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Mike M

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Posts posted by Mike M

  1. The months of writing and refining is done.  The judging is complete.

    I'm pleased to announce the winning scenarios from the Cult of Chaos Scenario Writing Contest 2018.

    Back in November we invited pitches for scenarios to run at gaming conventions. We received over 100 pitches, and from these we invited 12 writers to go through to the second round to write a full scenario for final judging. There were plenty of cool ideas, spread across the 1920s, 1930s, Gaslight, Down Darker Trails, and Modern-day, and we had fun reading over the submissions.

    I'm pleased to announce that the follow scenarios and their writers are the 2018 winners. We will be releasing these for convention play in two steps: the first four during the summer 2018 convention season, the next three in 2019.

    2018 Releases

    Wailing Women by David Larkins

    Sheriff Isaiah Rinehart and his posse find themselves in the mountain town of Atocha while on the hunt for an escaped fugitive. The Spanish-speaking inhabitants are so friendly. But why do all of the women wear mourning dresses? Are they concealing the criminal, or do they have their own secrets? Set in 1876 New Mexico Territory and tying in with Down Darker Trails (no knowledge of this supplement needed to play.)

    The Outlaws of Desolation Peak by Jonathan Meadows

    1871 New Mexico Territory. Pinkerton agents have been sent to kill or capture the notorious outlaw Black Jack Ketchum by the Twin Mining Company. It is time to stop the depredations his gang have played on the miners and ore shipments. But he isn't so easy to find, the investigators discover. Set in the Old West and ties in with Down Darker Trails (no knowledge of this supplement needed). Uses the Pulp Cthulhu rules (will be taught at table). Pre gens provided.

    Deirdre of the Sorrows by Kevin Schlipper

    Returning the the scene of the Bloody Sunday massacre in Dublin, the investigators soon discover that these events are all echoed in another world, one they become trapped in. But do events in this echo also affect the real world? Classic 1920s Cthulhu. 

    Ides of Winter by Padraic Barrett

    Soon after arriving by train in Northumberland, the investigators are embroiled in a mysterious death at a local pub. But even once that is solved, mysterious events and the appearance of ghosts lead them to believe more is afoot. Classic 1920s Cthulhu.

    2019 Releases

    Blood Orgy on Vampire Island by James Thompson III

    Following an unexpected storm, the investigators must survive on a wild and abandoned island. Pulp Cthulhu.

    The Shooting Party by Jonathan Mosedale

    As a storm traps well-to-do hunters at a lodge in the English countryside, anachronistic apportations begin appearing portending a doom yet to come. Classic 1920s Cthulhu.

    The Search for Brian Boru By Shannon MacNamara

    Aerfin the Druid promises that the Sidhe can raise your great-grandfather, Irish king Brian Boru, and return your family to the prosperity that was lost when he was deposed. But will you sacrifice all to go on this mad quest the Sidhe demand? Cthulhu Dark Ages.


    Congratulations to the winning writers! And many thanks to everyone who took part.

    We hope to see everyone developing their writing talents in the future, and possibly contributing to the Miskatonic Repository in due course.

    Cthulhu fhtagn!

    Mike Mason

    • Like 1
  2. Hi

    I have been advised that the Keeper Rulebook, Investigator Handbook, and Pulp Cthulhu are now up-to-date with Bits & Mortar. We are uploading new version of the Keeper Screen Pack zip file that contains the corrected Reference Booklet. 

    Many thanks

  3. Hi - I am chasing this (updated PDFs on Bits and Mortar), and waiting to hear back.

    Newer versions of the titles are used when reprinting the books, these eventually find there way into stores etc.



  4. Hi

    From time to time I need scenarios play tested. As members of the Cult of Chaos are some of the most experienced Keepers around, it makes sense to ask if any of you would be up for play testing scenarios as and when needed.

    A note about play testing:

    Usually things need to be play tested fairly quickly - anything from 2 weeks to 2 months. Also, feedback needs to be concise and to the point - rather than a blow by blow of how a game went (who did what etc.)

    I need bullet point comments noting where things:

    • didn't make sense
    • were wrong mechanically
    • where there is a big error (factual or otherwise)
    • where narrative logic breaks down (e.g. the text says "Tim" is in this scene, but "Tim" was killed two scenes previously, or "John Smith" is an NPC, but later in the text the name has suddenly changed to "Jack Smith", or John Smith is mentioned as being important in the introduction but is never again mentioned in the text).
    • plus, was it easy to follow and make sense of, and did the players enjoy it.

    Of course, I need feedback as quickly as possible once the game has been played.

    Lastly, those play testing (Keeper and players) must respect a Non-Disclosure Agreement.

    If you think that you could deliver this type of feedback and are willing to try out the odd scenario from time to time, then please just post a short comment below (and ensure your BRP Central profile includes your contact email). I will draw from those reponding and send out invites accordingly.

    Many thanks

    Mike Mason

    Call of Cthulhu Line Editor


  5. Hi, yes the new Peru prologue introduces Elias. There is a window between Peru and the actual start of Masks, so there is room if you would like to add in another prologue scenario to further develop the relationship - such as one of your own devising or one from the Masks Companion etc.

  6. On 24/12/2017 at 2:09 AM, klecser said:

    I have a general question about time for the campaign:  The campaign establishes standard travel times between locations within a city location of one hour.  Many location entries that have research specify a time for research so the entry tells you how much time to tick off.

    What about locations where no time is specified?  For example, and without spoilers, let's say that I decide to visit someone at Miskatonic University.  If no time is specified for the location description, does the travel time account for my time there, or is there always a standard one hour that happens at a location?

    One hour Travel to MU

    Talk to X person, no time listed in entry, so no additional time?


    One hour Travel to MU

    Talk to X person (no time mentioned, but tick off an hour anyway)

    Not trying to nitpick, just trying to play in the spirit of the original author's vision.

    And then how does this extend to eating in the middle of the day?  If the more conservative way is the expectation, eating lunch is an incredible waste of time:

    Travel to Bee's Diner (One hour), Eat at Bee's diner (one hour), leave Bee's Diner to go to another location (one hour)

    By the literal rules, you have to spend three hours eating lunch, not one, because of travel time.  Or, is eating included in the travel time?

    I know I could probably just "house rule it" and decide what is reasonable.  I just don't think three hours to eat lunch in a small town like Arkham is reasonable.


    See page 7 - About Time - usually 1 hour for conversations, 1 hour for travel time in unspecified entries. It attempts to mirror reality somewhat, so stopping for lunch does take time (just as in real life). See same page - Food and Sleep - for accounting for breaks.


    • Like 1
  7. Hi

    Stuff is coming. We've been very busy on a number of projects that are taking up everyone's time. 

    In the pipeline - we have the various 2017 competition scenarios having a final edit and then on their way to layout, then they will be uploaded to the Chaos Library. Also Flotsam & Jetsam a four scenario serialized campaign, which is currently in editing and then will go to layout. We're balancing all these alongside our actual book production, so please bear with us.

    Lots of cool stuff coming. It'll just take a bit of time to get everything ready.

  8. Hi  - 

    Work has begun on writing some new elements to go into a new Dreamlands setting supplement for CoC - but it's early days. I can't say a great deal at present, but I'm keen to not only present HPL's Dreamlands (per the previous editions) but also to suggest alternatives 'moods / styles / atmospheres' for dreams - the classic setting is somewhat dream-like but not very much. I'd like to provide advice and inspiration for customising your Dreamlands to the style of actual dreams - where logic isn't always applicable, where happy can suddenly turn to nightmare, where time is elastic, where differing themes (dark fantasy, cosmic horror, sheer terror, wonder, and so on) can be used to ensure the setting remains 'dream-like' and not a set in stone - things change in dreams and often look different on repeated excursions. So imagine a baseline with various layers you can throw over it to keep it unsettling, weird, and... dream-like.

    In short, you'll get HPL's Dreamlands and a range of different takes riffing on the setting. In fact, think of it less as a setting and more as a mindset.

    Hopefully, that obfuscates things nicely ; )

    • Like 9
  9. Hi

    I've checked and been told the latest updated versions of the PDFs are heading to DriveThru, Bits & Mortar, and the Chaosium website - this should happen in the next couple of week. 



  10. On 20/09/2017 at 9:07 AM, Kinjin said:

    Weapon Tables - The weapon tables are missing the Date column 

    Page 46 - The combat example 

    In the example Brock's handgun fires up to 3 bullets per round.  All the typical hand guns are listed with only being able to shoot once per round.  Are there some guns missing?

    Yes - my fault! - Handguns table - uses per round states 1 for each entry - this in fact should be: 1 (3)  - just like the ones in the Rulebook.

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