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Posts posted by metcalph

  1. 4 hours ago, soltakss said:

    Why not? If a Yelmalian High Llama Rider, who cannot ride a horse due to taboos, gained a Kuschile Archery skill, why wouldn't it apply to a High Llama?

    Because then he would be a really shit mounted archer compared to other high llama riders.


  2. 40 minutes ago, Agentorange said:

    The Gloranthan bestiary  page 85 says of wolf brothers

    "...Only  enchanted rune metals can harm them as well as magic. thus they will be fully affected by a Fireblade put on a Bronze weapon. "

    But....both RQG core rules p262 and the RBOM say of fireblade "this damage cannot be magically resisted because it is real physical damage from the heat of the fire"

    In other words the damage is NOT magical but just physical damage. So shouldn't wolf brothers be unaffected by Fireblade ?

    Just play it so that the fireblade harms the Telmori despite the heat being non-magical and have the local Lhankoring Temple destroy themselves in an academic feud trying to resolve the matter.

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  3. I think speculation about how the Unholy Trio bought Wakboth into the world should take into account that Orlanth knows Wakboth long before his supposed birth (KoS, the chequered battle). 

    Personally (and I have said this before), Wakboth's origins was probably described by an ancient poet as "Madness was his father, rape his mother and disease the midwife at his birth" with subsequent scholars taking the expression literally. 

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  4. On 11/20/2023 at 5:31 AM, SMM said:

    Is Creator still part of the Lunar pantheon?

    Under a new name:


    Daroria is worshiped in the Lunar
    Heartlands as the cosmological mother
    who was the source of the entire
    divine cosmos.

    Prosopedia p28


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  5. 2 hours ago, g33k said:

    Maybe Storm Bull?  Does their "detect Chaos" ping on Gark-zombies & similar undead, but not ping on ZZ-zombies...?

    Storm Bull is an associate of Zorak Zoran.  Looking at the Create Zombie spell in the Red Book of Magic p38, it has the runes darkness and death and the statement "Zombies do not have the spirit of the original owner bound to them; instead, they are mindless magical constructs, like animated skeletons." which is also how they are portrayed in the Bestiary.  

    The description of Shun Mun in the Guide p572 - a city owned by Gark - describes the corpses as being animated p572 rather than as RW zombies.  However since Gark has the runes of Chaos, Harmony and Unlife, his priests (as opposed to his metabolically challenged rank-and-file) would register as chaotic.  

    I've seen a statement, not in this thread, that Nontraya is nonchaotic.  Nontraya is described as chaotic in the Guide p706.  

  6. 24 minutes ago, g33k said:

    Except that (rather confusingly) the Humakti seem to have no problem with ZZ-style "undead."
    Somehow ZZ is doing something different.

    I'm not sure that Humakti seem to have no problem with Zorak Zorani style undead since the two cults hate each other.  

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  7. 4 minutes ago, French Desperate WindChild said:

    why not ? 🙂

    After all he is chaotic.

    So is the Red Goddess.  Yet what she says is true nevetheless.  This is Glorantha the last time I looked.

    4 minutes ago, French Desperate WindChild said:

    Vivamort believed chaos was able to save himself. And we see that he lost a lot.

    Vivamort still saved himself,  no?  The difference between him and Gark is that Vivamort is only in it for himself while Gark cares about everyone.  


  8. 3 minutes ago, French Desperate WindChild said:

    the question is (and I have not the answer) : Is his claims real or his "followers" are not at all in peace ? Maybe their souls, or the remaining parts, suffer a lot ?

    Why would Gark's claims need to be false or his souls suffering?  I'm not sure I see the point.   Gark's just as environmentally destructive if his claims are true and his souls is a state of nirvana.  The only difference is that you can't use truth magics to call his priests out for being frauds. 

  9. 2 hours ago, Richard S. said:

    Gark is another agent of deceptive Chaos, like Gbaji and Ompalam. He runs a massive scam by offering eternal life and peace, then slaughtering the poor and wretched en masse and reanimating their bodies. The souls never get to experience his eternity, and the bodies remain in perfect peace with no mind to trouble them.

    I don't agree that Gark is deceptive.  His claims of peace and eternal life could be totally legitimate and he would still be just as bad to the Cosmos. 

  10. 18 hours ago, bronze said:

    Are there any known human Blue Moon heroes after the Time? 

    The nearest is the Duke of the Blue Moon, who might also be the Emperor's Cousin.


    [Lakistalia on the Blue Moon Plateau - PHM] is the home of the Duke of the Blue Moon. He, or his dynasty, has led the natives in worship of the Lunar Way since before the start of Time. They are accepted as relatives to the Empire and accorded every effort of grace and cordiality to an equal, but inferior, kin.

    Guide p347


  11. 31 minutes ago, Byll said:

    Do you still call it Fireday if you're a Yelmalian and it's your minor holy day? or should you call it Flashday or something?

    No different from Ash Odin's Day, Holy Thor's Day or Good Freya's Day, no? 

    • Like 1
  12. My modest Lantern proposal. 

    It's the first step in a mystical quest to become the Last Light (cf Arinsor Clearmind "[...]. was so devoted to Yelmalio that he shone with an internal glow during the darkest nights" Pavis: Threshold to Danger p51) . Unfortunately all teachers of it were conscripted by Sheng Seleris for his wars and the full teaching has been lost.  

    Now to do the Farsee...

  13. I think the Darkness and Chaos books won't be needed so soon as we already have Cults of Terror and Trollpak. I'm struggling to muster much enthusiasm for the water book and think that spirits will next in line after the Solars.  I could (probably will) be wrong. 

  14. To give some idea as to Delecti's status, in the Troll War he fought on the side of Ironhoof and other good guys.  Nobody likes him, he's too tough to be done in and nobody wants to see him on the other side. 

  15. 6 hours ago, Orlanthatemyhamster said:

    Except that it's not complete, your sorcery restricts the number of spirit magic spells you can know, for some bizarre reason.

    I always liken sorcery as being best performed with a clear head and knowledge of spirit magic to be under the influence of various intoxicants and narcotics.  

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  16. 43 minutes ago, soltakss said:

    Don't forget Flintnail Dwarves, as they are Openhandist and Individualist, also they worship Flintnail and Pavis.

    Apostates might be a better word for them.

    43 minutes ago, soltakss said:

    .There are also Chaos Mostali in the Tunnelled Hills, but who knows what they believe.

    Krarsht is my guess.

  17. 2 hours ago, Richard S. said:

    As of the last cults draft that the Well documented, she's associated with Biselenslib, Everina, Jadarenasa, Lodril, Pelora, Orlanth Thunderous, River Horse, Shargash, Yelm, and Yestendos. No clue what each of them provide though.

    Judging from the Cults of Runequest books released so far and the Red Book of Magic

    Biselenslib - Command Water Bird

    Everina - Bless Wild Rice.

    Jaderenasa - Awaken Loon

    Pelora - Bless Barley

    River Horse - Rider River Horse.

    Yestendos - Float

    That leaves Lodril, Orlanth Adventurous, Shargash and Yelm.  I think it probable they would provide Shield as they are unlikely to alongside each other in the same temple (ie an Osliran temple which honors Orlanth Adventurous is unlikely to honor Yelm, Shargash or Lodril).

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  18. I think Storm Bull had a much greater range in the God Time but that was whittled down to Chaos-Killer - he has lost nearly everything and now only has his rage.   Pretty much like how Yelmalio was a Fire God and left with only Light.  The main subcults (Bisos, Bemur etc) are relics of what Storm Bull was like.  

    Storm Bull/Bisos has 18,000 worshippers in the Western Reaches which is only slightly less than Prax's 19,600 worshippers (5,600 Bison , 3,900 High Llama, 6,000 Impala, 3,200 Morokanth and 900 Pol Joni).  Sartar only has 2,500, the Far Place 1,050 and Talastar 3,750.  Heortland has a large number (over 10,000) but it is unclear how much of the 1621 population is controlled by God Forgot in 1625.   So the Western Reaches has a problem with Chaos, which is comparable to the Wastelands and more than Snakepipe Hollow.

    The Lunars are unlikely to be a cause as Storm Bull is not worshipped in the Heartlands.  There is a chaos land in Charg the details of which are literally obscured (cf the Argan Argar Atlas for the Bleak Land p17).  In addition, there is a bygone detail in Avalon Hill's Gods of Glorantha which mentioned Krjalki infesting the borders of the Ban.

    Now to sus out the Bull Society in Seshnela...



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