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Posts posted by wbcreighton

  1. Well I am not to familiar with Fantasy Grounds except the fact that it is basicly a virtual table top for RPG. Are you referring to the miniatures adapted maps in the adventure?

    Yes with the maps already in the file, it would be easy to transfer the maps to FG to make the adventure.

  2. Well I have both products and I am in the middle of a Fantasy Grounds session using "Escape from the Slavelands" ( which has been fun).

    I received CoFE after I posted my original question and I have read CoFE once. I am also converting the adventures in CoFE into FG files.

    As written "Escape from the Slavelands" is not related to CoFE. It takes place thousands of years before CoFE. But having given it some thought, I would like the mutant pcs in my game to get to CoFE, so they might find a dimensional gate or they might get "summoned" by a sorceror to Urth.

    Ancient technology exists in CoFE, and it could be tailored to suit your taste. From my reading of the book: because this setting is thousands of years after an Armageddon of the Gods, ancient tech is a rarity by default. But as I said before, you could tailor that to suit your game, unless you are stuck on the "official canon". At this stage there is very little in the way of canon.

    There is more of the setting dedicated to demon summoning and sorcery than there is to ancient technology, but that might change as more material is published. Currently there are 7 pages on ancient artifacts, 9 pages on the gods, and 15 pages on demons and divine powers. I see CoFE as a very flexible setting, that you as a GM could focus on different aspects of it, to create a suitable style, that your players find fun.

  3. I don't think they have to charge for it because there is lots of free stuff on rpgnow or drivethrurpg in fact all of the d6 OGL system can be downloaded for free. You could always mention it to Chaosium, but it has been pointed out on this forum before.

    And in addition you can download the BRP QS from this web site ( for free ):


  4. sincerely heath delashmit

    ps i hope noone takes this the wrong way i am only trying to give my first impression of the brp book, to attempt to perphaps see why its not so big as other systems.

    Thanks for the first impression Heath. I don't think your first impression is that different from many of the gamers who are new to the BigGoldBook, and I think it is a definite obstacle for the system. The free quick start rules might be a good place for newcomers to look, but I think that an introductory book that was paired down, and was more affordable could really help. Not sure if Chaosium has considered that or not.

  5. Visited my FLGS yesterday and observed 1 copy of the BGB and 1 copy of Search for Trollslayer down on the bottom shelf. The BGB was shrinkwrapped so you can't even open it to look inside.

    The store carries the FULL line of MRQ2 and the remnants of MRQ1, plus tons of other rpg stuff.

    It hard to get it sold when it isn't really out there for sale. Lack of sales equates to lack of popularity.

    See the pic below for an idea of the amount of stuff they carry.


  6. I've just come across the rq_scifi draft and I'm going through it.

    My first reaction to rq-scifi is that it's appears to be the sum of taking all it's sources and adding them together...

    But then it also contains some realy useful resources and rules integration ideas.

    How about moving to OpenQuest as the reference game system?

    Simon Hibbs

    I think the author would acknowledge that it really is adding all the source material together, and it is not a finished document. As you mention it has lots of useful material and ideas.

    About Openquest: I think there is a scifi supplement for OQ coming out eventually ( or maybe it already has come out ). RQ_scifi and OQ are based on the same OGL, and the same RQSRD with the Traveller SRD add ins for the scifi, so they should be compatible. I bet if you took RQ_scifi and integrated OQ you could come up with something useful. Sounds like a good project for your spare time ;)

  7. Sounds great. Apparently the freighter has landed on the shores of the far off Canadian colony. Amazon.ca has just shipped my copy of C&C that I ordered in the summer. :) Unfortunately the second book in the series The Alchemist's Wife, didn't make it to the docks in time. :(

  8. I haven't had much experience with the Creative Commons License but I did purchase a pdf of Eclipse Phase. It uses the CCL and describes it as follows:

    This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-

    Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

    To view a copy of this license, visit:


    or send a letter to: Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite

    300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

    What this means is that you are free to copy, share, and remix the

    text and artwork within this book under the following conditions:

    1) you do so only for noncommercial purposes;

    2) you attribute Posthuman Studios;

    3) you license any derivatives under the same license.

    For specific details, appropriate credits, and updates/changes

    to this license, please see: http://eclipsephase.com/cclicense

    Now the Eclipse Phase rulebook is 420 pages long and has lots of Transhuman SciFi goodness. It has it's own setting, and as a bonus it is a d100 system. Is there any interest in the text within it ? By my very uninformed reading of the license, the text of the pdf could be extracted and used in a non-commercial publication as long as the proper credits were given. I might be able to supply that text.

  9. I was referring to the ratio of mono vs. full products that are being published now. THAT has changed.

    Are you referring to Chaosium products or are you including 3rd party publishers ?

    Chaosium has the BGB, Devil's Gultch and Trollslayer as full products ( not including Superworld or Nephilism )

    There are approx 20 monographs depending on what you include.

    Then there are the fine Alephtar and Cubicle 7 products.

    Before Devil's Gultch came out the ratio was about 1:10 now that Devil's Gultch is out it is about 3:20 . So that is a drastic change in the ratio.

    If you include 3rd party stuff the ratio is more like 1:2 which is a huge difference.

    It is good to see, even if some people would like to see it change faster.

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