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Everything posted by jajagappa

  1. And an associated note: MAIN CHARACTERS OF THE HERO WARS Argrath, Harrek the Berserk, Jar-eel, the Feathered Horse Queen, and the Red Emperor shape the end of the Third Age of Glorantha. The relationship between these five characters defines the structure of the whole Hero Wars campaign. Glorantha pivots and changes according to these characters and no one can entirely escape their influence. The affairs of the main characters are often far removed from the everyday life of the adventurers. Rarely will your players’ adventurers personally interact with the Red Emperor, Argrath, Jar-eel, or the rampaging Harrek (although they may certain make cameo appearances). Yet they are the engine that drives the Hero Wars. Handling these main characters can be tricky for a gamemaster, but their presence adds to the epic feel of the campaign.
  2. Another bit from Jeff on FB. The Hero Wars themselves are the wars between Sartar and the Lunar Empire. Here's a super quick overview: CAMPAIGN OVERVIEW The Hero Wars are thirty-year conflict that ends the Third Age of Glorantha. The player characters play adventurers amidst a massive, world-wide struggle of magic, myth, and military that spills over from the Mundane World into the Hero Wars, and even threatens the eternal stability of the Gods World. Before the struggle is over the adventures must make decisions that will affect their survival, their society, and indeed the entire cosmos. The campaign is presented in five phases, with two phases taking place prior to the default campaign start. Lunar Occupation (1602-1621). This is the period of Lunar domination in Dragon Pass. The end of the phase has the Lunar Empire in seeming final triumph. Rebellion (1621-1624). During this phase, the Lunar Empire suffers numerous reversals, while its foes seek new weapons against it. Prince of Sartar (1625-1629). This is the default start of the Dragon Pass campaign. The phase begins with the destruction of the Lunar Army in Dragon Pass with the Dragonrise. Sartar is liberated and Argrath rises to power. The phase ends with Argrath marrying the Feathered Horse Queen and becoming the King of Dragon Pass. This is the default starting point of the Hero Wars campaign. King of Dragon Pass (1630-1643). This phase sees Argrath as ruler of Dragon Pass. After nearly destroying itself with a civil war, the Lunar Empire desperately tries to recover its position but is defeated. In the end, Argrath adds the former Lunar Provinces to his empire. Twilight of the Gods (1644-1655). The Lunar Empire strikes back with a vengeance, using Chaos and weapons taken from strange realms. Sartar is defeated, and a desperate Argrath performs a mad Lightbringer's Quest that changes the world. Nightmares awaken, sheets of ice cover much of the world, and mutual enemies recognize each themselves as mirrors of each other. The phase ends with the destruction of the Red Moon and the rise of the White Moon.
  3. Six ways, and Chaos on top of it! Not only do you get Queen Gagix and her scorpion hordes, but maybe there is something more. Maybe Harrek's sacking of the City of Wonders actually kept Chaos from emerging there? Harrek's not there to sack it, therefore, something much worse emerges...
  4. Certainly that's one possibility. But at the same time, such a presence would likely fracture the Holy Country further with power struggles emerging between Samastina in Nochet and Broyan, and perhaps the rising power of the Shadow Plateau between. Could be a very interesting place! But at the same time, that deviation requires a lot more preparation and thought. I was focusing on ways you could incorporate Harrek's "death", yet still bring the timelines and events back together over a 1-3 year window without too much disruption of the main plotlines.
  5. Until Broyan gets killed by Lunar magic. It may not turn on the fact that Broyan betrayed the City of Wonders, but likely some other broken oath can still be found. Or, Broyan gets assassinated by some other means such as Blue Moon Assassins sent by the Lunars, etc. While he could survive and be present, this takes the game far more off-the-rails and forces rethinking of more pieces.
  6. Some of it is from backstory of Harrek. From the Glorantha Sourcebook p.183: "In 7/36 (1607), to everyone’s horror, Harrek the Berserk killed the Red Emperor and then fled to the dark forests of Fronela." This event is 17 years before if you are in 1624. The Red Emperor at the time was the "Mask" (i.e. he appeared different) called Ignifer. His successor "mask" is Argenteus. As the Red Emperor is the son of the Red Moon Goddess, he is often called "Moonson". There is also a daughter of the Red Moon called "Great Sister". Whereas the Red Emperor is the centerpoint for the Lunar Empire and directs it politically and magically, Great Sister never "officially" is engaged in politics, but on spreading the word of the Red Moon through deeds for the masses, etc. Some similar notes on p.187: "In 7/36 (1607), the Red Emperor was killed while he was with his family in Doblian by a murderous demigod called Harrek the White Bear, an assassin neither man nor beast, good nor bad, light or dark. To the wonder of all, the Emperor returned only seven weeks later, and took no vengeance." To keep the Lunar Empire from falling into rival states, the Red Emperor encouraged the noble families to engage in "Dart Wars", i.e. all political intrigue handled through assassination, "dart" competitions, and other non-military intrigue. Harrek was one of the assassins at the time in the employ of one of the noble families. p.205 notes: "The White Bear is mentioned in nearly every history and tale of the Hero Wars. Chroniclers across the world wrote of the misfortunes he visited upon their lands. Harrek is a savage, half-mad killing demigod. He was originally a Skin-Changer from the forests of Rathorela, and became a Hero when he killed and bound his people’s god, the White Bear, to serve him (or perhaps he serves it). Harrek gained fame as a Dart Warrior, a warlord, the king of the Wolf Pirates, a mercenary for the gods, and an iron-fisted tyrant of his own realm. He never forgot his common origins and never let a poor man starve." After he left the Lunar Empire, he found his way through Fronela, had some interaction with the "evil" warlord Lord Death-on-a-Horse, but did not kill him, then reached the Ygg's Isles where he became the leader of the Wolf Pirates. 1616 is when he arrived for the first time in the Holy Country and wiped out the God-king's fleet (but the Lunar heroine killed the God-king before Harrek could do so).
  7. I think a much stronger case for why you'd want to participate is the influence you can have on furthering the goals of those you are most loyal to. I noted the case of Queen Imarjira's brother becoming Belintar, and then she becomes queen of Esrolia. Big win for House Delaeos (and lays the groundwork for her great-granddaughter Samastina). Someone who became Belintar worked to open the Seas - very beneficial for the Islanders as well as Nochet. Back around 1460, Belintar aided the Kitori in suppressing the Volsaxi and reestablishing the Shadow Tribute. A troll or Kitori Belintar I'd bet. Seems like perfect material for a great Gloranthan historical analysis: "The Influence of Belintar's soul upon the Economic and Political Development of the Sixths." 😉
  8. I tend to think of the Runes as always being there and part of their innate personality vs. only occurring upon initiation. You can't use Runes for Rune magic until you are in a cult so I don't see that as an issue. And minor augments seem a perfect aspect to utilize for non-adults IMO.
  9. Yes, of course! Timing is a big factor in terms of what you need to account for. There are 4 main events you need to account for between 1624-1628. Anything after that is irrelevant. 1624 Seaseaon - the Battle of Pennel Ford. Harrek is central to the defeat of the Lunars, overcoming/shrugging off a massive Sunspear. While Argrath and Broyan could possible pick up the slack, this is significant (and likely where most characters first encounter Harrek) 1624 unknown season - Sack of the City of Wonders. Harrek and Wolf Pirates loot the City of Wonders and it disappears "forever". If Harrek is gone, then perhaps Gunda leads the sack in the hope of finding a way to rescue/recover Harrek. Otherwise, the City of Wonders is still there with whatever consequences that entails. 1627 - Harrek leads great raids throughout the Holy Country. Leaders call upon Argrath to stop Harrek, and he does. If Harrek is killed 1624-5, then use this as his return, and he is REALLY ANGRY! So this is a great chance to bring a forked thread back to mainstream. 1628 - Battle of Heroes. Harrek kills Jar-eel and takes her heart. Big impact on Lunar Empire. Even Argrath is going to have a difficult time stopping Jar-eel (unless the PC's have come into their own as heroes - OR, the PC's, seeing the consequences of what they have done, rescue and return with Harrek in time to battle Jar-eel).
  10. I'd figure that the repercussions will extend about a year or so, and then depend on what way you take the result. Assuming Gunda survives and is seeking who "killed" Harrek, and/or how to "resurrect" or "free" Harrek, then she may direct Wolf Pirates to search out that information. This may diminish the "raids" somewhat, but the Wolf Pirates still around. But there are plenty of other things going on to engage PC's attention. If you wipe out Harrek altogether, and Gunda is off and cannot find him, then something else emerges "in his place".
  11. Yes, of course. Used by ducks for all sorts of things. Just look over some of the pics in this thread for ideas. FAMOUS DUCKS OF THE HERO WARS! - Glorantha - BRP Central - The Chaosium forums (basicroleplaying.org) (Has other good ideas for duck conveyances too.)
  12. Zombies!!! Of course that's why the ducks deal with Delecti - a plentiful supply of uncomplaining labor!
  13. Giant snails! 😉 Slow, but dependable. And there are plenty of good dinosaurs around (maybe not the spinosaurus though) Just need long poles so the chariot is well back behind them.
  14. There's at least one case where this seems to be true. Noted in the Sourcebook p.28 with Queen Imarjira of Esrolia: "Her brother won the Tournament of the Masters of Luck and Death in 1550." She subsequently became Queen of Esrolia in 1551. And although a troubled reign in Esrolia, this is the period when Tarkalor defeated the Kitori, presumably working to some extent with Belintar's approval to reopen trade/remove tolls from Karse to Boldhome.
  15. Have a look at Thanks @David Scott ! Very useful tidbits.
  16. The best source is the Guide p.239: "When Belintar’s mortal body expires, the next day select individuals, chosen by a means known only to the God-King, awake between dawn and day in a thoroughly magical Holy Country with the awareness that they are part of the Masters of Luck and Death. These individuals on the Other Side compete for magical powers and mystical insight. The rulers of the six lands of the Holy Country and Belintar’s close companions are usually qualified to participate in the Masters of Luck and Death. Others are as well – people wake up knowing they are a candidate for the Masters of Luck and Death, but never why. The Tournament is extremely dangerous. Most losers die during the contests or are magically crippled, although a few are known to have not only survived but strengthened by their participation. The winner of the Tournament of Masters of Luck and Death unites with the divine essence of Belintar and his body is overtaken by this immortal element, which flows through his whole being and dwells in it. The winner becomes a living god – Belintar the God-King. The great magical energy inexorably overtakes the mortal body, and after a number of years the God-King requires a new body.... The participants in the Tournament never speak of their contests and it is widely believed that powerful magical guardians protect the secrets of the Masters of Luck and Death." There are no other details published. MoLaD (the tournament's abbreviated name) was conceived originally as a possible board game, but never got to a satisfactory state for Greg. Given that the Holy Country is made up of six provinces that represent the five Elemental Runes plus a mysterious Sixth, you can likely figure that contests involve the mythic struggles between elements (does Sea overcome Earth, does Storm drive back Sea, etc.).
  17. Well you certainly can't get your Hero Points back, and that means you don't get to cast your cool spell again! So, yes, you're going to be out there recruiting and getting people to at least provide worship for the deeds you did...
  18. Or buy one of the votive statues or the Yelmalio key rings! And I can't forget Yelmalio hats! You can tell the imitations by the clear glass jewels in the top - the real ones have actual fire crystals... Obviously.
  19. To my knowledge there is not actually a cult. When Belintar's former body expires, certain individuals throughout the Holy Country become aware of their participation in the new Tournament of Luck and Death. The Governors of the Sixths (the six provinces of the Holy Country) and other prominent/magical figures become part of this process which is effectively a heroquest across the mythic realm of the land. The victor becomes incarnated as Belintar the God-king - they gain the immortal knowledge of Belintar housed within their body. Most bodies survive about 13 years on average before they expire and a new tournament begins. Most of the losers die - hence Luck and Death. The last tournament was in 1616 but never completed because the heroquest paths were invaded by a scimitar-wielding, red-clad goddess. In some fashion, though, there would have been a cult to Belintar as the God-king. The folk of the Holy Country would most likely have worshipped as lay members, donating their magic points, so that Belintar would continue to bless their lands. His immediate Governors likely got some magic from him, but unlikely that others did. But his blessings would have been broadly universal across the communities, towns, and cities of the Holy Country.
  20. That's dwarfs for you. Want to keep everything secret, hide it all away. You have to work around them - trick them with hidden bits in the myths where they aren't suspecting the result. It's how the heroic kings always manage to bind them to the task of providing metal! (At least in my Imther, "adoption" doesn't work. You've got to take the place of the original person in the myth to bargain with the dwarfs when they are most desperate for aid. When you're wearing the right "mask" the dwarfs don't know any different. And then your heirs only have to trace their descent from you, and you from the original quester - much simpler process than twenty generations of recited lineage. Not a quest for the faint of heart though....)
  21. The previews are just great! It's hard to identify a favorite out of all shared so far, but Yelmalio was definitely impressive.
  22. Of course, this could all be a plot by the White Bear (i.e. the polar bear god) to separate himself from Harrek, or by the Rathori (the bear hsunchen, aka Bearwalkers - those men who are bears but are in human form) or rescue their stolen deity. This doesn't mean Harrek loses "hero" status - he knows heroquesting, has come back from Hell before, has a place in the God's World, and is worshipped by the Wolf Pirates - but he would lose his god ally and that would force Harrek into other quests to regain some of his savage powers. There might be "bumps" then in the official timeline, but Harrek still exists to perform various events. (And likely is after those who "stole" his white bear from him.) One approach to doing this would be to quest into the Godtime seeking the White Bear BEFORE it was skinned by Harrek, and then being present when Harrek comes to do so. Saving the White Bear at this point would keep Harrek from binding the bear god into its skin, and drop Harrek out of the quest without his White Bear identity. Perhaps Harrek is dropped out on the Glacier and has to find his way back to Dragon Pass?
  23. As Cults "Book" is two volume plus has a LOT of art, I don't think this is too surprising. But should be a great RQG year!
  24. Per Jeff on FB: So just to make people know - we are wrapping up the Starter Set. Then MY next book is the Sartar Book, then the Cults Book, and then the RQ Campaign. Plus getting WBRM re-released with lots of cool new things. That should keep me pretty busy this year. And Jason is also working on a number of books where he is the lead and I am not the primary writer (although I am heavily involved of course). Between the two of us, there is going to be a lot of RuneQuest coming out in 2021.
  25. Some additional comments from Jeff on FB: My purpose in posting these notes is not to reenact tedious arguments from 25 years ago, but rather to make it clear that there are mines in Dragon Pass, and metal is transported from point A to point B. Remember most bronze is alloyed. Although copper is very common, tin comes from a handful of places - which means Issaries gets involved. So places like the Starfire Ridges, Auroch Hills, and Dwarf Cliff have small mines, kilns for smelting tin into bars, and markets where tin bars are traded. That tin is then taken to the cities or to areas where copper is mined to be alloyed with copper to make bronze. This is stuff that the adventurers can get involved in. A mine has been taken over by something else - trolls, rock lizards, cave trolls, dwarfs, whatever, which means the local supply is unavailable and the local community asks the adventurers to help reclaim the main. Or an Issaries caravan has a large amount of valuable metal and hires the adventurers to help guard them (as they got the supply at the expense of an other tribe, dwarfs, Lunar noble, whatever). Bronze bones have some very interesting magical properties.... Mines aren't big things like in our world. You'd likely have many small mines. These mines might extend quite a way into the earth, but have a very small surface footprint. Things under the Earth belong to the Earth Temple. The earth might get delegated to a clan, a tribe, an individual, another temple - or might stay with the Earth Temple. Of course, the Earth Temple probably gets something for the delegation. So for example, the silver mines near Guilder Town are "owned" by the Asrelia Temple of Boldhome, and under the control of the Serzevethi family of the Kheldon tribe. To the question: Do the Trolls trade for the lead in the Lead Hills, or do they simply mine it or take it themselves? Trolls trade lead they find to human merchants through the Argan Argar cult. They probably take most of what they find, of course - but even the excess is a lot.
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