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Mike M

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Posts posted by Mike M

  1. Hi Rom90125

    As yet, no such comprehensive tables exist. The chase rules are designed to be pertinent to the situation and somehwat fluid, allowing for Sudden Hazards (see page 139) and so on - and allowing Keepers to quickly detemrine a series of hazards/locations/barriers appropriate to the scene's setting (the Keeper just has a quick think about the location and notes down the pertinent stuff). If required, in advance of play, the Keeper can think it through and note down the locations and barriers etc ready for play. 

    In most situations, barriers and hazards are doors, walls, crowds, windows, and so on. The lists in the Rulebook hopefully give you what you need or act as inspiration. Trying to catelogue all the possible barriers and hazards out of context may be a never ending job!

    But if like-minded folk want to build up some lists on this forum, then I'm sure folk will appreciate it. You might start with 1920s and Modern as headers, and sub-divide from there (village, town, big city) (inside - a house, hotel, univeristy) (outside - road, street, market, countryside) and so on - the list get ever bigger! 

    Hence, why I would say some lists of inpiration might be better - allowing poeple to pull from them and adapt as they need - rather than trying to be comprehensive.


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  2. Yes, you can do aything you like, In 7e, in the Investigator Handbook are a number of experience packages which bolster the PCs skills. Alternatively, you could simply gve each player +60% or +100% points to spend in their skills if you want. It sounds like your players may prefer Pulp Cthuhu, where the PCs are tougher and all get additional skill points. Pulp Cthulhu is a supplement to Call of Cthulhu 7e.


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  3. Hi

    There are some pre-gen PCs you can download from the Chaosium site -


    If you do need to make some up quickly, use the optional 'fast' method at the end of the creating investigators chapter of the Rulebook.

    Advice - don't let the characters wander aimlessly around the forest - keep them focused with the various events/scenes in the scenario, letting each play out but then moving things on to the next encounter to drive it forward. 


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  4. On 27 July 2016 at 9:16 PM, Rick Meints said:

    If you purchase it on Friday you can get Sandy Petersen, Mike Mason and Paul Fricker to all sign it.


    While Sandy and I all be around all GenCon, Paul is only at the Chaosium booth Friday morning - so it want a full set of signatures Friday morning is your best bet.

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