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Mike M

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Posts posted by Mike M

  1. Hi

    Sorry Grey - you are correct, the example is incorrect (its needs a little adjustment to bring it inline): the example should read:

    For example: Barfly Dan has consumed about half a bottle of whiskey. The Keeper equates this to 10 shots and consults the table, noting that Dan will be negatively impaired for 4 hours and is temporarily immune to Sanity losses below 5 points. Returning to his seafront lodgings, Dan sees a deep one and fails a Sanity roll. The Keeper rolls 6 Sanity loss. As Dan is currently immune, the Keeper notes down the loss. 

    Next morning, Dan awakes with an awful hangover. The Keeper asks Dan’s player to make an INT roll—a failure: Dan hazily remembers seeing a monstrous thing but while he can’t recall all of the details, he feels a shiver of absolute dread nevertheless and suffers the immediate loss of 3 Sanity points.

    • Like 1
  2. 5 hours ago, JeffWrites said:

    I have read through the PDF and it's a well written campaign with a lot of options. Like Masks of Nyarlathotep it spans the globe and can get your players into trouble all over the place. There are a couple of things that I am indifferent about, (i.e. Mu isn't where the rest of the game literature says it is. There is a good justification for the move in the campaign, but it doesn't excite me) well written, looks to be good fun, and probably a bigger campaign than Masks. I'm looking forward to ordering the hardback when it's available. 

    You might want to label SPOILERS before you post.

  3. 16 hours ago, Maaack said:

    That sounds like what I'm looking for! Or at least almost, the forum is password protected, but still doesn't bar me from hosting other copies elsewhere and providing them for free. I'll finish up my first draft in a day or two and look to submit it. Thanks!

    Maack - basically you just need to join the Cult of Choas to access the Chaos Library. You can do so at chaosium.com by going to the Cult of Chaos page.

    Then you can share scenarios!

    • Like 1
  4. Hi

    Just to let you know that corrected PDFs for the following books have been uploaded to the Chaosium website (go via your Completed Orders), DriveThru RPG, and Bits & Mortar.

    Call of Cthulhu Rulebook

    Investigator Handbook (well, this will be uploaded within the next 3-4 hours)

    Keeper Screen Pack (Keeper Reference Booklet)

    Doors to Darkness

    Pulp Cthulhu

    The Two-Headed Serpent

    The Grand Grimire of Cthulhu Mythos Magic.



    • Like 4
  5. Hi

    I can tell you about these, releasing this year:

    The Two-Headed Serpent - PDF available now, print version on its way

    The Grand Grimoire of Cthulhu Mythos Magic - PDF available now, print version on its way

    Down Darker Trails 

    Tales of Sandy Petersen

    Alone Against the Dark

    As you can see, we are increasing the number of Call of Cthulhu releases and aim to continue to do so. Joining this cool stuff will be more cool stuff that'll knock your socks off - but word on that later, once things are further into layout. The usual approach we now take is to release the PDF, which is then followed by the print version (people buying the PDF from Chaosium can get the cost of the PDF discounted from the cost of the print version, when that arrives on sale).

    Ab Chaos, the Chaosium Newsletter, is the best way to hear about when releases go on sale.

    • Like 1
  6. This thread will post errata for Call of Cthulhu books/PDFs as and when updates occur.

    Once PDFs have been updated, they are replaced on the Chaosium website, DriveThru RPG, and Bits & Mortar.

    • Like 6
    • Thanks 4
  7. As per page 61 - it says:

    Note that heroes with the Resilient Talent (see page 25) can also apply its effect to the Sanity loss, after the Sanity loss has been halved by spending Luck.

    Thus, a hero with the Resilient Talent may (as they have they the talent) can simply burn through Luck points and not use the general Luck for 1 Sanity "Luck Spend" but if they do, then it must be done after Sanity adjustment through Luck Spend. Most people with the Resilient Talent will, of course, just use that alone.



  8. Hi

    It's an error in the example, p 61, it should read:

    For example: Dirk sees an awful monster and fails his Sanity roll. The Keeper rolls and gets the maximum Sanity loss of 20 points. Dirk’s player decides that now is not a good time for Dirk to lose it, and so states he is spending 40 Luck to halve the Sanity loss to 10 points. Dirk also has the Resilient Talent; his player decides to spend 5 further Luck to reduce the Sanity loss by 5. Dirk is now losing only 5 Sanity points but has spent 45 Luck points in doing so.


  9. 12 hours ago, matt1224 said:

    Thanks @Mike M, I went ahead and bought Hardback copy of 7E. I also have the PDF, I'm wondering if there would be any copyright issues if I were to print the PDF at home for personal use?

    Matt - for personal use that's fine (assume you are printing out reference stuff etc. - it'd be cheaper to buy the print copy than print out the whole PDF, what with paper and ink costs!) 

  10. You might like to try the FREE solo scenario Alone Against The Flames (see same page where you downloaded the Call of Cthulhu Quick-Start at Chaosium.com

    The solo teaches you the rules as you play and you could use this to also introduce your partner by acting a Keeper with the book.

    7th edition is intended to be a bit more user-friendly in introducing new players to the system, and remains backwards compatible with all previous Call of Cthulhu material. 

  11. 3 hours ago, Bazil said:

    I heard on MU-Podcast there going to be revised edition Alone agains Darkness. Do you plan to resent other book like adventures Alone agains the Wendigo and other?

    We will see - how Alone Against the Dark performs and if there is a demand for such things beyond Alone Against the Flames.

  12. On 23/03/2017 at 9:14 PM, jux said:

    Quick question regarding Alone Against the Flames. I know it's a choose your own adventure type of supplement, but I am wondering if it is somehow playable as 1-on-1 game, where I would play as a keeper with another player?

    Yes, that would be possible.

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