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Everything posted by metcalph

  1. One can have living bodies of True Dragons without the bodies being True Dragons. That's why I said Frankenstein's Monster (who is not undead). If the City Ship was actually that of a True Dragon then I would expect it to say so instead of the phrase "living bodies of True Dragons" which creates some distance between the True Dragon and the City ship. Why? What is wrong with the Waertagi after killing the creature, dissecting it and reassembling it to invoke the power of Triolina (or whomever) to give life to the corpse so it could serve them? They probably do it with other sea creatures (such as whales, pleiosaurs and giant crabs). There's no actual need for the life force to be the True Dragons, only the body is required. I don't think we need to invoke Vadeli magic when the Waertagi were opponents of the Vadeli and that nobody accused the Waertagi of necromancy or anything so vile.
  2. Just looked it up on Wiki. Ponderesa Pines were used in a nuclear test to see what the bomb would do to a forest. Undoubtedly related to the spell that the God Learners used to burn down Vralos in 654 ST (Guide p502 and p622)
  3. There is the Burning Forest in Umathela (Vormundar, Guide 641) but the trees there are Ponderesa Pines. Undoubtedly related is Enchasal Fireseed of the Red Needle Elves (Guide p628)
  4. Um, the ships are the living bodies of true dragons, not the true dragons themselves. In the description of the making of the Waveshimmer, it's clear that the Dragon was killed. One would not say that Frankenstein's monster is the same as the people whose bodies were used to make it. So it is with the City Ships. They animated the corpses but it is not a dragon merely the body of one. The Dragonewt goes after people because the presence of armour inhibits future spiritual development. But the True Dragon having attained full development has no worries about what happens to its body after death (and the Cosmic Dragon was quite free for lesser developed things to spawn from its corpse). Nothing delayed about it. It ceases being a True Dragon at the moment of Death. All Dragons must welcome such a prospect (which is why they did little to save the world from chaos).
  5. 50 at the Dawn according to the Guide p465 Perhaps the dragons want to be killed as it releases them from a mundane existence?
  6. Sidebar p561 has Fonrit being called Oabil (Vadeli) and Mondator (Artmali - which according to the mythic maps is *also* south of the mountains Guide p668). Moreover Chir is the Vadeli name for the Vadeli Empire while Oabil is the name its enemies gave it (according to Revealed Mythologies p28 and p34). I'm not saying your interpretation is wrong just that it could be argued any way. FWIW the Sorcerors' City ruins (Guide p615) which from the description is implied to be Vadeli is somewhat east of Wongarassi in the Tokala hills. Elsewhere (Tokala entry) it is mentioned as having carved blue statues of "a race no one knows" indicating Blue Vadeli My problem with that myth is that it paralleled too closely Dara Happan creation of humans. I think a more authentic Doraddi myth would have Pamalt trying to copy the elves (and end up with Hoolar), then trying to copy the Slarges and ends up with Pelmre. He then tries to make a version of the Keets and ends up with Jelmre. Finally he beats Bolongo up for giving bad advice and makes the first Agi.
  7. Garstal happens to be mentioned in the Sartar Companion p25 as of 1618 which is also when the New Lunar Temple is up and running (the Foundation Stone was laid in 1612 SC p80). It would be difficult to miss the burned patches of trees and dried out stream beds, the strong smell of smoke and a huge pile of gravel. The Dragon itself is largely than the Red Dragon and is regularly blowing smoke out of its nostrils. Nah, I think Garstal's lying. Garstal is fluent in Auld Wyrmish and likely exceeds Minaryth in Draconic Lore (Sartar Companion p25). He is also in contact with the Servant of the Almighty Dragons. Guide p465 says the Dragonship was constructed from a True Dragon.
  8. Although portrayed as such, the western cultures were hardly a monolithic bloc. Various members of each tribe would have settled among other nations to practice their arts. In that way the various countries had traders and interpreters (from the Kachasti), Builders from the Kadeniti, Scribes from the Kadeniti etc. The reason why I said Lascerdans rather than Slarges although the Slarges are mentioned as overrunning the last remnants of Oabil/Chir in the Lesser Darkness, the only trace of such a migration is the Lascerdans in the Riogache and Palau Rivers.
  9. No. Ormsland was founded in the Dawn Age unde the auspices of the World Council (Guide p392). It is probably the only such Dragonewt colony to survive. Ryzel was founded from Palangio's Dragonewts (History of the Heortling Peoples p97)
  10. They have contact with Dragonewts at Ryzel and Ormsland (and perhaps briefly Fanzai). They may be able to trace the ancestry of dinosaurs in various places (ie Trachodon Marsh). It becomes simply to conclude that the Dinosaurs of Pamaltela are descended from Dragonewts.
  11. It definitely sounds like it's meant to be sinister, creepy and deceiving towards humans, not purely frinedly or tittilating. FWIW I think such elves should be have a wooden personality.
  12. p78 - I did have the feeling that the True Dragons are incarnations of the Elder Dragons and the Cosmic Dragon. It requires a fair amount of work (namely the Sun Dragon) p79 - I wonder what Garstal Shavetop's superiors think about him filing bogus reports. p79 - this is a puzzler. It's a reasonable theory but we don't have any records of dragonewt populations being wiped out in Pamaltelan myth! The nearest I can think of would be Bolongo slaying Earthmaker (assuming him to be a dragon)
  13. p75 - one of the vagaries about Dragonewts is the status of the Inhuman King. Some sources suggest that there is only one Inhuman King while the Guide has another Inhuman King in Ryzel whereas nobody else (Kralorela, Ralios, Teleos) has any. p76 - Looking ahead, I see the status of inhuman kings is somewhat more qualified. The text on Ralios speaks of rulers rather than an inhuman king although the Ralian Inhuman King is mentioned as been slain by Alakoring in the Guide p392. The text on Ryzel speaks of "its own version of an Inhuman King" suggesting that it is not a real Inhuman King. Likewise the Ralian mention can be spun by having *the* Inhuman King turn up in Ormsland to defend its colony. Alakoring kills it and a large number of full priests such that it recedes into Barbarism. The new Inhuman King pursues a different policy allowing the Ralian Dragonewts to find their own way rather than close supervision. That leaves the Manirian Inhuman King as an untrustworthy imitation. p76 - I would really like to know how the Dragonewts got to Teleos and why they have no Inhuman King.
  14. P59 - Green Elves are related to Conifers, Brown Elves to Deciduous and Yellow Elves to.... Flowering Broadleafs?!? I know Jungle plants are meant but the species classification implies that some species which I typically associate with browns are actually yellow. P61 - mysterious mention is made of the Ixtilian fields. P61 - once again the obscure mention of the Elvish assassination of Dwarves in Dorastor appears. It's been mentioned as far back as Different Worlds but maddenly no mention of the reason for the elvish treachery is made. P61 - "In Pamaltela, Fonrit, an old enemy, has gained prominence". The chief problem I have with this passage is that we are told nothing about Fonrit's prior history with the elves in this section. p61 - I liked the God Learner rationalization for the colour scheme P61/62 - The Elves mix together despite whether they are green, brown or yellow. Which makes it more curious how the ethnic disputes arise. I presume it's among the dryads. p63 - Slorifings. Despite mention of Slor as far back as Gods of Glorantha and his worship among the Dwerulans p521, no mention of Slor is made in the description of the Red Elves. Instead the Reds worship the Olarians, the daughters of Uleria and Aldrya.
  15. It may not even be an error. The document is from Slontos so the Dragonewts studied would be from Ryzel. They were slaves of Ganji who settled in Maniria to fight for Palangio. Who knows what changes he may have made in them?
  16. The Green Elf has breasts because she is grown (according to sidebar p61) that way to appeal to male humans. I presume the Dryads receive and are affected by human worship.
  17. They witness the sacrifices to Yelm. The name is unusual but there is a reason for it. In the Imperial Age, an emperor ennobled many capable peoples by claiming their ancestors worshipped Yelm (the so-called Old Families). The Officers were the Emperor's agents in governmental duties while the Witnesses were his stooges in priestly matters. The Officers and Witnesses today descend from those people, doing the same jobs even because that's the kind of society Dara Happa is.
  18. Or better still, sometimes the zombie herds go rogue (perhaps adventurers killed the local priest whose sacrifices [BRAINS!] kept them calm).
  19. There's been contact with Pamaltela before the Dawn (through the Vadeli). After their kingdom was destroyed by the Lascerdans (I think!), the next wave of contact came from Slontos then the Jrusteli/Seshnegi/God Learners. Then came the Closing. The Agimori have made a reverse migration when they sent an army to Seshnela to fight Gbaji (long after Arkat had killed him). After being lied to, they then became the Pithdarans.
  20. The dark-skinned Zzaburi is from Pithdaros whose ancestors originally came from Pamaltela. It wouldn't be as cool if they didn't, so they must do.
  21. Kralori influence from the Lunar Caravans. Considering where they travel to, the people are more likely to be Ignorants rather than actual Kralori
  22. It's new. It had previously been a thing about the Vadeli (who were originally described as the only westerners with coloured skins - Genertela: Boxed set Book 3). In Seshnela, the people have the skins colours relevant to their caste (see piccie on the Guide p405). It may not necessary be inherited but a byproduct of blessing spells (with an ample opportunity for things to go wrong). No. The Spiral Path is related to the Great Lunar Cycle (White Moon to Red Moon to Blue Moon). The Brithini wizards were Blue long before the Spiral Path was taught. The Blue Colour probably is related to the Sea (the Sky was originally golden so it's probably not from there either) although there's no known explanation for it. It's probably a regional thing. There aren't that many entrenched warrior castes elsewhere. The Loskalmi and Jonatelans don't seem to have any animal war societies. The Carmanians do have a Bull Order but many of their military orders don't seem to be beast-related. I don't think the Safelstrans practice Malkioni caste - the social division is between the city dwellers and the peasants. The Umathelans despise violence and prefer to leave that to mercenaries.
  23. They *had* an ordered society in the Golden Age. It wouldn't be the Land of Logic if it was just freeform co-operation. All that is said is about Engr's mates is "on a series of wives" (RM p25). No mention of Goddesses.
  24. No, you claimed there were two distinct and contradictory mythologies based on the supposed canon status of three paragraphs of archaic text in Revealed Mythologies. That requires considerably more evidence and reasoining than what you have said so far. That the Vadeli of the Vadeli Isles believe they are autochthonous to the Vadeli Isles is interesting but ultimately on par with the Grazers believing they were descended from Centaurs. The Vadeli Islanders are the survivors of Zzabur's great curse and subsequent disaster; hence they wouldn't be expected to have a detailed understanding of what they did in the Bad Old Days. Dara Happa came out of the Great Darkness far better than the Vadeli did yet they weren't aware of the Anaxial Dynasty until Khormesha the Sage put it together at least a century after the Dawn (Fortunate Succession p39) Secondly Vadel's journey to the Pamaltela is the origin of Death in Malkioni mythology. That places his actions within the Storm Age rather than the Late Golden Age whereas the Naming (that sparked this of) is Green Age/Golden Age. I'm not seeing the big deal about Vadel being a demigod. Malkion is a God, Zzabur is a God, Vadel is a Demigod and so are Horal, Talar and Dronar. Waertag probably is a God. It's no longer the case where being a god or half of one is a clear sign of theism and unmalkioni behaviour. What is forbidden in Malkion eyes is being sacrificed to. I'm using the definitions presented in the Guide: Appendix E. One, Aerlitsson is not mentioned in the text that you mention. There is an "Malkion, also called Engr" but he is not described as setting foot on Brithos only that his children fought for possession of the land. Looking at the Guide's mention of Mount Aerlit p417, I'd say Engr ruled a Kachasti culture in Seshnela and became mythically identified as Malkion (General rule: Big Name followed by a Strange Name means that the Strange Name was the original form followed by the Big Name. Example: Uleria replaced Kassa in Pelanda) Secondly what you stress is not a fact but your interpretation. I don't believe the Vadeli are Autochthonous and I don't believe Aerlit is Late Golden Age. Incorrect, the relevant section is: "Before the Great Dawning", "Cumulated" means these were the end results of the Vadeli/Brithini Wars. Ergo the Blue Vadeli inhabited the Vadeli Isles as a result of these wars whereas we know they are actually Brown. What was described as taking place before the Great Darkness was the withdrawal of the Brown Vadeli to the hills and forests in the north (whereas the Hills of Dora were in the now flooded south). That the chronology of the text is choppy, I agree, but this is an early and outdated text and Greg's written worse howlers. I disagree. Slontos and God Forgot are the descendants of the people on the Expulsion Walk considering both places lay on the shores of the Faralinthor Sea in the middle Storm Age and New Malkonwall lay at the western end. The text is titled Malkion the Sacrifice, not the Danmalastan Cycle. The masses of the people refers to the people who were present when Malkion tried to summon the Fifth Action. This is the Destruction of the Spike. That the people changed there into horrible chaos demons does not mean that all Malkioni everywhere outside Brithini lands were likewise destroyed (and even if it did, one could dismiss it as Brithini bombast and hyperbole). I am really not interested in debating a nascent theory which I think is unnecessary (the existing source material does not have the contradictions you think it does) and wrong (Zzabur and everybody else having two distinct and contradictory mythical histories is simply not Glorantha). My position is that all the texts can be woven into one coherent mythology and the events placed within the scheme of the Guide: Appendix E. The Wars of Low Magic p12. The Five Secret Assassins (Uleria). The Ill-Intentioned Goddess (Britha)
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