloquent and balanced appraisal get the vote with 23 Likes (and counting). I've kept a few of Mongoose fanzine level products (most written by Loz), at least until better versions can be produced. It is a shame that Loz and Pete did not have the opportunity to be involved with a production team and be given the level of support, quality and love now being shown by the new Chaosium team.

    • Like 2
  12. Possible tweaks to the current version of Plunder:

    Page 2

    Contents: Page Numbers are missing

    Missing from the list is: Chameleon Tents

    Change: Dragonewt Skin Armore to Dragonewt Skin Armor

    Change: Fabulous Quills of the Wyrms' Friends to Fabulous Quills of the Wyrm’s Friends to be consistent with the original text, and consistent with page 33

    Change: Green Snake's Skulls here to Green Snakes Skulls to be consistent with page 38 (however, spelt Snakes’ on page 37 of the original)

    Change: Golding Bones to Godling Bones AND please put in the correct order (before Golden Torches)

    Change: Lunar Sweater to Lunar Sweaters

    Put Nosma's Wig after Morokanth Thumbs on the list

    Put Soup Bones after Snake Staves on the list

    Missing: More Plunder, list of Treasures, and page numbers for those

    Cover Illustration — TOM SULLIVAN & Interior illustration — LUISE PERENNE was it not Rick Becker who did these illustrations?

    RuneQuest, Glorantha[comma] and HeroQuest are trademarks of Moon Design Publications.


    Page 25

    Change 1H Warhammer to 1H warhammer  as per the original

    Change Darktongue to Dark Tongue (as keeping with the original and the rest of the document, or change the other mentions of Dark Tongue to Darktongue)


    Page 26

    Put the following sentence into a new paragraph (it doesn’t belong in the ‘Hostile’ paragraph, and was a separate paragraph in the original):

    “In most cases, the reaction will be neutral so no attempt has been made to list every group which would react neutrally”.


    Page 30

    Change Hortap Drash to Hortaga Drash as per the original

    Page 31


    Page 33

    Change Empire of the Wyrm’s Friends to Empire of the Wyrms Friends (if you’re also changing the Lankhor Mhy spellings etc.)

    Page 34


    Page 35

    Suggest changing: “the property of Zackhom, a Hero from the east” to “the property of Zackhorn, a Hero from the east” Hard to be sure even on close inspection of the original

    Page 41

    The wig was made by a powerful Dawn Age Hero, Nosmas. So should the Heading be:  Nosmas’ Wig? Or maybe change the text to be: Nosma.

    Page 43


    Page 47

    Change “war hammer” to “warhammer” (twice), or make the appropriate changes so it's consistent with page 25

    Page 47

    “Dwarves will not pay a cent for it as they feel it belongs to them.” OK this was in the original, but was an original typo that must have read: “Dwarves will not pay a clack for it as they feel it belongs to them.” Ask Greg ;-)

    Page 49

    Change “Each of these geysers IS located above an imprisoned air spirit.” to “Each of these geysers is located above an imprisoned air spirit.”

    Change “There is no exact value to these geysers be-cause they are not portable” to “There is no exact value to these geysers because they are not portable”


    Page 50

    Enemy –[space]Zorak Zoran, Vivamort.


    Page 51


    Change: - to – [long dash]

    “The harps can only be used by someone with a 90% skill in harp.” In Borderlands and Beyond it is written as: “The harps can only be used by someone with a 90% or better skill in harp.”

    Similarly: “he or she looses 1 point of permanent power.” “he or she looses 1 point of permanent POW.”

    Also probably should say? : “he or she loses 1 point of permanent POW.”



    Change: - to – [long dash]

    Change: “world and engaged in mighty struggles with other gods and the forces of chaos.” To “world and engaged in mighty struggles with other gods and the forces of Chaos.”


    Page 51

    FROG MASK maybe should be FROG MASKS as Borderlands and Beyond


    Page 53

    Horns of the Great Broo, this should be before Issaries Guide Coins


    Under Horns of the Great Broo and CULTS

    Change: - to – [long dash]


    Borderlands and Beyond on page 217 has Issaries Staves – should this be in the list?



    Change: - to – [long dash]


    Page 54

    Suggest placing the following text in a more logical place: “Treasures of Runequest by Rudy Kraft, as originally published in Pegasus magazine issues #2 and #8.”



    Change: - to – [long dash]

    Change History to History [Bold]


    Page 55


    Change: - to – [long dash]

    Page 56


    Change: - to – [long dash]

  13. 2 hours ago, Mankcam said:

    Now I could see the merit of some of the content information from the RQ3 supplements finding its way into RQG products, as well as porting some of the more popular RQ3 scenarios across using the RQG stat blocks. It would be great to see titles like Sun Country, Shadows Of The Borderlands, and Dorastor revamped for RQG!

    Sounds like a job for Kickstarter! But not just yet...

  14. 6 minutes ago, HorusArisen said:

    Two hopefully easy questions 

    1. why isn't the guide available on drivethru?
    2. Wow, why is the PDF £40? That's possibly the most expensive PDF I've ever seen?

    With RQG coming I'd like to finally get this but boy am I going to have to treat my wife nicely :(

    No doubt the luminaries will answer but a few thoughts:

    1. If you buy The Guide from Chaosium they will get all the revenue.

    2. It's £40 of pure awesome Gloranthan Gold. 800 pages of mind blowing art, detail description, maps, and background from decades of development from a very large number of contributors, least not Greg Stafford and Sandy Petersen's deep delve into the world.

    Treat your wife nicely, as always. In fact really, really nicely and go for The GtG slipcase set. In the unlikely event you do not take to it then there is market for The Guide and you are likely to get most of the money back (but get to keep the PDF).

    • Like 2
  15. 49 minutes ago, Paid a bod yn dwp said:

    From what I'm hearing the new RuneQuest: Adventures in Glorantha is built up from the intuitive, flavoursome RQ2, with the fun turned up to 11. Even more immersive 


    I agree with what you say except please don't say "Adventures in Glorantha". Given the track record of AiG its name is the kiss of death to a new RQ game!

    • Like 1
  16. 1 hour ago, Mankcam said:

    I don't think there was ever an ETA for those RQ2 supplement reprints; it was just that when they were published the RQ Classic KS backers would have them in their hands first.

    On the Campaign Page each of the supplements have written under them: "We will print a softcover book and make it available for sale in 2016."

    Even the #4 Update on Runemasters has: "The PDF will be available as an add-on for $5, ready for download as soon as the Kickstarter ends. We'll also print a softcover book and make it available for sale in 2016."

  17. 4 hours ago, Jeff said:

    We have lots of news on that coming up. Just watch for the next RQ Design Note....

    Could you please also give news on the last RQ Kickstarter? The completion date for that Kickstarter was 2016, yet 9 stretch-goal PDFs are yet to be delivered.

    Requests for an update on that site has not been responded to so far this year. It would be good to complete that one before starting another.

    • Like 1
  18. 16 minutes ago, Jeff said:

    I am but one person. I am currently working on (writing, editing, commissioning art, or doing final approvals) of seven Gloranthan books for release this year (there's a few others that Ian Cooper is doing in addition). On all of these books I am either the primary author or the co-author. 

    Fair enough!!

    Seven being?:

    13th Age in Glorantha

    The Glorantha Source Book

    RuneQuest Core Rules

    RuneQuest Gamemaster Book

    RuneQuest Glorantha Bestiary

    RuneQuest The Dragon Pass Campaign

    The Eleven Lights (Red Cow Vol. 2)

  19. 20 minutes ago, boztakang said:

    1: the current designations are "Trollpak" for the old material, and "Trollpack" for the new. Though each book has it's own subtitle. The new version gets an extra letter because there is more of it (and Jeff isn't super fond of deliberate misspellings).  I suspect the individual book titles will be more prominent for the new material than the trollpack part, but will be happy with whatever chaosium decides to do.

    2: the scenarios are very much designed with HeroQuest in mind, and may be a bit tricky to translate to RQ or 13G - there just isn't that much plain old fighting in most of them, which is where those systems really shine. Just guesstimating, maybe a third can translate quite well by creating appropriate stat blocks, another third could be used with some more creative re-imagining, and the last third will have to be treated as back-story or played out free-form in some fashion. 

    3: I honestly have no idea. As far as I know, there is no KS actually "planned" at this point, but I would not be hugely surprised if they didn't end up taking that route. I suspect a lot will depend on available funds and perceived demand and other things I don't have a lot of insight into.

    1. This makes eminent sense. Easily recognisable yet distinguishable. Kudos

    2. This highlights why there should not be generic scenario books. Or just have free PDFs to 'translate' scenarios as best you can.

    3. Yes please KS! But the real value (e.g. funds for more art / content / maps etc.) for doing a KS might now be lost if KS has slid too far towards a glorified pre-ordering business.

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