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Everything posted by metcalph

  1. The same point is made in the King of Dragon Pass computer game in which Chalana Arroy manages to stop Storm Bull from killing Ragnaglar on the grounds of the same.
  2. Ragnaglar is dead. He's not mentioned for the same reason that Wakboth isn't.
  3. History of the Heortling Peoples p14-15 describes the Feldichi artefacts of Dokat as Painted poles that announced the names and virtues of anybody who travelled between them. Ice which didn't melt unless placed in a liquid A scroll which could be read by anyone. This is a slightly retouched version of what was originally in Dorastor: Land of Doom p6. There is also the pseudocosmic egg that was discovered at an unknown location. Now I'm tempted to identify the painted poles as being the precursors of the warding rune magics of RQ. What I am interested OTOH is finding out what the artefacts meant to the Feldichi and what they used them for. Where they critical to their religion like the Firestick to the early Pelandans? Or where they mere child's toys that somehow survived the destruction of the Feldichi (the Celestial Emgine and other Cradle treasures will fall into this category)? What use did the First, Second and Broken Councils make of them? What did they think it was for and to what purposes did they use them for? What other treasures did they find elsewhere. And of the flying machine, the actual text describes its Feldichi origins as speculative and says that it may date from the Dawn Age, the EWF, the Gbaji Wars or the God Learner Culture (Dorastor: Land of Doom p103). I think the control panel is too modern to be Feldichi.
  4. Fazzur was welcomed by the populace of Karse when he seized it in 1619 ST (King of Sartar p138) so my guess is that his base was there. It's a port, Lunar merchants are there etc.
  5. The thing is when Belintar is mortally wounded (as per the Prince of Sartar webzine), he reverts to his blue colour rather than a bronze one.
  6. p159 The Map is most interesting with regards to Altinela (certainly different from that in Arcane Lore). I wonder if the mountains surrounding it are the Mountains of the Sky? No Islands on the far side of Vithela.
  7. p150 Vase illustration. Ty Kora Tek has snakes for hair which is news to me (suggests Pelorian influence via Annara Gor). Lhankor Mhy does not have his hands raised which seems quite rude in the context. p151. Teleos is called the Pirate Isle. Well, it was before the Closing but there's a distinct lack of pirates there today. Nor is there much mention of any sea worship. Anecdote: In the original Gods of Glorantha from whence the text comes, the "their" in the statement "Their religion urges a struggle of life against Darkness, but accepts a final unity with the mystical currents of the world" had a rare double typo which left me wanting to know more about the Tehri. p153. Vith's Runes (Fire, Infinity, Fire) made me understand that the identification of Vith with Aether was still current which was a huge help for me in understanding the Vithelan mythos. Vayobi has a motion rune which is unusual for the Dragon of War.
  8. Bolongo is associated with Fonrit which lay within the God Learner orbit whereas the other gods of Pamaltela lay south of the Fense. It may be that the God Learners understood Bolongo too well which obscured their understaning of the other Pamaltelan Gods.
  9. p147 Korgatsu is named instead of Hykim. p149 The Light Rune is distinct from the Fire Rune., The Dragonewt Rune is distinct from the Dragonpower Rune. The condition runes are reminiscent of the Sepiroth except that Mastery is at the top, not Infinity. I also found it interesting that Unlife and Eternal Battle are presented as fundamental runes.
  10. I think Zzabur's map had annotations about what calamities befell the various places in Fronela as it was sunk. So in order to ensure that the sinking of Fronela could not come to pass, Snodal set about to ensure that some calamities simply could not happen. For example, a legend might have said "Here the God of the Silver Feet marshalled the White Bear Empire against the Flood but was overwhelmed" so Snodal might have decided to kill the God of the Silver Feet in order to falsify the map. Killing the God with Silver Feet would have been an easy decision for Snodal to make since I understand, he was a supporter of the White Bear Empire.
  11. According to HeroQuest: Glorantha p203, Illumination is known in Jrustela. I presume that the result of being exposed to forbidden God Learner secrets. As for whether the God Learners were mystical, the description of them as the "Most Learned but Least Wise" remains the best summary to date.
  12. The Moon Goddess killed in Darkness is the tale the Lunars tell curious listeners. It refers to Lesilla the Goddess of the Blue Moon Plateau (before the Trolls came) or Gerra, an eternally tortured Goddess. Although these Goddesses died, they are not the origins of the Red Goddess but manifestations of her in the past. In origin, the Red Goddess is an unknowable unknown. Her story of degradation, death and rebirth is the means by which she makes herself and her mysteries known to mortals.
  13. Its main port was probably at Chatakar (whose location and Dawn Age mention in Guide p431 places it firmly within Inzagril lands). Its capital is mentioned in Guide p433 somewhere within the Fever Trees.
  14. There's no significant human populations of Orlanthi in the area before the arrival of the Second Council. It also has a great deal of Praxians (Guide p222). There is a mythic presence of Vadrus that will be noticed (ie what the local Orlanthi see when they worship) and it is no coincidence that History of the Heortling Peoples p24 names the leader of the Talsardian contingent at the Battle of Night and Day as one Tuvadrus. He's described as a brother to the King and the Guide p222 again names the ruling dynasty as being from Brolia.
  15. From the saga there are a few notes but they are kind of outdated (like being descended from Hsunchen that sort of thing).
  16. An early sidebar for the Pamaltela Book draft (probably not canonical now) said that they took oaths of silence to preserve the secret. Humans later misunderstood the nature of their silence and the Cult of Silence was born.
  17. So I've been told. However I'm always open for a more interesting alternative.
  18. That's if you assume the intervention was by land. The Elves could have had boats so the elves could have been from Novarooplia or whomever preceded Zhnaquafia.
  19. The Gift Carriers were another name for the Knowledge Assassins (mentioned in the Umathela writeup). They really only targeted the God Learners there and God Learners elsewhere had their own dooms. As for it being a Deus ex Machina, when the Jrusteli overstepped the bounds of magic is one of the two instances of when Arachne Solara intervened (the other was the Sunstop). However it's not made clear where she intervened and my guess is probably the fall of the Machine City (in which the Gods did become active) rather than Umathela. IMO the Gift Carriers are not super-powerful entities. What they did have was a knowledge that allowed them to kill God Learners. This knowledge wasn't made by the Gods to punish the God Learners (although many people will think that it was). Rather the knowledge was unintentionally created by the God Learners themselves and that the Knowledge Assassins took advantage of this.
  20. The Praxians weren't too oppressed. Sheng Seleris was quite happy for them to supply troops for a naval invasion of Vormain. The Lunars smashed Sheng in Peloria. Undoubtedly killing him was a Big Deal but they had the help of Godunya. As soon as Sheng was gone, the other civilized peoples (Kralorela, Teshnos, Ignorance?) and Barbarians (Praxians, Trolls?) felt free to push back.
  21. Earlier material has refered to a Deathspider Shadow. If you hated spiders before, you would really be terrified now. The wiki just says the dark red planet rose in the sky, not that it blotted out the sun. It's an interpolation from the comment in the Guide (p647) that it was not recognised as a regular celestial body until the Sunstop
  22. The Red Gardener of Kuchawn is not canon (no matter how much I wish it so) The Holy Country will have been hugely influential in Dragon Pass, Maniria and the Wastelands. Belintar didn't send a fleet to Teshnos out of the blue (although admittedly he could have been trying to reach home) so there would have been a useful history to be written there.
  23. Instead of saying by the reign of Anirmesha, say instead 265 ST so that people know that you are referring to the map. Secondly the Lendarshi and the Lenshi are tribes. There are no tribal divisions among them especially at the Dawn. The Lenshi and Lendarshi probably paid tribute to Khordavu as soon as he asked. Plentonius even cites the Pelandans as becoming the foremost allies and subjects of the Ten Princes (p45 Fortunate Succession PDF) which even allowing for some slipperiness on Plentonius' behalf is unlikely to be a complete fabrication
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