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Mike M

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Posts posted by Mike M

  1. You see, there are ways of regaining small pieces of Sanity but major awards tend to be geared to the PC actually (personally) 'stopping' something bad (i.e. somehow 'defeating' the Mythos in some way). Thus, greater reward equals greater personal risk - which, of course, is a slippery slope to destruction. 

  2. I sometimes spice up library visits by having an interesting/annoying/angry/officious librarian to provoke a bit of gameplay (not really an obstacle to finding the clues they need but some added colour). Depending on what you are running, having the odd cultist trailing the PCs and getting in their way (or trying to get the book before they do) can mix things up.

    But, generally, feed the clues and move on - players tend to enjoy reading handouts and then making deductions.

    • Like 3
  3. See pages 156 - 165 of the Call of Cthulhu Rulebook (7e).

    A bout of madness  - real time - lasts for 1D10 rounds followed by indefinite insanity (for losses over 1/5 of Sanity points). The character may suffer from delusions thereafter. The character is not out of the game, and the player controls the character after the bout of madness (and perhaps during it, depending on the situation and the Keeper). 

    I also recommend reading the section on Failed Sanity Rolls on page 209 to understand the difference between 'madness' and underlying insanity.

    • Like 2
  4. Chaosium has just released the PDF version of the epic Pulp Cthulhu campaign - The Two-Headed Serpent.


    We'll be sending the book to print in a few weeks - but there is time to correct the odd typo which may be hidden away in the text. So, if you do spot any errors, please note them in this thread. 

    If you could use the following convention for identifying corrections:

    Page number, column 1 or 2, paragraph number, line number (counting down from top of paragraph): "error" - "correction"

    e.g.  page 25, col 1, para 3, line 4: "John John went out.." - duplicate of "John" - change to "John went out.."

    Many thanks


  5. Hi 

    There's a growing amount of Call of Cthulhu games happening at Necronomicon - they've just put out a call for Keepers to sign up to run games in fact.

    Plus plenty of other Cthulhu gaming going on. They have a whole floor just for gaming.

    Plus there are gaming panels throughout the event.

    • Like 1
  6. Hi

    Write or copy the pitch to into the forum message please. I'm just waiting on a sub forum to be created for this - this will be in the Cult of Chaos forum, so only members of the Cult of Chaos and Chaosium can read them.

    All words (headers etc) form part of the pitch, so 300 words is the limit.

    We want you to be concise and to the point, we don't need elaborate and in depth histories, just a plain and straightforward explanation of the scenario idea (its hook, what happens (the key things), who is the main "villain" of the piece, and an idea about the pre-gens (not each one but a general "they are MU students" or "family members" and so on). You are not writing the scenario in the pitch - just providing the outline/synopsis. 

    • Like 1
  7. We're creating a Sub Folder in the Cult of Chaos forum called Scenario Competition 2017 - put your pitches in there.

    In terms of the of the number of pitches per person, there is no real limit but I do recommend that you endeavour to pour your best idea into one pitch. Someone who is just throwing loads and loads of pitches up may not be taken seriously ; )

    I also strongly recommend ensuring your pitch does not exceed the word limit and addresses the points requested in the competition outline.



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  8. Each year Chaosium is attending more and more conventions and Call of Cthulhu convention games have never been more popular. To help meet the demand for good Call of Cthulhu games we are launching the Cult of Chaos Convention Scenario Competition 2017. 

    We are looking for engaging and dramatic convention scenarios dreamt up by the mind of the Cult of Chaos. This is your opportunity to share your experience and writing skills, and get your scenario played around the world as official Chaosium convention games.

    What are we looking for?
    We are seeking pitches for writing a full Call of Cthulhu 7th edition convention scenario with a running time of 3.5 to 4 hours maximum, playable by up to 6 players. Ideally, scenarios should be set in the 1920s, 1930s, or modern day, but we are happy to see other time periods too. Pre-generated investigators should also be included with the scenario. Length wise, each scenario should plan on approximately 8,000-12,000 words maximum.

    The deadline for submitting pitches is February 3rd, 2017.

    What do the selected pitches get?
    First, after submitting the full scenario you get the credit for writing an official Chaosium convention scenario. Second, your scenario would be eligible to be part of a professionally published Call of Cthulhu book or PDF, if selected the author will be offered a standard publishing contract.Third, each pitch that becomes a fully written scenario submitted to Chaosium will receive a $40 voucher for the Chaosium webstore.

    The deadline for submitting full scenarios is April 28th, 2017.

    What do you need to do?
    Write a short (no more than 300 words) pitch and post it to the Cult of Chaos forum at BRP Central. The pitch should outline the scenario, describe the nature of the mystery and/or threat, and how the investigators become involved (whether it starts in media res or more traditionally). Do not consider the pitch to be a spoiler-free zone. In judging these scenarios, we need to know what actually occurs during the scenario from the GMs perspective.

    What happens next?
    Chaosium will review the pitches and then draw up a short list of the pitches we’d like to see developed into full convention scenarios. Chaosium will contact shortlisted authors to invite them to write up their pitches.

    Once written and submitted to Chaosium, we will review the final scenarios and pick which ones will become official Chaosium convention scenarios for future events. Non-winning shortlisted scenarios will made available via the Chaos Library to Cult of Chaos members for general use. 

    Terms and Conditions
    1. The Convention Scenario Competition 2017 is only open to members of Chaosium’s Cult of Chaos. (Not a member? Sign up here: http://www.chaosium.com/join-the-cult-of-chaos/)
    2. Only unpublished scenarios will be considered. If you have run it as an adventure, that is acceptable (in fact, testing is fully approved), but print or digital distribution of the scenario prior to the judging will remove the scenario from consideration.
    3. Scenarios containing what Chaosium deems to be offensive content will be disqualified. Please review the Cult of Chaos code of conduct for better understanding of what might not be acceptable.
    4. Authors retain all copyrights to the scenario, pre-gen characters, hand-outs, etc., but grant an unlimited and perpetual license to Chaosium to use these materials, including electronic distribution (PDF) on BRP Central and distribution directly to GMs running the events at conventions, as well as whatever local printing is needed to have these materials available to players and GMs at these events.
    5. Author warrants that they are the owner or creator of all submitted materials and that the scenarios do not contain copyright infringing material. All photos, graphics, text and other content must be the original creation of the author or in the public domain.
    6. Chaosium reserves the right to publish winning shortlisted scenarios in future publications. Such publication will fall under a newly negotiated work-for-hire contract.
    7. Winning scenarios will be released for convention play at the discretion of Chaosium.

    • Like 3
  9. On 25/12/2016 at 1:24 PM, Stugis88 said:

    Hi, I just signed because I have a question about the rules. I don't know if this is the most appropriate section of the forum, so please let me know.

    Anyway, I bought the 7th edition core rulebook at the last Lucca Comics&Games fair, and it seems to me that there are some contradictory informations about how to calculate the Credit Rating of the character; my questions are:

    1) in the Professions table, every profession has a starting CR listed as a range X-Y: does the X value have to be subtracted from the character points or is it "free"? Example, if I want to make an engineer, the CR is listed as 30-60; do I have to spend at least 30 points to reach the minimum value, or I start from 30 and then I add up points to it?

    2) in the Harvey Walters example, his CR is said to be 41, but this would exceed the one listed for the "Journalist" profession, that has a range of 9-30: am I missing something or is it an error? Similarly, in the "Credit Rating" paragraph, it is said that a criminal lord could have a starting CR of 90, but in the table the maximum allowed for "Criminal" is 65.

    Thanks a lot, I'm planning to play with some friends but I'd like to clarify at least these things before starting the game.


    1) No, the Credit Rating listed under an occupation is the suggested range  - thus, if it says 30-80, players should allocate a miniumum of 30  or a maximum of 80 skills points to Credit Rating. The points are not free, they are taken from the character's Occupation skill points (see page 36 Rulebook).

    2) See page 38 Rulebook - the example says "Harvey's player allocated 41 occupational skill points for Credit Rating." It then goes on to say "While the Journalist occupation gives a Credit Rating range of 9-30, the player asks to invest more points as Harvey comes from a wealthy family - the Keeper agrees to this request."

    Thus, the Credit Rating range in an occupation is elastic - the player, with the Keeper's permission, might agree a lower or higher Credit Rating for their investigator. So while an average criminal might have a Credit Rating within the suggested range, a criminal lord/boss would have a higher one (as they are presumably more successful and wealthy). See Chapter 4 of the Investigator Handbook, which includes many sub-divisions of certain occupations (inc. Criminal).


  10. On 18/12/2016 at 2:41 AM, morganhua said:

    I think Listen and Spot Hidden are legacy and outdated.  I would have combined both of those skills into a generic "Notice" skill instead, just like Fighting (Brawl) now encompasses punch, kick, headbutt, etc.

    In my games, I use "Spot Hidden" for all noticing skills.

    In resvising the game, Paul and I made the decsion to try and keep certain skill names the same as they were kind of 'core' names for Call of Cthulhu - like Spot Hidden, Fast Talk, Library Use etc. - rather than Detect, Bluff, Research etc. 

    Spot Hidden is meant to be a broad detect skill - so smell can be included - but, smells are likely to be smelt with or without a roll - so hinting at smells and allowing the PCs to try and figure out what the smell is, is part of the fun - as they get closer to the smell, it probably grows stronger and its source becomes apparent (no need for a roll). Each situation varies but that's how I tend to play it.

  11. Hi Sanjuro

    Welcome aboard!

    Online games - keep an eye on the Chaosum G+ page and the facebook page too. Stick a post on the G+ page saying you are looking to join an online game.

    Head over to Miskatonic University Podcast http://www.mu-podcast.com (they have forums and a podcast) - you can sometimes pick up games on the forums http://mu-podcast.com/campus/

    The Good Friends of Jackson Elias - podcast and helpful 'how to' videos on their site at http://blasphemoustomes.com

    Roll20 site posts games you may be able to join https://roll20.net

    Also https://www.fantasygrounds.com/home/home.php






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