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Mike M

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Posts posted by Mike M

  1. Hi

    Please see the top post in this forum - which details any errata for various Call of Cthulhu books, including the Rulebook. The PDFs available - depending from where you purchase the books from (Chaosium.com, DriveThru, Bits and Mortar) - are updated with the errata (which in the main corrects typos but also clarifies/corrects wording on a few rules too).




  2. Characteristics  (apart from the derived attributes) are used to determine Occupation Skill Points, so APP,  DEX, STR, etc are useful as, depending on your character design, they decide your skill points pool.

    In scenarios, yes certain skills often crop up because they are generic / useful. Other professional skills (Science, Art, etc.) are called on for expertise - usually, you will find in a scenario (at least modern ones) that something can be achieved with a Hard roll in a more generic skill (or a combined roll), whereas using a specialist skill requires only a Regular (or sometimes, no) roll. This rewards players who design rounded characters with appropriate skills to their profession. It is important to consider the advice given in the Rulebook about ensuring your players design investigators appropriate to the scenario to be played.

    • Like 2
  3. Hi

    International Tabletop Day on April 28th 2018 - I'm encouraging members of the Cult of Chaos to speak with their local gaming stores and venues to see what's happening, and to consider putting on a game to recruit players into the fun and maddness of Call of Cthulhu.

    I'd love to hear what you have planned, so please post up your events in this thread and share some photos and report of the day too (not forgetting to let Dustin also know to claim your Chaosium store credit)



  4. The rules sections of Pulp Cthulhu and Down Darker Trails are but a single chapter, the rest of the books are scenarios, background, and guidance. Over half of the 7e Rulebook is monster stats, scenarios, guidance, spells, tomes, etc. Using the Contents pages of each to identify key rules sections should help to narrow down reading required if pressed for time. Also at the back of the 7e Rulebook (p407) are page long rules summaries for pretty much every core rule - 13 pages in total  - you could just look over these to gain a brief understanding of the core rules. 

  5. On 21/03/2018 at 2:37 PM, joggiwagga said:

    I'm working on setting up demos at the library I just started working at!

    Question - at some point will we be able to access some of the newer con demo games in rotation (in 6 to 12 months is my guess)?

    Yes you will - we are in the process of laying them out to share with the Cult. Will post the up to the library when ready. Thanks for your patience.

    • Like 1
  6. On 22/03/2018 at 12:44 AM, Elder Thing said:

    So I just tried downloading from Bits and Mortar, the Keeper Rulebook, Investigator Handbook, Keeper Screen Pack, Pulp Cthulhu and also The Two-Headed Serpent, since I had seen that all these had now been updated over on DriveThruRPG.

    Unfortunately I wasn’t able to download the Investigator Handbook and the Keeper Screen Pack, since I have now reached my download limit for those two.

    However, the ones I was able to download, the Keeper Rulebook, Pulp Cthulhu and The Two-Headed Serpent, none of them were updated. They are still the versions from back in the beginning of April of last year.

    Are they supposed to have been updated on Bits and Mortar now?

    Is it that the files have been uploaded with changed names, or perhaps as zip-files? Because my guess is that the only way people are able to use their old Bits and Mortar emails to download the updated files, is if the files are uploaded with the exact same name, and filetype, over the old file. That is how I’ve been able to download the Keeper Screen Pack-zip when it was updated on Bits and Mortar a while back.

    A suggestion then would be for when you upload new books to Bits and Mortars, is to upload them as zip-files, so if you at a later point want to update or add extra files, like perhaps Handout-PDFs, Resource Pack-PDFs, images and so on. All you need to do is update the contents of the zip-file and reupload it over the old zip-file, with the exact same filename. That way old Bits and Mortar emails should work, atleast for as long as they haven’t reached their download limit.

    However, if the files on Bits and Mortar have been updated, I find it strange that I still get the old versions of the books when I try to download them, unless the older versions of the PDFs aren’t removed from the Bits and Mortar servers when new versions are uploaded.


    Can you please message me stating which corrections you are not seeing in which books - the errata posted in the Errata Updates thread in this forum has been corrected in the books, so I'm trying to pin down what or where the issue may be. Please note only the corrections detailed in the Errata Updates thread have been approved for correction - this thread: 


    Many thanks



  7. I've been informed that the Call of Cthulhu Rulebook, Investigator Handbook, Keeper Screen Pack, and Pulp Cthulhu PDFs are being updated on Bits and Mortar, DriveThru, and the Chaosium website in the next 24 hours. The files should also be updated on Backerkit within a couple of days.


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  8. Now is a good time to contact your local gaming store (or library, etc) and organise a demo game of Call of Cthulhu.

    Recruiting new players is always fun and you can do your bit to bring tentacly goodness to others pre-convention season. If you can't get to a store maybe consider running an online game.

    Don't forget to send your event reviews to Dustin to claim your store credit for running public games!

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